Xenoblade Definitive

What are those hopes, and expectations for you lads? How would you feel about Shulk, and his world ending up on Earth in the ending? Let's speculate about shit.

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I have no problems with Shulks world endi g up on Earth.

It seems to be a controversial theory in these threads, but mostly by the loud minority.

>How would you feel about Shulk, and his world ending up on Earth in the ending?
Meh. Feels like cheap fanservice tacked on to where it doesn't need to be.

I don't understand how it'd be fanservice, when both universes are already tied together, and Shulk's world in general is the direct result of the Experiment occurring on Earth. Returning to Earth has always been a thing in Xeno.

i dont get how shulk resetting the world would mean they get teleported to earth

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I hope they fixed the gameplay. I'm not sure if it was meant to be so boring in the original game.

Ontos probably sent them back.

He almost certainly still has a connection through the conduit since he's still using its power. He probably saw what dad was doing and thought this would be the easiest way to grant Shulk's wish.

Melia has become so pretty.

>What are those hopes
New arts added to the main game, crisp 720p in handheld, an option to use the original soundtrack, an option to turn off the "warning" at the sides of the screen while keeping art descriptions (so can still have the monado art descriptions), and they make the target reticle like the old one (a triangle pointing at the targeted enemy) because the new one is way to big and covers the enemy
>and expectations
None of the things above I hope will happen
>How would you feel about Shulk, and his world ending up on Earth in the ending?
Won't happen so there's nothing to thing about.

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>and they make the target reticle like the old one
yeah i agree. feels really out of place imo. dunno why they went with such a drastic change.

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By "Earth" do you mean Xenoblade 2's Earth?

Yeah it's weird 1, X, and 2 all understood to keep it small, but now they make it big as shit? And in addition to the numbers that would show your party's health and the HP bars above your party's heads they added a third HP directly under the numbers. So now there's three ways to see health now which makes no sense. It's like they hired a new UI designer for this game.

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i wanna see more gameplay already

>It's like they hired a new UI designer for this game.
They did. A bunch of their UI people left in the middle of 2's development, Takahashi brought it up as one of the toughest parts of development.

>an option to use the original soundtrack
Fuck off. New tracks are so much better.

>keep it small,
There is nothing small or sensible about X's UI.

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Then use them schizo an option to use the old ones doesn't stop you from that.

they're jank.

might be true but still there is no reason it shouldnt be an option

>There is nothing small or sensible about X's UI.
you're right about the second part but the text is fucking tiny

I was talking about the part that shows you which enemy you're targeted to

I played the first Xenoblade back on the Wii, but before it was officially released in NA so the game was on a harddrive. I just beat the fight with Egil before the drive crashed and I never finished the first game.

Is it important to finish the first game before I play the second? Or could I go ahead and play 2 before 1DE comes out?

you can play 2 but you'll miss some of the callbacks to 1 in the later half of it

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>They did. A bunch of their UI people left in the middle of 2's development
Damn it's no wonder.

ella mayo

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if you wanna nut to the later half of 2 you should finish the story of 1 first

Sorry, you're retarded.

They're going to fuck it up in more than one way and we wont even know until most of you retards have already bought it.

I honestly just want to be surprised and I hope there are xenoblade 2 tie ins. I can't fucking wait until it's out especially after the disappointment that FFVII remake was

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I just want the process of rebuilding that fucking city to not be a goddamn slog. Just thinking about trying to find all of those materials again turns me off the remake. That and some of the convoluted ways to unlock character specific quests. Some of that shit is a bitch to figure out.

Otherwise it seems to be generally good improvements. I'm still iffy on the art style shift, but the improvements to UI stuff and controls will be neat. Hopefully they also improve some of the AI for party members, from what I remember Melia(?) was basically trash unless you took direct control. I'm excited, should be nice to revisit it.

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>the disappointment that FFVII remake was
>Wanting to shoehorn XC2 into the epilogue purely for fanservice
Double brainlet

Seems like you are the double brainlet here, keep projecting

Oh, buzzwordfag is back.

>Literally double downs on the projections

I've only played the game once, but I guess there was supposed to be extra skill trees you could unlock for the characters through side quests. Completely missed those.

>literally double downs on buzzwords

Shion when?


Yeah, every character had 2 extra skill trees you could unlock via quests. The problem was that most had oddly specific prerequisites and weren't marked in a special way so it was often that they were missed

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Except you were the first to reply to me by assuming random stuff like the retard you are.

Played it years and years ago, but essentially you have to do very specific side quests, that then unlock other side quests, on top of gaining affinity with them individually. Then you can unlock their other skill trees, which are vital for some of the big secret fights or whatever.

At least for an idiot like myself, it boiled down to opening a guide up online and just going through it step by step. Same with gathering materials to build the city. If there is any changes I hope they make, is to at least make it a bit more clear how to unlock some of those things or where to go.

I'm so glad they seem to be streamlining sidequests, it actually gets me motivated to 100% this game again. Doing it the first time was a fucking nightmare.

I'm not sure if the skill tree quests were, but 1 having missable quests really sucks. I appreciated that 2 didn't.

>seem to be streamlining sidequests
How so? I haven't been following much.

>tfw the game comes out

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holy shit is that cat real?

I don't think we've seen anything about side quests so I don't know what he's talking about.

so this is the monados power

I hate these shaderless faces.

Can Monolith Soft make one good consistent face model? No cell shading, no potatoes, just an accurate face model that blends with the environment without looking out of place.

Hire Team Ninja if you need assistance, jesis fuck.

XC3 should go full WRPG with it's artstyle

Where was this filmed? I've never seen a cat do that before

it has a shader that makes them look like that, see those outlines they have as if they were cartoons? thats what fucks the visuals in 1 DE and 2 and it's probably here to stay

The game leads to the active quest or story quest via a trail on the map

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Cats don't dance

Hoping the game doesn’t run and look like ass just as xenoblade 2 did but I’m expecting a 720p docked resolution again and a framerate that drops the longer you play


quit talking out of your ass

Is this going to be 60fps?

I recall the original game already having a marker telling you where to go for quests. How does this help anything? And some quests didn't have it as I recall for obvious reasons that the quest involved random item drops or being somewhere at a certain time of day, etc.


Monolith Soft's texture work is always so detailed.

Also what are these green bits? Might be the front either reactors but you never say them land down like this if so.

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>I recall the original game already having a marker telling you where to go for quests.
It didn't.

You have to understand user, you're on Yas Forums and you're in a Nintendo thread. There's going to be a lot of technically inept people, especially if they're trying to shitpost like that user.

If the wii could run it at 30 fps, surely the switch can run it at 60

>I recall the original game already having a marker telling you where to go for quests. How does this help anything?
It had a pointer up top that just pointed to the direction of the quest. And I'm pretty sure it only worked for story quests were as this works for both and gives a trail to follow.

im pretty sure theyre for boss fight borders
dunno why they went with green
guess its so its more in line with the green flames in the original

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Are you retarded son?
You know it's not the same game that's on Wii right?

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>Also what are these green bits?

Anyone who thinks, based on what we know, that this will score worse than Xenoblade 3D's 86 is nuts. Remember that the worst reviews for that specifically knocked their scores down because of the compromises made because of 3DS.

I'm predicting 92 again lads.

I hope it doesn't get delayed and I hope it has qol improvements to locating sidequests.

Is it a remake or remaster?

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Has to be. I love the little improvements they're making. Must be drops of Ether being pumped out from the Ether reactors and we can't actually see it drop down now.

Can* sorry

Who the fuck cares about the score?
Just enjoy the game nigger.

it's the boss border, it used to look like a a circular wall of green goop