CYBERPUNK: here's your art director

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here's your female characters bro

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post pic of u

At least she believes in Jesus.

its over
come back when there is another news spill


Yes. Dilate, OP.

>When your parents name you by randomly slapping a keyboard a few times

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fits the dystopian setting

post body

My god... they are fucking gross.

Letting a poor Eastern European nation develop games was a mistake.

What is the problem?


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>Somehow the only appealing characters are an aged corp slut who's sole redeeming feature is washing her face and clothing, and literally Pris from Blade Runner.

Come on you dumb fuckers. It's the fucking future, people are spending their creds to look fucking good.

shame Jesus does not believe in her

Another cope post by a poorfag who is filing bankruptcy after a 60€ purchase.

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s󠛡o󠛡yber punk

Dios mio...

What are you talking about? That name is easy to pronounce, even if you're not Polish. Try this one.

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isn't the game DRM free? no need to buy it

Thanks, she's actually great.

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>literally drm free on gog
seethe more tranny cuck lmao

>women are ugly censor this game and fuck cdpr!
why are goobergoys so idiotic?

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It's a studio full of white people, what did you expect?

Not a single asian or caucasian? Not even nordic?

is it this women that mad the futa add poster?
she's alright in my book, so far

moar Corpo-Mommy

Holy coping poorfags.

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sjws,trannies and white women hate asians especially females

Women are going up year on year. You ready for Bitcher 4.

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>Cyberchunk 2077lb

>censor this game
what are you talking about tranny?

why are they always fat

holy shit you really don't know how to read that huh

they eat more than they consume?

Can't handle a woman? You limp dicked tranny.

I cant believe I was once hyped for this piece of shit.
I feel dirty

I don’t know how these people think they look cool with the punky dyed hair yet they have a big fat chubby bunny twinkie fucking face.
Fucking 2-liter coke pint of triple chocolate features. I can see the western grown mass of processed fat on them yet they hate the prosperous civilization they happily partake in

who are you quoting?

Wait what?

are you too retarded to read a simple graphic?

>femcel gets art director position
>makes every female ingame ugly as fuck


She put in futas so she is a-ok in my book

Diversity is our strength

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They have more employees now and a greater number are women than were before.

This, don't judge a book by its cover.

>says the guy judging women by their dick size

They are progressively hiring more women and less men. What's there to misunderstand, trannies?

THIS is your average american folks, this place is fucking doomed I don't even know why I keep coming back here

O’Sullivan’s Law states that any organization or enterprise that is not expressly right wing will become left wing over time. The law is named after British journalist John O’Sullivan.

Television shows are the best examples of this. 24, House. Charitable foundations are worse but harder to see.

One of the reasons for this is leftist intolerance versus right-wing tolerance. Right wingers are willing to hire openly left-wing employees in the interest of fairness. Left-wingers, utterly intolerant, will not allow a non-Liberal near them, and will harass them at every opportunity. The result over time is that conservative enterprises are infiltrated by leftists but leftist enterprises remain the same or get worse.

Also, leftism is in and of itself a form of decay. It’s what happens not just to television shows but to nations, churches and universities as the energy given off by the big bang of their inception slowly ebbs away. Rather than expend vitality in originality and creation they become obsessed with introspection, popularity and lethargy. Leftism is entropy of the spirit and intellect.

Another reason is that the parasitic nature of Liberals/Leftists attracts them to existing money.

An enterprise can stave off O'Sullivan's Law if their creators keep it in mind and remain vigilant and truthful.

>O'Sullivan's Law hit 24 when they finally had a Muslim villain then started running disclaimers that Muslims aren't all terrorists.
>The Annenberg Foundation was started by a Republican but it didn't take long before O'Sullivan's Law had them handing a domestic terrorist money for educating kids.
>The ACLU, the Ford Foundation and the Episcopal Church all fell to O’Sullivan’s Law.

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she caused a massive tranny meltdown for weeks
whan did Yas Forums did this the last time?

me and my best

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>I don't even know why I keep coming back here
I don't know either, fuck off already tranny

This is your average polack that comes into every fucking CDPR thread. Hitler was fucking right about you cunts.

Where is the Shazam pasta!!!!

Why does this keep happening?

cant wait to breed corporate secretaries with my giant futa horse cock

Its probably the 20th Cybrpunk today, wtf happened in pol?

Has lived rent free in your mind for 4 years now.

imagine not being able to understand a simple graphic lmaooo

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You can’t stop thinking about trannies

The generation that is now in their early 20s is pretty liberal. Seriously it's not that hard to understand nor it's a conspiracy.

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fucking yikes

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CDPR’s shill check didn’t clear yet

>fell to O’Sullivan’s Law
That was a commie front group from the very beginning, buckaroo.

>we are here to stop racism

>let's make every character in our game a black or mexican even though 80% of the world's population is asian and another 10% is whiteoid

What did they mean by this?

Are you saying they are lying and have not taken on more women year on year.

>The generation that is now in their early 20s is pretty liberal
This generation is the most conservative in years. Tick-tock tranny

Is it... possible? Being this retarded and able to use a computer.

yea looks pretty punk

You wish, boomer. Get rona'd so we can take over already

They game is set in America, dummy, just like there are no blacks in The Witcher, there will be lots of blacks and browns night city

Nah, it was the millennials that rebelled boomers by being leftists. Zoomers are disgusted by our generation and do the opposite again.
Welcome to political pendulum.

All generations were pretty liberal in their early 20s, especially from the boomers onward. What we've seen over the last decade is much worse though.

Overall, women make up 26 percent of CDPR's total staff, which is an increase from 2018. CDPR also pointed out that it's much higher than the Polish game industry average of 15.5 percent. The number of female developers working for CDPR has grown every year since 2017, and the percentage compared to men has stayed around the same, fluctuating between 24 percent and 27 percent.

What women, all I see are a bunch of ugly tranny's.

So what I said is right? Most "zoomers" aren't even drinking age you imbecilic buffoon.

>A degenerate artist directing art for a game that is set in a degenerate world
Can you tell me why this is a bad thing?

WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY PASTY BASEMENT NERDS why are these creatures taking over

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Corona-Chan is killing off Silent and what's left of the Greatest Gen though. Not everyone who's old is a "boomer", zoom zoom dipshit.

18 year olds can drink though.

Is it possible... to dilate this much?

you will never know until you try

None of the zoomers are drinking age yet, at least here in the States. Oldest zoomies are turning 19 this year.

The graph shows an overall steady decreasing slope from 27% to 26% throghout the years. Of course the overall number of women employed has grown, because the company as a whole grew. At the end of the day, women are not taking over CDPR as was implied originally.

>as the energy given off by the big bang of their inception slowly ebbs away

energy doesnt ebb away

>"if you want more representation, bitch, why don't you learn how to code, huh?"
>they do
>"oh no why are there hiring more women with their cucked ideals!" -says the talentless overweight leech who has no concept of having a job

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what is that thing? is the art director behind it?

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>go through chemotherapy
>lose all your hair and gain a lot of weight
>decide to get a punky haircut in honour of the new punky game you’re working on
>retards have a fit because you look a bit like the boogeyman that lives in their heads
I have genuinely never seen a complaint about this person beyond “she looks like an SJW”. I’m not even sure what her relevance is.

Why are you so obsessed with men leaking blood from their assholes, user?

where is the third world war when you need it, we need a hard reset

here is one of your level designers

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>Of course the overall number of women employed has grown.

Thank you.

What about her tattoos, are those in memoriam of her dead cancerous cells?


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>art director

is op working on the game as one of the directors?

actual retard holy shit

>here is your writing team bro

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me on the right

same as the population growth
do you bitch about women taking over the world?

Yes I do actually.

I always wondered if this guy knows that he is a living meme for how bad his hair his.

99% of these posts are schizos complaining but they've probably never played cyberpunk 2020

I want the ginger tomboy to write a story on my dick, if you know what I mean

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...for what? You are now shamelessly backpedalling on your initial retarded claim after it was shown you cannot grasp elementary school statistics, Yas Forumstard. Women. Are. Not. Taking. Over. CDPR.

Anything art related in cp77 is good tho.

How else ahould dystopia look?

Is that TheCompletionist?

When does this all end, bros?
don't answer that, I want to have hope it will get better

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Doesn't understand the female dynamic where if you add just a few more the more problems you have. Look up the peter principal.