Why haven't you built a gaming PC yet?
Why haven't you built a gaming PC yet?
I have.
is this what the kids call "overkill"?
you just posted the perfect example not to. have fun spending $2000 extra a year just for the electricity bill
is it healthy stacking cards like that?
OP pic mostly used for chrome and some light gaming
fuck you
That is not a photo of a "gaming" PC.
What is going on here?
DSP tries to solder
That's a workstation, not a gaming PC.
Is it even possible to run 4 way SLI anymore? I thought Nvidia doesn't support it.
If i mess it up and it didnt work...I would feel like a tool
Just picked up a new mobo and cpu and ram. A little nervous to install it all desu. Ive heard mobos are a pain
>Why haven't you built a gaming PC yet?
I'm fucking trying, but I keep getting rejected by GPUs
>no flux
>didn't tin his tip
that's what the pc building thread in /g/ is for
with all the info online and toddler-level tutorials available, you need to be a very special kind of retard to fuck this up
Dude relax it's just like legos lmao
I have. But I can't get a gpu shipped to me because of this fucking virus
why have multiple gpus
cant games only utilize one?
>inb4 crossfire
it died.
I got a prebuilt that was not much more expensive than building it myself just a few days ago
Will probably change a few cheapo parts later down the road tho
The parts for my new build are on the way here because I fried ol' blue while I was playing Alyx the other night.
You can squeeze some more juice out of 2 cards, but anything past that is pure retardation
I build one 5 years ago.
Got scammed by nvidia by buying the GTX 970 fuck.
Ended up only playing factorio and rimworld and today only use the PC for daytrading crypto.
I bought a 970 right before all that news came out too. I was sort of mad but it still ran everything fine and I was too lazy to get in on that class action lawsuit. I had a good chuckle at all those videos of the toothless mexican guy laughing about 3.5gb.
Imagine the PSU needed for that shit.
Thats a big PSU
There's PSUs with 1600W, it gets pretty crazy.
It would have to be at least 1200W just for four titans, not including whatever CPU.
I'd say 1600W at bare minimum.
Usually its several PSUs. Like its pretty common for servers to use 2-4 PSUs.
Also this
What's the point of titans? They're not even for gaming right? Are they for like CGI studios or something?
because im retarded
I have. I want to build my new one but while everything else would be a huge improvement, the GPUs of today aren't good enough so I'm waiting for the ti version of whatever nvidia do next
coming from a first time builder, the hardest part was screwing in the cpu cooler
what was the scam? i have a gtx 970
They're for rich kids to show off and for some very niche professional uses.
Hollywood studios use Quadro GPUs and other absurdly expensive shit like that.
I'm nervous about that. I went with a quiet liquid cooler for my i7 that's coming with my new build next week. I've installed many CPU fans but never a liquid cooler.
>liquid cooler
Oh, dear.
It was advertised as having 4 GB of VRAM but it actually only has 3.5 GB
Don't worry about it user. Just don't be afraid to put a little elbow grease into installing the heatsink. Really put your arm into it.
I can't remember the specifics but the 970 is essentially a video card with 3.5 gb of RAM instead of 4 like advertised and like what was on the box. I forget how it worked. I think it had 4 gb but was only able to use 3.5 because of some oversight.
>le epic pro solder boy
cringe. nigger, have sex first, then talk
Wait is there something bad about them?
Okay DSP.
I ordered an RTX from Newegg 2 weeks ago and had it in 4 days
Built this 4 years ago and was always terrified to overclock my cpu, did it the other day and felt retarded with how easy it was.
I did 5 years ago but there are no good modern games on PC so I don't bother upgrading. inb4 12°C The sensors on my fan is not set up correctly
I'm positive no one uses these Nickelodeon Double Dare setups except YouTube channels
I mean that looks like something elaborate and tacky, the one I got is real basic Corsair. Are the chances of that happening high enough I should I should return now and find a fan on amazon before the other parts come?
Welcome to the fold brother.
More expensive and more points of failure. Assuming you're using an aio, if the pump goes bad you're fucked and have to replace the whole thing and there's always the possibility of leaks. If the fan dies on your air cooler, a replacement is cheap
Don't mind that user, basic liquid coolers for cpu are great and look sleek as fuck. I have a big noctua fan and it is great but ugly as fuck.
I did
>I7 9700k
>RTX 2080
And guess what? I play more games on my PS4 and Switch lmao
>case has thumbscrews
>they're too tight, requiring a screwdriver to remove
Pretty sure speccy is just retarded about temps on AMD CPUs. On bulldozer they give you stupidly low results and on Gen 1 and 2 Ryzens they give you stupidly high ones.
Last time I saw something similar was to process a bunch of raw datas from some astrophysical shit, so i doubt this is for gaming.
I did. Still using my trusty 2600k to this day.
>still using speccy
I did. 1070 chad reporting in
How does that happen? No way the pump puts enough pressure to pop your tubing.
You can buy flux-cored solder. No idea if it's good or not because I design ICs and don't have to work with PCBs like a pleb lmao.
>spend $7k to play SNES and N64 emulators
no I believe it's dictated by my fan-control unit and I don't have the sensors in the correct locations mainly because I'm lazy and don't give a shit.
Is possible to build a good pc with 100 bucks?
Money constraints. The irony is that with the timing of the Corona virus, me getting laid off of work because of it, money I've had saved anyway, corona bucks from the stimulus package and my eventual unemployement bucks I'm going to have more money than I've ever had before. I'll probably build one once the 1,2k comes in. Any reccomendations for parts? I have an SSD and 16gb ram already. I want to be able to basically play any game that comes out on medium settings.
even if it were to be a high end build from 2 decades ago, no
you will be fine, water coolers are great, just don't go for water tanks and pipes like the retard in that webm
Thanks my man
Pic related is my everything machine. I just spend another $350 today on a new case and Corsair 360mm AiO unit because my air cooler is having trouble keeping my CPU under 88C when encoding.
$7k is the new highest amount I've seen in a bait post. Wonder if $10k will soon become common shitposting parlance
No but you could buy a decent raspberry pi and build a sick little emulation device out of it with that.
>the only reason to have a gaming PC is for, PSX, PS2, N64 & Gamecube emulators
I have a GTX 980 and it feels like that time again to upgrade. What to upgrade to?
People don't use speccy anymore?
Get with the times grandpa.
I'm not positive you could come in under $100 even using Wish.com bootleg GPUs with hacked BIOS info and a fire hazard power supply
No, it's just a part of a crypto mining setup. OP is just a fucking brainlet if he thinks this is a gaming setup.
I will never be able to play new games with Yas Forums anons
Wait for Nvidia 3000, current GPUs are shit and your 980 will easily carry you until the new ones are out.
Hard to say for sure, but above the joint it looks like there's no flow, while below the joint there is something like liquid movement.
iirc, there's a detached 0.5GB located else where and trying to access it cause a major slow down.
What could you possibly gain from having 4 titans in SLi?
No. Even the Destitute-tier on Logical increments is $233 and uses onboard graphics.
If you found some used office computers for cheap, you may be able to slap a low-tier, low-power gpu into them and call it a day.
Okay. The one I have coming is just a basic little thing like pic related that has a cpu cover with 2 lines to a dual 120mm radiator.
I was only memeing, I see people on /g/ shitting on it so I do the same, they usually know what they are talking about. But honestly HWiNFO64 is way better
whats the problem with speccy?
No it isn't, workstations use quadro cards. It's probably a crypto miner.
Heavy video editing and compiling, and/or mining buttcoins
i dont knwo how :(( i hace sexy big tities someone do it for me :) x
>If you found some used office computers for cheap, you may be able to slap a low-tier, low-power gpu into them and call it a day
That's exactly what I did with my first real PC that I bought with my own money. Bought some shitty Asus office computer and slapped a 260 and then eventually a 660ti, it worked like a charm.
>Heavy video editing and compiling
Wouldn't that benefit more from a fast processor?
Perfect, my brother uses that exact one for his i9 and has no issues for nearly a year now. Good luck user and enjoy building it, I did my first four years ago and was shitting myself but me and my brother had the greatest time ever.
its like legos bros
1070 here too
nice build
to play what
there's codecs that make use of GPU's as well as stuff like CUDA acceleration.
noctua nh-d15 vs 3 fan AIO
which is best?
Wheres the RGB?
A girl.... AND a gamer? Whoa mama! Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! *eyes pop out*
*jaw drops tongue rolls out*
*tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach*
*tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart*
Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady...
*heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt* ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum *milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets* BABY WANTS TO FUCK *inhales from the gas tank* honka honka honka honka
turned it off
In hell where it belongs
None of these people have ever used a soldering iron in their lives, nothing was damaged in the webm.
The AIO might perform veeery slightly better, but for twice the price, with more noise and way more risk to your system.
D15 is overall much better imo.
i have my phone for that, works great with a dualshock 4
Yeah I fell for the s340 meme
I have. I just got a new gpu and cooling fan last week. Things are working very well. I'm more upset at myself for getting a bad mobo and cpu. I didn't want to waste my cash and it was technically twice as good as my old shit. But it's still not an actually respectable CPU.
I was big into PC gaming around 2005-2012. I grew out of it and went back to consoles. Consoles are much better and I made a huge mistake wasting that much time with PC gaming.
But I just started ordering parts for my new monster rig. Fucking jew sellers at newegg have their prices jacked way the fuck up. Too bad for them amazon exists.
as someone who is upgrading their Dark Rock Pro 4 cooler for a Corsair 360mm AiO, I can say it really depends on what CPU you're trying to cool. When I'm encoding and have all 16c32t on my 3950X locked to 100%, the AiO's start winning against top tier air coolers.
must be nice buying a new console every year
I have, it was hard because the heatsink had to be pushed with like 40 pounds of pressurre to properly attach
for me it's the other way around. I bought a ps4 and switch then upgraded my PC and now I barely touch the consoles anymore. To each their own i guess
Yeah fair enough, but since we're on Yas Forums i assumed he's talking about gaming, which is where i'd say Noctua wins for sure.
>way more risk to your system.
Don't water coolers use a special water that doesn't fry electronics? I had a Radeon 5970 back in the day and my AIO leaked all over the top of it and my system crashed. After it dried after 2 days the graphics card seemed to work normally
I did in 2018. Don't think I'll have any reason to upgrade in this decade, I'm getting pretty burnt out on games.
Why do people use water cooling anyway? Wouldn't it make more sense to straight-up refrigerate the entire thing? Ice cooling?
Yes, it's actually a delight to explore a new library with the real hardware every so often. I've done the original Xbox, PS2, PS1, Saturn, PS3, Wii, Gamecube, PSP, PS4 and I'm excited to get a PCEngine next. PC gamers will never know what they're missing out on.
It's a shame the old consoles look shit on modern TVs otherwise I would buy them. I tried to play my Gamecube on a HDTV and it looked like ass.
I'm not a consolefag but I'm pretty sure you don't have to buy a console every year. Unless you have rotten enough luck to keep getting hardware failures over and over.
>Don't water coolers use a special water that doesn't fry electronics?
I'm not sure, but i know someone whose system died because of a leaking AIO.
Either way i'd say it's not worth the hassle, unless you have a niche use case like