So... PC gaming is finished, right?

So... PC gaming is finished, right?

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nice controller to use on my PC

you realise that you can use that pos with pc?

PS4 was kino. Will be buying a PS5 years later though I don't buy consoles for more than $300 max sorry. I don't play PC so I also sure as hell wouldn't buy stuff higher than that either.

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yeah, like 10 years ago

Is it normal for one of my balls to be lower than the other?

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literally 98% of those games are on PC and look/run 10x better

That's cool whitey but not for $300 PC

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you can get a $300 pc that out preforms a ps4 pro
also your ps4 didnt cost $300 because you had to pay $60 online for 6 years making it an extra $360

Console retards forget we can use any controller.

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>Nigger is poor

Say it ain't so

Whatever you say. I prefer my physical copies. Once that goes away I will play PC.

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I spend $2500 on a PC tower every 5 years, it's my best investment by a mile, been doing it since I was 15, consoles have nothing.

I don't understand why anyone who isn't a sony fanboy would use anything but an XBox controller anyway.

fair enough

dpad placement on xbox is kinda shit

I spent £2k on my pc 3 years ago and its better than the next gen consoles and will be for their entire lifespan

This. Xbox and Switch Pro are superior controllers with better comfort and sticks

PS4 controller is moreconfortable for many people. Works fine. If your an autist who can't handle seeing xbox buttons in come games and not have the matching controller physically well, no one can help you.

different user here. Sadly nowadays physical doesn't exist since what it came inside the disc is incomplete and bugged game, I miss the PS2 era...

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I genuinely like the design of this and look forward to trying it out. Based on their photos I would have never guessed that Switch Lites were comfortable, but the thing felt so good in my hands I almost bought the worthless piece of shit. I'm hoping the dildosensation surprises me, too. Name's fucking stupid, though.

>So... PC gaming is finished, right?


imagein thinking your console is better just cause you cant pay 500 bucks for a pretty alright computer

some people play games that need good d-pad
you know, those BOOMERS

When will console peasants realise that the masterrace plays entirely different types of games and genres?
PC and console are basically different gaming markets with only some minor overlap in AAA titles.

>nice controller to use on my PC
lol this.
>I don't understand why anyone who isn't a sony fanboy would use anything but an XBox controller anyway.
what in the fuck. the xbox controller IS MADE FOR SHOOTERS. it makes sense literally ONLY for a console. why would you use an xcontroller ON PC WHERE YOU CAN USE M/KB? it's shit for everything else from 3d action games ,to platformers, to racers. I trully believe people bitch all the time about how hard some games are like Sekiro because they are playing them with a shit controller.

That's a nice approach. You're fine, just stop being so obnoxious with these deliberate hand pics.

Stop being triggered

luckily there are games for boomers on PC:

i dont know to be honest. from what a remember the specs for the ps5 are like a 2070 gpu. i dont see any point in upgrading my 1070gtx i might as well save money and get a ps5.

sir I don't mean to alarm you but there's a nigger in your house

Its dead since 10 years already. Just look at the indie and twitch games that run on every notebook from 10years ago

Wrong on literally every account except platformers

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>PC gaming is finished, right?
Sonykeks actually believe this.

I went from PS3 to PC so the DS design is just familiar to me

XBone controllers have severely limited usability when not used outside of Windows 10. Xbox 360 controllers have an issue with their battery packs.

Dude, why do you have to fucking do this?

the fuck? i rape everyone on warzone using a KM with my 3rd party xbox controller.

clean your fucking room

>can't use a mouse
>can't install an OS
into the trash it goes

>has inbuilt soft aimbot
>wonders why he does good
top jej

some autist will probably figure out how to install loonix on it a couple years down the line

aiming does nothing for you warzone IQ on the other hand does.


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PC gaming hasn't been relevant since the 90s... The only reason people talk about it now is because it became a reddit meme, and zoomers shill it because their favorite streamer has a PC.

For 99% of the gaming market, a console is all you need. Yas Forums has always been contrarian so of course they prefer PC

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>all the new-fags not getting the black hand Yas Forums meme.
This board sucks.

>i rape everyone on warzone
sure you do.
>Wrong on literally every account except platformers
you need to have BOTH fingers on the sticks most of the time for most games that are not shooters tho. I am seriously starting to think that the hugest gaming meme of our time about dark souls is because people are playing the games with shit controllers.

why? even if i wanted that shitty controller i could just use it on pc

based jamal with excellent taste in games.

this is either good quality b8 or you are completely and utterly retarded.

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>all that useless plastic to take up space

the negro cries out in pain as he strikes you

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You tried, Xbox Discord, and that's the important thing.

Feel free to come up with an actual argument instead of the typical ad hominems.

99% of console games are better on PC, and the 1% that are exclusives usually aren't worth playing.

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why everybody acting like it's going to be only one version?

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ok boomer


So you spend thousands of dollars on a machine built to play console ports?

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probably bait... but

>gimped computers
>parasitic off of all PC tech

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Literally the opposite, snes/genesis were the last good consoles, 3d accelerated gpu made consoles irrelevant to everyone else but normies. Mobile gaming almost killed consoles during the last decade.

not every game released comes on a console too, user, some are PC exclusive, usually the good ones.

Why do you have 4 screens? Such a waste of space.