Dark Souls 1

What were some of the boss battles you think you would never win as a new player?
Mine was the moonlight butterfly, i only had that issue because of doing melee only

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Gaping Dragon. It's kind of crazy to think I couldn't get it at first since it's such a simple fight, but for whatever reason it was just crazy tough.

And the Ornstein and Smough obviously were a stopping block. I ran out of humanity summoning Solaire for it and eventually had to do it myself. Never though I'd do it.

And then there was Bed of Chaos. Fuck that boss.

I unironically almost stopped playing due to the Capra demon
I then stopped using PC controls and plugged in a controller

Nito, because I didn't know you could avoid fighting the giant skeletons and also I didn't know that blessed weapons killed skeletons for good

As a sorcerer, Capra Demon. And Hydra. I wouldn't know where to put my char in hydra fight.

did they ever fix the armors looking like plastic in the remaster?

I always thought I'd need to wait until I can get some help in co-op.
Even to this day I regularly summon Solaire for it, because I think the 2 on 1 design is bullshit, fuck having to kite them around for 17 years until they fall out of sync enough to get some cheaps hit in one of them. I genuinely think it's one of the worst bosses in all games.

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just reinstalled this. Got stuck on one boss and have no idea what this game is even about desu anymore. Not as good as bloodborne or DS3

I am not sure why everyone insists PC controls for this game are so bad. I beat it on PC with m+kb and had absolutely no issues.

If what you are asking is what fight we can't believe we won the first time we tried them: Manus. I was never able to replicate that, so I always die at least few times every time I replay it.

Stinky post.

Fuck me too. I have no idea how I beat him first try.

Everything is such turbo-hard mode when you go into these games having never played the genre before. I used to play D&D 3.5 and make all sorts of great builds and understood the ruleset and meta, yet I went into Demon's Souls and for some reason didn't even get a grasp on how to spend leveling points or what gear to craft up, I'd just make awful (non)quality builds that spread my points thin in useless stats and thus make myself weak in mid-to-late game content, so everything was hard as fuck. Then years later I did the same fucking shit again as DaS 1 released.

It wasn't until Dark Souls 2 that I finally got gud at the mechanics and the gameplay itself. Soloing pursuer was so exhilarating even though it's obviously such an easy fight in hindsight. 2 gets a lot of flak but it really taught me a lot about how to play these games, such as not to rely on lock-ons because pretty much every enemy is designed for you to strafe around them but if you just free-cam and run behind them in steep angles, you can get at most enemies' backs and get a lot of cheap damage in and I wouldn't have learned this if it weren't for 2's crowd encounter design.

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It took me like 40 tries by myself solo at level 49 my first time i beat them pretty easy by myself now usually in the first try if the camera dosent mess up

Sorry i worded it wrong, yes that is what i ment.

Unmodified keyboard and mouse controls for DS1 were completely unusable. A DSFix mod made them work, and KB + Mouse control was fine in 2 and 3 other than not having access to omnidirectional rolling.

Scared the shit out of me first time I fought it as an adult man. Fighting walking through dark water for some reason is super unsettling in DS. The hydras for whatever reason are nightmare fuel.

I still never beat Manus. too bloodborne

Same thing here. Wasn't playing on PC but nearly dropped the game because of that fight. What were they thinking putting this boos in the game at all?

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Sanctuary Guardian
It's like something out of Devil May Cry, and I'm just a regular shmuck with a sword.

Did you skip the intro? you're suppose to ring some bells in two towers

>DaS 3

This is the worst type of souls "fan". Every fucking time I play DeS, DaS 1, DaS 2, BB or Sekiro, all I can think about in the back of my mind is "why was DaS 3 so phenomenally fucking awful?".

And yet some people think it's actually good.

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Manus, that piece of shit filtered me so hard that I stopped playing for years, his attacks made my PC stutter hard, I came back years later and beat him on my second try.

He's a filter. Would be a perfectly fair fight if it weren't for the camera.

I doubt I'd die to them either if I solo'd, but I just hate the timesink and patience based design, so I always call Solaire in to speed things up a bit.

I played Dark Souls 1 for the first time last summer on heavy recommendation for my friends and the answer is... none of them? The only difficult part of the game was figuring out how to get to the Four Kings. All the actual boss fights I beat within 4 or 5 tries.

Honestly I don't really understand what the big meme is about the games difficulty. It basically just punishes you for not going ungo bunga

stray demon took me fucking forever. a friend told me to go back to the asylum before blighttown so I could get the rust ring. at that point my damage output was barely scratching him
I then developed the tried and true strategy of circling around and ramming my sword up his fat ass which works for every large boss in the game. eventually I beat it but it took me a long fucking time

DS3 isn't awful, it's just kind of homogenous and boring due to there being exactly one gameplay style that you have to use every run and in every area.

ceaseless discharge, trying to beat him legit made me go fucking insane
i did eventually, then i found out about the trick to instant kill him and never looked back, fuck him

It's actually a genius piece of design, it's a dual playstyle check with Moonlight Butterfly.
The idea is, as a new player your explore after Parish until you find one of them, and then you either need poise to beat Capra or spells to beat Moonlight, which you get in the opposing area. Of course, it helps if you actually look at the stat screen and figure out what all the stats actually do.

I still need to learn the install, I just try to cheese him every time I fight him

Action game fans get on with it better than RPG fans, since you're mostly in it to fight things fast and most of the bosses are pretty great.

Same, at least not in solo, unless cheating with ranged outside of boss fog counts. I hated the DLC bosses altogether, DaS 1 was not designed for that level of pace, your character is just too fucking slow while the bosses are living in Miyazaki's future. It makes themed builds unable to get through and that's the worst fucking type of design. When you just want to play as a simple mage without all the meta mage gear that hyper-powers your spellcasting, you can go fuck yourself because these bosses won't ever give you a window of time to cast more than 3 soul spears.

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4 Kings really pushed my shit in and I also took way too long to figure out Seath's gimmick.

All you need to beat Capra is a shield. when I first encountered him the left bumper on my controller was broken and I couldn't block and at that point in the game I didn't think it was a big deal to need block, so he beat my ass viciously. Unless I switched to keyboard and mouse and could block his attacks I annihilated him in like two tries

The only boss that gave me trouble was Manus I didn't beat him until my second playthrough with a better build

I cant really remember. I think the last boss I killed was the butterfly magic thing. I got down to the bottom of that really dark area with fire torches everywhere and weird flying insects or whatever they were. Anyway I got to that boos in the area and was massively under levelled and just gave up. This game is a mess compared to BB and Das3

There's actually no boss that made me feel like I was never gonna defeat it but there was the entire blight town area that I felt like giving up on after I swore that I would kill everyone there and only then move ahead becuz of everyone saying its hard and fps drop is horrible

Fucking Manus. I didn't beat him until my third play through of the DLC, and the amount of frustration caused by attempting to fight him has forever turned me away from ever playing through it again.

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I never knew about that, I just ran away each time it made his aoe attack and hit him when he approached me.

I just can't stand how rushed and shallow the lore and level design is. You start the level looking at a cool vista, thinking "wow, can't wait to explore Lothric Castle or Irithyll!" then spend the next hour going down a glorified corridor. Also here's a boss with a basic bitch lore (he did have good lore but Bamco said the game needs to be out in a year so we scrapped it) but he's a stand user so you're legally required to overhype him.

The game was rushed out in a year and all they could do was fill it with nonsense fanservice and references.

wtf do you need to block in Capra fight? He'll just crush your guard if you block IIRC.
Unless you go out of your way to upgrade your shield maybe.

bed of chaos is just fucking stupid

Who DeS emulatan' here?

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Pretty much just O&S. Everything else felt doable. Beating O&S feels like a MASSIVE achievement.

You just run to the large patch of earth to the right and fight him there while avoiding stomps and healing after he butt slams? I know it's a frustrating fight because of the lava gimmick but it's not that hard.

Just roll through his massively telegraphed attacks?
Amateur hour in here.

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The theme of the whole game is that it's the final Dark Souls you kill the last of the demons, dragons, gods etc. The fanservice is part of the package.

See, RPGfag.
As an actionfag I like dancing fast with bosses and quick enemies. I agree that the level design is lackluster because bamco would rather kill the golden goose than develop a game properly. Glorified corridor is a bit harsh considering how the first game is basically ledge simulator.

>DaS2 nigger thinks he's allowed to comment on literally anything
Your kind deserves nothing but ridicule and scorn

bosses difficulty (not including DLCs):

>easy tier
asylum demon
gaping dragon
iron golem
taurus demon

>medium tier
capra demon
ceaseless discharge
centipede demon
demon firesage
four kings
stray demon

>hard tier
s & o
bed of chaos
bell gargoyles
I think we can all 100% agree on this

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The action game component is kind of shit though, because in a proper character action game, you have more than one valid defensive option, and can, with perfect execution, avoid getting hit at all, which sinply isn't possible in DS3 due to the retarded speed of most enemies' attack combos.

A lot of the lore was changed during development. The game went through a big overhaul and was then rushed out before the new version was fully realized. So Kind of like Dark Souls 2

>all of those easy bosses on hard

>bell gargoyles

here comes that smug faggot

The only hard one in your hard tier is O & S. Put Quelaag and the Four Kings in there

Do you find it easier if you beat Ornstein or Smough first?

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I mean this in a first playthrough
after you learned how to beat them every boss is easy as piss

Quelagg isn't a hard tier boss your strategy in the fight is just wrong if you think so

for literally no reason, my recent Iron Golem fight was pretty hard. Never thought I'd actually have trouble with him, took me at least 2 sessions to beat him

Beating Ornstein first is way easier

>I have no argument, the post.

DaS 2 is a real, proper adventure. DaS 3 tastes like manufactured garbage coming off of a conveyor belt, like your mom's breast implant tits.

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I am playing this for the first time. Beat the Minotaur nigger and then the dragon fucked me up. Dont feel like doing all that again

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If anything, Stray Demon and Ceaseless Dischargce (without cheesing) could be moved to hard

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new player here, I just beat the moonlight butterfly using the witch because I'm doing a melee run, will I need to get some ranged weapons later on?

And yet DaS 2 has levels that need to be actually explored and a really deep lore inter-connected with all the lands, even despite the fact that the Giants were left largely unexplained.

DaS2 is a figure skating simulator that comes with a free helping of eye cancer, nothing else

ornstein and smough is effectively impossible unless you knew where to grab Havel's Ring, and even then it's extremely repetitive and boring and takes over ten minutes of hit and running. Summoning Solaire makes it a cake walk, but the game never makes it clear you can do this, and Anor Londo is dangerous enough that most players won't want to just have their humanity 'on' while exploring the whole area to find the summon sign, given how limited of a resource humanity is at this point in the game.

Only O&S could be considered "hard", the rest are easy as fuck, faggot.

Everyone says to kill ornstein first, but they're retards. mega ornstein is much easier than mega smough, because the latter's hammer charge is tricky to dodge, and his lighting butt bounce is unavoidable if you happen to be right next to him when he starts.

Ornstein and Smough. I never thought I'd be able to beat them without Solaire. When I finally did it on my second run of the game I felt like a fucking god.

i like dark souls 3 and i think it is a good game

priscilla wrecked me more than any other boss by a large margin because i did tank strats the whole time and her bleed fucking destroyed me and i was not good enough at paying attention to where she was
didn't know about fast rolling either so i was just lumbering around in stone armour getting bled by the frustrating invisible chick

You don't have to beat Taurus again. Watch some gameplay vids of that area, you're probably pissing your pants instead of realizing how easy it is to fight those hollow peasants the game's throwing at you in Undead Burg.

Stray demon isn't that hard you can beat him pretty early on it's just a simple hit and run fight

Bosses don't come back

so what are some hard bosses in your incredibly valuable opinion?

Yeah DS2 definitely came out better than 3 in terms of story and lore, they just went through a similar development problem

You can say the same thing about any boss.

I'm stuck on Capra Demon right now. He doesn't seem too tough but the dogs skullfuck me into the corner before I can do anything

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>run toward the dragon
>hard right and go down steps
>get new path to bonfire
>get bow
>cheese dragon's tail
>get easy mode sword

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The only eye cancer is the metric fuckton of particle effects seeping out of every single square inch of the screen, that you kids call "art" in Dark Souls 3. Reminder that you have to be 18+ to post here.

I'd say he's hard because you'll usually fight him early. He hits really hard for that level range and the initial fall starts you off at a disadvantage

starting a new game now. Any tips for a sorcerer playthrough?

>Ceaseless Dischargce (without cheesing) could be moved to hard

I'm lmaoing at your life. He has like one fucking move, just roll after he moans.

Use the stairs and thrust the dogs if you can

please don't tell me you use summonings for boss fights -_-

Manus with Melee
Gwyn without parrying

But you also have no argument. The only thing it does right is bring back Gwyn's theme for the final boss and the Berserk township level near the start of the game - not because hurr berserk, but because it was actually a level to explore and not a fucking corridor.

Just do yourself a favor and rip out your eyeballs, you don't seem to be using them anyway

Calm down satan, geez

He's also harder to learn because his magic attack hitbox is deceptively large and lingers longer than you would expect an explosion to last.

>ornstein and smough is effectively impossible unless you knew where to grab Havel's Ring

Jesus Yas Forums is bad

It is absolutely possible to play DS3 without getting hit, and the bonus of playing it over char action games is the way I get to make my own character with a huge choice of weapons.
DaS3 is hardly like amazing but it hits the spot sometimes.

so far I used solaire for bell gargoyles and the witch for the butterfly, I think I'll do these without summoning on a subsequent play because I'm too shit currnetly

I heard about this before, and I thought you had to do it the very first time you saw him take flight in Undead Burg

Not him, but the easiest way to beat Capra Demon in that tight space with those shitty dogs is to run up the stairs, kill the dogs when you can before he follows, and then block until he falls down. Then do an aerial attack and repeat.

>and lingers longer than you would expect an explosion to last
Yeah, fuck that shit so much. Got me more than once

I summoned once on my first playthrough against gaping dragon, but I reseted it after being cursed because I had no idea what to do there.

Shield up at the beginning and run up the stairs.

Take out the dogs first.

Once they’re done, keep running up the stairs, do a plunging attack on the boss.

Then run up the stairs again and plunge attack again.

Also use gold pine resin to make it a little easier but probably save it for when you know what to expect.

Sorcerer is bad in the archives everything there resists magic you might find Seath to be a challenge

No, you're ok, that's the only real ranged meme boss. Though you may want to get a X-bow to help with non-boss scenarios, like aggroing someone from afar or some shit.

The the only time i ever summon is in DS2 and it's purely to advance quest lines

I really enjoyed DS3 the first time I played it, but I got bored of it much faster than I did the other ones.

DS2 was almost the opposite. I disliked it when I first played it, but liked it more over time. Definitely not my favorite though.

>I still have no argument.

So we're in agreement, DaS 2 is the superior game to 3, thanks for participating.

nah but he will fly away if you make it to the bonfire he sits above. If that happens, reset the game and run across the bridge towards Solaire and it spawns

The only thing that really makes Quelaag difficult is getting stuck between her legs and/or getting hit by that AoE that seems to linger ever so slightly

Ultra omega response. I'd tell you to never reproduce, but it doesn't seem like there's a high chance of that anyway

I got half way through and got depressed due to the fact it had no online. It feels really dead now. Can't go into the pantheon, cant use the eyes.

I'll give that to DaS 3; it has by far the best weapon selection for casters. Still fucking abhor that game, though.

Jolly Co-Op is part of the SOUL, user. There's plenty of time to solo once the servers are shut off.

I summon Solaire every time I fight Gwyn. I don't care. I want to complete his questline.

Didn't play DeS beforehand so Dark Souls was my first experience with the series. Biggie and Smalls in particular flossed my asshole for a good many hours. Sen's Fortress too, didn't find the bonfire my first time through.

Go explore Darkroot Garden, then come back when you find a cool ring.

You might have noticed those two protruding areas at the dragon bridge. The one on the right has a shortcut that leads to the bonfire. To get the dragon to fuck off, hide in the alcove for a while and he'll drop down onto the bridge. Whack his tail a few times and he leaves.

finally caved and emulated it last week. easiest of the games by far but still a lot of fun, better than DaS3. I like it, but people who say it's better than DaS1 are crazy. Basically every idea that they reused is refined like crazy in Lordran. The gimmick bosses are unironically the best part.

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How in the world do you completely avoid something like the corvian spam attacks?


Stray was one of those bosses that made me his bitch on my first playthrough. I have no idea how I died so many times given his extremely obvious tells.

I only used summons for:

Quelaag (SL1 run, failed miserably because lava, beat her solo like normal afterwards.)

Smelter Demon (I was doing some sort of spellblade run, was kinda weak.)

Watcher and Defender (This fight is complete garbage and nobody should be shamed for summoning on it.)

I think it;s better than DS1 in some ways.

Might as well

can you make it 60fps?