Why did he get shafted?

Why did he get shafted?

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Refresh my mind, please. What game?

>omggg not my grantorino!!! Not my jelly of Trevor fucking Sypha good boi!!!

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Because he's even more easy mode than Marie. He bypasses most of the game.

Grant Danasty from Castlevania III. He's the only playable character from that game to not show up in the Netflix Castlevania show that adapts the events of that game.

I think you'll find it was Alucard who got shafted.

> Deep in the ass

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He's the most extraneous. Alucard and Sypha have greater connections to the hero and villain, Grant is just there. That said Ellis's ACTUAL reason for cutting him is fucking stupid.

Never forget

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Because he's not a cute girl.

Season 3 hinted he exists, actually. As "a nutjob riding around on a boat with wheels".

shut the fuck up Boco

Yes sir...

Couldn't find a way for him to climb on walls and have it make sense.

>tfw judgement made him into a actual cuck

Are you kidding me? That's so fucking petty, why can't he just admit his fucking mistake?

>That's so fucking petty, why can't he just admit his fucking mistake?
Wait, is there something I missed?

>implying Richter isn’t the most Shafted character in the series

Shut yo mouth

It started years ago user. He isn't a semen repository like Sypha and doesn't have much else going for him.

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Fuck Grant. Where the fuck is Death?

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Considering he cursed his family bloodline for hundreds of years because he's a retard he deserved it.

Shaft shafted Richter so Shaft could shaft Alucard, who was shafted by Death on his way to shaft Dracula, eventually he shafts Shaft's ball, freeing Richter from shaft's shafting, then heads to shaft Shaft and Dracula, so he can get home and shaft Maria.

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Daily reminder juhmayne is gonna meet Dante and bring him through the infinite corridor.

I unironically like this design, it just doesn't fit Grant

>Ellis never played the games and admits he writes the show based off wikipedia and google
>thinks Grant is stupid and didn't include him because "a pirate doesn't make sense in a landlocked country"
>this just makes him look even dumber because Grant being a pirate is a translation error/fabrication for the English manual; in actuality Grant was a thief and a rebel
>fans keep asking when is Grant going to show up anyway
>Ellis doubles down on his idiocy by referencing "a nutjob riding around on a boat with wheels"

Dam that's dumb. Like, easily, you could write Grant as this leader of a rebel group that fights monsters for cash or something, he teams up with the heroes for an episode and then they part ways. Easy.

i think its a fun reference

all things considered this season was nowhere near as good as season 2, still ok

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if you're referring to the anime it's because they didn't go the clocktower route.

>i think its a fun reference
maybe I'm reading too much into it but it just came off as more of a jab to me after people have been pestering Ellis about Grant's inclusion

I would say he was only one who DIDN'T get shafted because he got spared from that shitshow.

This, he's one of the most common boss fights in the series.

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>include Slogra and Gaibon but not death
Fucking hell.

Did you hear about the Mathias Cronqvist stuff? Ellis seems to almost disdain some parts of the series.

He is canonically gay. He never has sex in the games.

We wuz Death n shiet

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Well, Alucard also got shaft-ed in the show.

ay, nice

he could be asexual, honestly he being bisexual makes perfect sense to me

>He never has sex in the games.
Doesn't make someone gay

That is retarded as it was Death that helped Mathias ascend to vampirehood and was the thing Leon had to fight at the end. No to mention Death is Dracula's BFF and is always by his side whenever possible.

of course it does, look in the mirror

Yeah, I don't understand how a guy with zero interest in the series is the only one they could find to fucking write an adaptation. That said the less they get into Lament of Innocence the better imo

>Skellies are taboo for the chinks
>they won't show Death for those chinkbux

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>never had sex
Carefully think about that for a second. The Alucard from the games is either volcel or possibly asexual.

>Did you hear about the Mathias Cronqvist stuff? Ellis seems to almost disdain some parts of the series.
No, but to be fair everything about Lament of Innocence and its soap opera story is worthy of disdain.

Why does Death work for Dracula anyway? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Fucking chinks, give them a badly done Seventh Seal death if they are to rattled to see their own inner beings.

Death serves the one who holds the Crimson stone. Why this is hasn't been explained.

If you want to talk about the cartoon then please go do it on Yas Forums. It doesn't belong on Yas Forums because you don't give a shit about and don't want to actually talk about the games.

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Isn't Death legit gay for Dracula or something? I think I remember that being a thing

What game is that from? I only played 1, 3, 4, Bloodlines, Rondo, SOTN and Chronicles

Lament of Innocence.

Should I play it?

Give it a go. The combat is pretty good and it has an excellent soundtrack. Level design is kinda meh but the levels themselves aren't too long and you can choose which ones you want to tackle first.

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Thanks user, been looking for a reason to bust out the modded ps2

I never understood this meme

the Konami equivalent of Nomura designed that game. holee fuckn sheeeeiitttt

>spared from the shitty adaptation

It was the guy who made death note.