Who remembers this gem? This trilogy was the pinnacle of 90's action, hands down. Funky, flavorful...

Who remembers this gem? This trilogy was the pinnacle of 90's action, hands down. Funky, flavorful, tactical shooter with plenty of interesting boss fights and an amazing OST.

If anyone needs a remaster, it's my boy Gabriel Logan.

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great game
for the longest time it was a splinter cell game in my memory

It sucked, only remembered because it was western like Tomb Raider.



I suddenly began to miss my childhood. Fantastic work, OP.

Can you hear it?

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The Girdeux fight always scared me as a kid, no idea why.

Gabe and Co failed and the world ended with a zombie apocalypse
T Days gone

I remember it was advertised as metal gear killer back then.

For me it's the Metal Gear killer: WinBack

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I'll never forget the hours I spent trying to beat every level with just this bad boy. They will all burn, show them no mercy.

I played the demo again and again and again (got it packaged with a magazine). I tasered everyone so many times I dreamed about it. Somehow I never bought the game.

Game was badass, 3rd person electrocution cam with ur goddamn TASER. politically incorrect 90s were truly the pinnacle of fun gaymen

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The screams?of course...its the only way i know i gonna have nice dreams

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The Die Hard Trilogy was surprisingly fun as well.

>the developers of SF did Days Gone recently
Would you still trust them with a new SF game?

days gone was pretty good.

I remember seeing this game in a big pc conference once, seeing al lthe mayhem of driving over fully 3D polygon civilians, red blood on your windshield being whiped by window wipers, and that huge nuke destroying the whole city.. blew my mind. Sold my shit ass jaguar and bought a psx with this, crash bandicoot, bust a move 2 and syndicate wars.


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Die Hard Trilogy is still great, the first one mind you.
The greatest third person shooters on the PS1 in my opinion are Ghost in the Shell, Gungage and the TPS game in DHT.

Enjoy Yas Forums.

thats not Headhunter

ill never forgive gaystation for not embracing this instead of metal gay solid, they deserve all the suffering and shitposting they are getting

Metal Gear Solid is a game that stood the test of time, the music, the characters, the events, even the gameplay. No one gives a shit about Syphon Filter and even back then it was rightfully hiding behind MGS.


SF 2 > SF Dark Mirror > SF1 > SF Logan's Shadow > SF 3 > a turd > SF Omega Strain

>muh cinematik xpriance
kys zoomer

>My underdeveloped 12-yeard old brain doesn't understand why you failed the mission by running and shooting everyone on sight at the Phagan Expo infiltration
>Turns out you have to kill them quietly and not seen
>Get introduced first of stealth mission

*thwok* *bzzzzzzzzzz* "AHH AHH AHHH AHHH AHHH AHH AHH AHHHHHH"

Can any anons help me find a PC game from around 2000 that i used to play? It was sort of like an RPG ..

>first part is a village with skeletons and no NPCs to talk to
>next level was a mine/cave type of level that was sort of like a puzzle
>there was some sort of golems in there that kicked my ass
>next area was a forest that i always got lost in, had some sort of weird reptile like enemies

Can't remember a lot besides that, but i do recall it took me a while to get a sword and theres some sort of flying machine at one point in the game. Pls help somebody thank you

After the debacle of Days Gone, doubtful.

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I think most people killed the hazmat guys on the first mission by mistake too.
I mean, they're in a weird suit and carrying a rifle. They should be enemies, right?

>bading bading bading bading bading bading bading bading bading BWAAAAAOOOO BADABAAAA DAAA BWAAAAAOOOO BAAADA DOO DOOOOOO

that fucking catacombs mission

wow psx roms amazing

I remember playing the demo of sf1 as a kid, for some reason that intro level was spooky

Also the psp version with multiplayer was the shit

Best gun.

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love the trilogy, although 3rd game was kinda lame imo, but multiplayer was fun as shit

It's the music for all games, you dumbdumb.

>plot was about a manufactured bioweapon hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Is there a better title theme?


>new sf game with weaponized covid19 as the plot hook starring gabe motherfucking logan and friends

You now remember the final boss of 2 and how it had to be killed
that's not the Bizon

i loved that you could taser a fucker till he caught on fire. My favorite thing about the game

Training Simulator was my shit

3 was absolutely souless

Gabe is dead, user

I can hear it, bros

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Syphon Filter will be a PS5 launch title, you heard it here first

he dies in Dark Mirror

I fap to Gwen tonight.

It's Logan's Shadow, the sequel.

this game was too ambitious and played like crap, by the time 6th gen came, nobody cared because Metal Gear Solid was dominating

>You now remember the final boss of 2 and how it had to be killed
I don't remember anything that was after the plane crash site level, probably because I've played 2 the least

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I remember playing versus mode and spamming the grenade launcher all the time.

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you had to push him to a helicopter rotor shaft with the USAS-12

Holy shit I love these games and I love you guys
But this guy I love him even more

Holy fuck, I remembered now, thank you

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