"fighting games take too long to learn"

>countless numbers of tutorials online
>plenty of game/character specific discords that you can go to ask for help in
>more games including fleshed out training options
i dont understand how people still believe this when they are the most casual friendly they've ever been.

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fighting games are gay

can you name me a recent fun fighting game?

Who cares? Post more fatty.

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How does someone telling you what buttons to press make things any faster to learn? These people were never the ones figuring out the combos or the other tech. Someone telling you to use a specific move to anti-air doesn't actually make anti-airing any easier. Someone telling you to block low for anything but jumping attacks and overheads doesn't make it any easier to actually alternate back and down-back to successfully block a string of attacks during a match.

It's not that Fighting Games are too hard to learn, it's that they are too competitive and reward skill too much.

When you lose in a fighting game you can't blame the teammates or the RNG, sure you can bitch about the character but there's nothing stopping you from just playing that character as well. People don't like getting demolished by somebody vastly superior to them. This is why games like Smash and Mario Kart makes sure to have features that "evens the field" so that newcomers have a fighting chance.

Basically, with Fighting Games there's nowhere to hide; if you suck you suck.

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I don't want to play fighting games though.

I want to impregnate Gyanko and make her extra fat.

Source on who she is? I want to draw her.

Because it's still one of like 3 genres of games that require practicing to get decent. Like more than just playing casually to get decent.

i hate the new jun doujin of her
the first one was really hot but the 2nd one just wants to be psuedo-scat and focuses so much on her shitting out the plastic thing

>>plenty of game/character specific discords that you can go to ask for help in
you really do think we are all as much as a faggot as you huh

user this spunds interesting, link?

The problem with fighting games is the "gitting gud" requires you sitting in practice modes for weeks practicing the same boring combos and strings trying to lab everything. That's not a fun way to learn, and its not fun to play.

And then once you actually "git gud" its just rehashing and muscle memorying your way to victory. its not fun gameplay. the only good thing about fighting games is the cute girls they make, and ironically, playing it while you don't give a shit about skill

artist is jun find the rest yourself

>plenty of game/character specific discords that you can go to ask for help in

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I just searched jun on panda and I dont see it

>reward skill too much.
>reward skill too much.
>reward skill too much.
>reward skill too much.
>reward skill too much.

Power Rangers is unironically the best fighting game out. Granblue is great if you just want some SP content

>have extremely good resources at your finger tips
>refuse to use them because "muh discord boogeyman"
i will nver understand this place

Who the fuck goes to a discord whining for help, are you fucking insane

He didn't really mean that as a negative user, just the grim reality of fighting games never being able to gain casuals

Gyanko is peak fatty. She is beautiful.

Well, here goes my story with them.
>love fighting games all my life since Yie Air Kung Fu on the NES
>Played them all til my fingers fell off from Street Fighter II to the Dreamcast
>Never played much vs humans, only the AI all my life
>Ultra Street Fighter IV was when I started trying to play other people
>Realized I knew NOTHING about the genre despite having played it all my life
>After all this time and being Super Diamond in SFV online I'm still a major noob at fighting games in general
A game being "casual friendly" doesn't stop you from getting your ass handed to you by a sea of better players.
But yeah, we've come a long way from the days of having to yell at your friend "how the fuck did you do that move" and he would just smirk at you and leave you clueless to what happened.
I mean, you sure CAN get into fighting games real easier now, but that doesnt' mean new players will have literally years of learning and practice ahead of them just to be considered an above average player.

No idea who this whore is but I fapped to every single doujin and image of her.
Also fighting games suck. Genre for low iq apes.

Nah bro, playing another person will never be about "muscling" your way to victory.
Daigo could beat us if he used one button only on his stick.
They're about experience in all kinds of situations and about reading what your oponent is likely to do in that situation, THEN countering it properly.
Pretty deep competitive genre if you ask me, that's why so many succesful tournaments sprouted.

>fighting games are easy to learn
>see, look at all this additional lecture material and homework that's available for you to grind before you can finally start actually having fun
Not saying there's anything wrong with fighting games having a high skill floor, but your evidence for them not taking long to learn is literally the exact reason why they take so long to learn. You need hours of either in-game tutorials or online videos to even scratch the surface of the mechanics, then you need to do even more study just to learn how to operate a single character. Then, even when you understand shit on paper, it takes time to even commit all of that to muscle memory. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, though. I'm just saying that no matter how casual friendly they become, they'll always take forever to learn properly.

God I'm not into fat bitches but the amount of thick hot cum I have shot out of my dick could get her pregnant 100 times over.
I can't believe this is official art. such a shame she's 16 though.

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>try to get into fighting games because friend wants me to get into them
>every time we play he's completely merciless and doesn't go even a tiny bit easy on me
>wonders why I don't want to play with him anymore

>tfw I liked her so much I even learned to draw her

Rate me bros.

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>"gitting gud" requires you sitting in practice modes for weeks practicing the same boring combos and strings trying to lab everything.
a friend of mine who just got into tekken has been improving constantly through playing matches and he barely practice for "hundreds of hours" in training mode. ive seen the same with other people in games like SFV and MK.
>its just rehashing and muscle memorying your way to victory.
you know combos are only a small part of the game right? shit like footsies, spacing, and reading your opponent exists and dont really fall under that umbrella of "memorization" yet are just as or even more important

Killer Instinct, Injustice 2, Street Fighter V (despite the terrible netcode it's a good game), Tekken 7 if you're into just mashing anything, Mortal Kombat 11, Smash Ultimate if you're 12yo and can't play any other fighting game.
It doesn't mean other people can't like something you don't like, my dear user.

>new players' opponents are niggers and trannies living on welfare checks who spent the last 10 years doing nothing but playing fighting games
>they'll laugh at you and post about it on their twitter to stroke their ego because that's how they have their fun
I don't know what you're talking about when you say fgs are anywhere near being "casual friendly"

its rude to go easy on someone in fighting games

It's rude also to stunlock your friend and solo the match everytime.

they do take a long time to learn and get good at though. if you don't enjoy the process of learning and getting better then the genre is not for you.

i used to play a lot of starcraft so i'm used to the 1v1 competitive grind and trying to always improve my game. a lot of people just aren't cut out for it and end up playing league of legends.

>Doesn't mean new players *won't* have

This is the truth, he fastest way to improve in the beginning is to just play.

there's no such thing as a "stunlock" in fighting games. its just called a combo. if it's not a combo then all you had to do was block.

>not asking your Kazuya bros what the latest tech is

Today I learned about EWGF into EWGF. I'm gonna make it to the green ranks today.

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yah a lot of people do this because thats how they started. i dont even pick my main against my friends because it feels lik a dick move picking my 2000 hour character vs there 1 hour character. people should at least try to teach more instead of scrub stomping niggas who dont play

Opinionfact: the half-naked Christmas picture is the best Gyanko picture currently around

Gunpla is............ freedo....
*Bandai premium exclusive*
*Bandai premium exclusive*
*Bandai premium exclusive*
*Bandai premium exclusive*

Gunpla is DEAD

tekken is one of the easier games to do this in because you can kind of just get in there and do stuff and it will work against other low level players. it only gets difficult when you start playing against people who know how to punish your strings.

thanks, i hope to hop back into the genre again but I was scared the communities were dying so i was hesistant to pick up anything for a while.

There's every excuse in the book to not git gud. If they don't want to then they really won't. I want to fuck that wide girl

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I'd jerk off to it/10

EWGF into EWGF is typically not a good idea in my experience. it will lose to jabs unless your timing and inputs are frame perfect.

>All you have to do is win
No shit, but try doing that the first time you touch a game.

A large part of the problem is that experience, you need autism in that particular game in order to git gud.
I can't use experience from other games to out play you. For example, I've never played dota in my life, but having experience in league and hon means I could go in and pretty safely do a good job.
And more importantly, I don't need to practice for months in order to do it. I can look up a guide, see that X items are good, and just play the game and pick up the rest as I go along.

Of course every game has intricacies behind it that you need to learn. The problem with fighting games is that those intricacies are everything as opposed to just being something extra that put you on the next level.

It might be skill depth and "reading" your opponent, but knowing that
>X character can do this combo, and it starts with a low kick so I just need to block that at this distance to be safe, and then i have .5 seconds to respond with my combo because frame data shows that it has that much delay.
isn't fun. its a chore.

Honestly not bad at all user.

it may b shit for other genres but it is a holy grail for fighting games since you can get anything from advice and tech no one knows about to training partners and people around your level to play and learn with

You'll never have a chance against players who have been grinding the same fightan games ever since they were five. I mean yes, if you put hundreds of hours into training maybe then you might have a chance, but honestly, who the fuck is going to bother with that shit.

>people around your level to play and learn with
Yeah fuck that

no i didn't say "all you have to do is win" i said that there isn't a such thing as a "stunlock". it's either a combo or it isn't a combo and if it isn't a combo you can block.

You replied to a post with her fucking name

Clean up the guide lines, add some peeking pubes, maybe enlarge the eyes, and it's good.

I'm I've been there when this friend of mine who is a god in FG's did all he could to get me into USFIV.
For months on end we'd play all night and the score would always end 93-1 for him.
Fighting games are the single hardest genre for a new player to get into competitively because 99,9% of the playerbase are people who have been playing them with all their dedication for decades now.
But hey, you can start playing SFV on rookie and mash your way through one or two online wins and that will, over the course of a long, long time, lead you to learn something.

Fighting games are fun, but only if you've got people to help you/grind with.

Just two questions

bush or no bush
Big or small areolas

>dude fighting games take too long to learn
>hours played of meme online fps: 3456

that's the deal with any highly competitive highly difficult game, user. hell, games like starcraft have even more memorization.

what are you on about

why would you want someone not on your level?

>and if it isn't a combo you can block.
Well you can't, tough shit dude next time haha.

team games are way easier to grind though. you only affect 1/10th of the game and mentally it is way easier to share losses with a team than it is to get wrecked 1v1 over and over again. a lot of people just can't handle 1v1 competitive games.

I don't want to be in any contact with other players

>lota of people fap to Gyanko
>they don't even know what a Gyan is or who Mquve was

It's a weird thing to think about, isn't it?

Oh, sorry, didn't know you were actually asking non-ironically.
SFV is the way to go. It has some fairness in it, at least before you get to the higher rankings where it's crazy as a motherfucker.
That's the game where you'll encounter the most people that just recently started playing fighting games at all, so you can fearlessly just buy it and jump straight into online matches.
If you're at point zero, you can only get better.

if you couldn't block then it was a combo. if you couldn't block and the game didn't show it was a combo then you're probably just pulling a DSP and mashing buttons subconsciously while yelling "i didn't press any buttons!"

>Hours played to git good at meme online fps: 0.5

More important in starcraft and RTS games though is it's about managing economy and know how to control the map.
It's a high skill floor genre as well, but it's not skill you build in a lab, its skill you get by playing the game and actually thinking about how to win.

RTS games are much more about strategy and out thinking your opponent than it is about memorization. You could give most RTS players a notecard giving build paths and units and what they do, and they'd theorize from there.

>you're probably just pulling a DSP and mashing buttons subconsciously while yelling "i didn't press any buttons!"
No shit, I'm playing for the first time.

exactly. people think practice mode is far more important than it actually is. you can stand there doing moves on a still target but whats the point when in a real match your opponent wont just let you hit him. you have to balance that shit

>people have more fun playing video games than they do reading essays
Wow. Shocking.

Actually some players are really good at getting into new fighting games after a while.
They won't be competitive in higher ladders anytime soon, but they do transfer their "malice" as some call it to any new fighting game, like mixing crossups, low attacks, grabs and overheads, I mean, it's pretty staple to the genre.

Who? I thought her name was sazaki

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KI 2 will make me buy an Xbox Sex

you don't learn timings and build orders in match in starcraft any more than you learn setups or frame data in match in fighting games. you can figure some of it out on the fly but generally you have to look that shit up.

Maximum bush

Beeg areolas

I've just bought KI and played it for the first time ater mostly playing SFV since launch,. almost 6 years now.
It's a great game and the netcode is heaven compared to SFV. I could even win some online matches by now but haven't come close to understanding all the systems yet.
But yeah, fun game.


Anyone who tells you otherwise is gay.

Bush and big.

>you don't learn timings and build orders in match in starcraft any more than you learn setups or frame data in match in fighting games.
except it takes 5 seconds to learn those things, because its written down for you. the rest of the game is just getting the 'feel' for mechanics to put your ideas into practice.

RTS game is a horrible comparison, RTS is a genre you could take completely out of a video game and put onto a board game, and it'd play out almost identically.

fighting games are for fucking autists
>dude just learn every move your character can do and how they chain together so your opponent can't play the game
>then learn every match up in the game
>and learn what every startup to every combo or super move looks like from every character so you know how to avoid it properly.
this is the only fighting game i would play, for the waifus of course

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