Cardfight!! Vanguard ZERO

The game has now officially released globally. If you like card games and want something different from Duel Links, Hearthstone, Shadowverse, etc now is a great time to get in. They are giving out 20 free packs to everyone.

Besides just the card games there's a cool story mode that follows the anime episode by episode, a great OST and a My Room feature where you can collect different trinkets and customize it with your favorite characters.

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Post decks

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Can I get this card?

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>different from Duel Links

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Given how archetype based Vanguard is, how hard is it to make a decent deck?

The card pool's small enough right now that you should be able to put together a decent deck within the first week/week and a half

Simple as shit. Deckbuilding is heavily streamlined and every higher rarity card in every new set almost always replaced the previous higher rarity card in the same color/clan..

My dude play the game.
>b-but muh 3 zones
The real Vanguard game has always used 3 zones for the past 10 years. Aside from that there are really no other similarities. It's as different as it gets.

Not gonna lie, it looks like shit.

Zero's starting from the way beginning, GBT08 is about 17 sets away not counting extra boosters.

Why would anyone play this over Duel Links when clearly even the people who created this consider Duel Links a better game worth plagiarizing even.

They didn't plagiarize Duel Links though

>vanguard is 9 years old
>people STILL think it's a ripoff of yugioh

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Just googled it and it and it's nothing but a shameless Duel links clone. Fucking yikes. Go eat shit somewhere else.

They would play it over duel links because it's different from duel links.

I think you need to work on your researching skills then

>so much data to download that re-rolling takes forever and my internet is shit
I don't know if I want to keep doing this. Might just suck it up and take what I get.

Retards like are going to keep popping up

It's not future card buddyfight.

BF sadly seems to be on its last legs.
>card game sales are less than 50% what they were
>no anime in sight
It probably won't ever get a mobile game

You don't have to uninstall to reroll
Go to the title screen and hit menu on the top right
The last button allows you to delete your account without uninstalling so rerolling is really fast

>Poor man's Duel Links.
>Ugly characters.

My buddy.

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Wow. I'm really dumb. I had no idea you can do that. Thanks user!

What's the best stuff to reroll for in this?

It's a gacha and they will do exactly what Konami did or worse. Check the japanese version. Also, phones aren't for gaming.

Two to three RRR cards in a clan you like.

Sucks, I really enjoyed its first couple of years. Then quit when it became apparent all they cared about is dragons. Up until the end of thousand demons arc the anime was great.

I played danger world and was making a darkness world apocalypse knight deck.

>raise the flag!

Is it worth getting into this if I want to learn how to play the actual tcg? Are the rules the same?

Most of the core is the same but this game makes several major changes

The rules are a bit different from the actual game to fit a mobile format. However the core mechanics are pretty much the same. There will be a few adjustments you have to make but you can pick up the real game without too much difficulty coming from this game.

Foolishness, user. Foolishness.

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You should watch Ace. Its the best one.

Don't worry a PC version is coming soon.

How are OTT in this? They were what I played for the short while I played the physical game, so I might aim for them

>IRL card looks good
>game cards look like trashware mobile f2p card game #2131245
Why though

Wait where the source for the >50% drop?

There's a guy who's the owner of Card Kingdom (basically the walmart of card shops) in Japan and who also happens to be a co-creator of Buddyfight too. He posts TCG sales every month on his twitter and BF's sales have continuously been dropping, even more so since its anime was abruptly ended.

I think they're alright as of now. They get really good when Tsukuyomi comes out which I think is in a couple months going by the JP version.

The art improved over time as more artists started drawing for the game. The IRL card is from 2015/2016 with the game cards being from 2011. Vanguard doesn't have a "unified" artstyle like Konami does with YGO and is mostly guest art
The game cards look somewhat better in the full art

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Is this the zoomers yugioh?

From a scale of 1 to 10 how much dragon world masturbating is there. Got real fucking fed up with those. 1 monster type should not get 4 worlds and then a sub faction in all other worlds.

Not really? Vanguard has been around for almost a decade now.

To add onto this, Vanguard has artists ranging from Obari to Melon 22.

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If I wanted to play a card game I'd play Shadowverse or Yugioh , not a cheap clone like this.

But it plays nothing like SV or YGO. You should at least give it a shot.

>Melon 22
A man of culture

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Thanks. I genuinely couldnt find any info on the sales drop and only the figures of the sales from last year. Can you spoonfeed me the tweet? If its that bad it maybe time for me to quit tcgs.

>the anime was great.

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>he doesn't like two bros clashing as everything else including gods bend to their will

This was his latest post for Feb 2020 sales. BF is ranked 9 with 45% what it made in Feb 2019. But this trend has been consistent for a while now.

>shadypenguin is shilling this game now

To think not having an anime would kill it

More like I don't like Gao.

My mistake, thought you were talking about Ace

Fucking hell at least do some goddamn research you mongoloids

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Playing it right now, so those gacha tickets only work on that one banner and won't work for any future banner, so it's best to just use them all now, right?

Duel Links is gacha shit by that same metric, user.
It's also a different game, Speed Duel format came out with Vrains and Cardfight Vanguard has existed far longer than fucking Vrains. Also they're going to now scrap Speed Duel format for entirely new cards with SEVENS while Vanguard didn't need to change much so which game is in a shittier spot right now?

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The game has a weird structure. There's only one banner at first until the S2 update where they split it into three banners. They all use the same tickets though

>until the S2 update where they split it into three banners
But regardless it's still the same cards, right?

Yes. The card pool expands for about three more sets in the first banner and then the banner split happens where they separate the card pool so you can focus on the clans you want
Aside from that, the new clans in the banner have rate up and they start doing more traditional x clan rate up events

I only know this series from the yaoi doujins.

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The MC is frequently called a heroine by the community and even the creators so I'm not really surprised.

i have some cards from 2010