overrated piece of garbage
not terrible per se but easily the worst souls game (yes worse than ds2)
tell one reason why this is considered good beside the setting and atmosphere which is the most subjective and arbitrary shit ever
Overrated piece of garbage
It's faster and forces you to stay moving, as opposed to Dark Souls where you can stay hidden behind your shield. It is the hardest of the souls games. Whether you think that is better is subjective.
insightless nigger didint even see tiny beings of light when thay appear first time in 5min after starting the game.
git gud
Also do you even pile bunker?
its thinking mans game, not for some low iq mutt degenerate.
>tell one reason why this is considered good
the combat
the map design
boss designs and mechanics
the music
all of that makes BB the best soulsborne game.
DS is too reliant on a shield even 3
Let's just compare it directly to Dark Souls 1/2.
Bloodborne has better level design, enemy design, boss design, weapon design, weapon movesets, music with actual instruments instead of midi/sample garbage, better combat, a story that's complete which every character in the narrative is accounted for, it's faster, etc. That's just the objective axioms.
What about the subjective stuff that's almost universally agreed upon? The game has better music in the form of dynamic boss themes and the reasons mentioned above, better atmosphere, a better narrative for the reasons mentioned above. There are even little straight improvements, like mid string stance swap and belt casting making combat more fluid.
It has its flaws, but in most meaningful ways it beats basically all the other games by a massive margin. There is a reason it is considered the best.
lore for over all
listen niggers I'm not complaining about the combat system or all the obscure combat techs you no life zoomers came up with, but:
>the areas of the game all look the same and is filled with places you go once and never again for the rest of the game
>armors all look the same
>the first weapon they give you is literally the most powerful in the game
>boss are all identical and awkward as shit
>m-muh fast paced combat makes all samey and tedious, all the fights feel the same shit over and over
low iq mutt having it everything wrong
>tell one reason why this is considered good beside the setting and atmosphere which is the most subjective and arbitrary shit ever
Bloodborne is the easiest game to defend cause it's just so perfect.
The level design, the bosses, the combat, the weapons, the music, the lore...all of it is the best in the series.
These are all wrong, retarded, or subjective
>"give me reasons BB is good, besides the usual subjective shit"
>you are given legitimate reasons
>"no not those reasons"
jesus your opinion is shit. just stick to the newest movie action games please.
You upset you can’t play it Op? Don’t worry, it might come to PC one day.
>(yes worse than ds2)
Can you niggers die out already? DaS2 is far and away the worst Souls
lol nice arguements idiots, this is the iq of the tipical bloodborne fanbase
>everybody say it's good so it must be good!
>Places all look the same.
Subjective. It's supposed to be a themed cohesive world and thus the areas have similar themes. I can say "Dark Souls is a shitty forced patchwork of random levels," but that's not really a flaw.
>Armors all look the same.
See above.
>First weapon they give you is most powerful.
Subjective and not a flaw.
>Bosses are all identical and awkward as shit
As opposed to Dark Souls 1 which literally has the exact same Demon boss 3 times? Or how about "Armored Dude" from Dark Souls 2? Furthermore, BB has the most approaches to defeating bosses, with parries, backstabs, weakpoint staggers, burst staggers, stages, etc, all being diverse.
>"I don't like fast-paced comba—"
Anything else?
I played it and it was good so I know it’s good retard.
Take your dick out of your mouth and say something that’s not subjective.
nice bait, i appreciate how low effort it is
It's fun but sometimes it's too spooky, like in pre-blood moon Yahar'gul and Upper Cathedral Ward.
say one game that you start right after finishing it and learn new thing even after 10 playtroughs.
Everything that we talk about here is subjective. By just stating the obvious you're not really moving the conversation. I don't even necessarily agree with OP but wouldn't you concede that most of the areas are samey because they all tend to have Gothic cathedrals, Clock towers and large tomb stones?
all the other souls games just to mention a couple
Deus ex is the only thinking man's games ever
Ye was rly hyped up here for some reason. Overall the most disappointing souls game and had the least replayability with no variety
I wouldn’t. I always felt like each new area had a distinct feel even with the change of regular Yarhnam to Church district
>all the cool weapons are locked behind ludwig
>ludwig is absolute pain in the ass to fight as low level
I frankly don't give a fuck if you have shit taste or not, user.
here we go again some insightless nigger is here to lecture us and hes one of these three
1 havent played a game because sony exclusive
2 has played but got filtered at some point
3 has finished it but has 0 understand of lore and whats game about because hes insightless fool.
i have encountered on person who understanded bloodborne and has finished it multiple times and still prefered sekiro over bb, but the reason was that the guy was japanese enthusiast and huge weeb.
you can do that to all souls games and bloodborne is no exeption
here we go again some ESL retard making everyone on one side of an argument look like a retard by not properly stringing a sentence together
Try getting a proper grasp of the english languange before lecturing others, faggot
less to think about compared to mgs2
you are confusing this to sekiro. every wepon is worth of trying. unlike in dark souls
>the areas of the game all look the same and is filled with places you go once and never again for the rest of the game
You mean the colors are dark and bleak for the most part with a usable fast travel system
>armors all look the same
Again you mean most of them are black, not even all the black trench coats have the same texture, trim, or style.
>the first weapon they give you is literally the most powerful in the game
Debatable, if you don't like the Saw Cleaver you won't use it. Min-maxing is a choice. But all weapons being viable was the design intent anyway.
>boss are all identical and awkward as shit
This is pretty disingenuous, you mean that a lot of them are large size category. Only 3 boss fights could be remotely quantified as "samey" and they all differ in attack patterns, frames, damage types.
>m-muh fast paced combat makes all samey and tedious, all the fights feel the same shit over and over
Oh so you just don't like souls games then, you should've said that from the start and saved us the trouble.
englsih is weaponized cancer of a language and i hope niggers and zoomers will rape it to the ground. so kys you fucking brown eyed mutts.
>yes worse than ds2
the only one worse than ds2 is ds3, faggot
you're not fooling anyone
so how could you like bb when it's literally dark souls 3 without shields
because bloodborne came first and bothered to change its name if it was going to be that different
DS3 being a bloodborne repaint is one of its biggest flaws, I wanted dark souls when I played, not bloodborne again
dark sousl 3 is reharsed bb assets and rip off with tons of rolls, it was like bootleg bb when it came out and thats why it sucks only tard who played das3 before bb thinks like you.
Then why make the thread in the first place with statements like "thing X which is the most subjective and arbitrary shit ever," while also only providing subjective gripes? If it's subjective, why make this thread in the first place asking for "reasons why it's good" while dismissing what you don't like as "just an opinion"?
Do you have any self-awareness at all?
Make an argument why it's bad that doesn't devolve to subjective claims. Good luck.
Bloodborne, Breath of the Wild and The Last Guardian are the top 3 games of this gen and anybody who disagrees can eat my ass.
last guardian is having more and more praise in recent years, is it really that good, it wasent well recived at launch.
That's what i said, it's all subjective but that doesn't mean we can't exchange ideas.
I'm not OP.
I love Bloodborne, but Dark Souls 3 has the better bosses in my opinion. Sure, Bloodborne has Gehrman, Ludwig and Maria, but DS3 has Gael, Friede, Soul of Cinder, Abyss Watchers, Demon Prince, Twin Princes, and Yhorm.
What should I expect from The Last Guardian coming from SotC?
If you accept the idea that Trico is a living, breathing creature, the most advanced ever produced in a videogame, and treat that idea with the respect and gravity the game asks of you--that is, asking yourself how a feral animal might act in given situations versus smashing the command prompts repeatedly like a retard before complaining on Yas Forums about Trico not responding immediately--then you'll be rewarded handsomely. It's as haunting and beautiful as their previous games but demands more of the player, and even made the mistake of respecting this faggot generation's intelligence.
Great game, more than deserving of being besides BB and BoTW, and my personal favorite from Team ICO. Give it a shot when you can.
hanging out with doggo, the world and enviroments are atleast beautiful as in sotc maby even more so.
>I'm not OP.
bloodborne has more satisfying combat and is more polished than 3
thank you i will.
>but wouldn't you concede that most of the areas are samey because they all tend to have Gothic cathedrals, Clock towers and large tomb stones?
Woah bro, it’s almost like there’s a theme going on here. Instead of criticizing a gothic setting, you should try to figure out why they decided to focus on a single city and it’s outskirts. Perhaps they wanted to highlight going deeper into insanity the further down you descended into yharnam. First, seeing a city turned into werewolves and then learning the futility of the fight from the clock tower shooter dude. Then finally at the climax of your journey you descend even further into the city and due to your insight see things man should not see
Where is the idea exchange? You open up a complaint calling everyone zoomers and nigger and start wailing when everyone dunks on you. All over your bunch of petty personal claims about the game that are pretty easy to dismiss frankly. The having cohesive atmosphere, levels, and armors is because it's supposed to be cohesive. The bosses are better than all the games prior to it in both complexity and how you can engage their weaknesses. All the weapons in the game are viable, and there is no one best weapon, not to mention many of the games have top tier weapons available early. The fast-paced combat is more reactive and interesting than the slower-paced combat from the older games. Get a grip.
And then there's the snake forest.
pic related
None of that is really relevant. It doesn't matter so much why the environments are samey when at the end of the day they are samey which was the original point OP was making.
you forgot weapons fag
The combat is more intuitive and instinctive than Souls. Enemies will always stagger with hard enough hits, beasts will flee when hit too many times and won't rely on poise to strike back. You are the hunter, they are the prey. Enemies fear the player.
It will ALWAYS reward the player for attacking and injuring the opponent rather than defending. It just feels 'good' without requiring extra thought or playtime mastering the enemy timings and the only thing making the difficulty remotely similar to Souls is that the Hunter dies very quickly.
The enemies aren't hilariously obtuse to new players either and the Hunter is better equipped to outmaneuver and damage them from the beginning.
I liked Bloodbornes combat a lot more, but I do think DS3 has cooler bosses and better art design. There was just more variety and imagination put into it. Bloodbornes level design honestly peaked in Central Yharnam.
>Gael, Friede, Soul of Cinder
These are the same fucking encounters with different animations.
I specifically said
>I don't even necessarily agree with OP
Why do you think i am OP?
sekiro > bb > souls
Explain why it isn't relevant to others, removing yourself from the context. Second, put forth an argument why it's bad. The OP complains about it, but no reason is given why it's bad.
t. filtered by Gascoine
Where in that post did I say you were OP?
>Every weapon is worth trying
I have tried them all
I didn't call anyone zoomer or niggers. Where the fuck did you got that from then?
flip sekiro and bb and i'll agree.
sekiro doesn't have the build variety/replay value that bb has.
>these are the same fights but with different attacks
then they're not the same fight you fucking ballsack
Variation is a positive thing. It keeps you engaged because seeing the same thing over and over again gets tiring.
>Bloodbornes level design honestly peaked in Central Yharnam.
Yeah for sure. There are so many different routes you can take to get to the sewers. You can go through the little house past the brick trolls, or you could roll through some boxes and immediately end up near the caged dogs, or you could take the stairs right behind the two wolves at the bridge and then drop down into pretty much the middle of the sewers, or you could take the ladder near Gascoigne's house (after unlocking the shortcut ofcourse). It's a shame that the quality in the levels after Central Yharnam really drops, especially after Cathedral Ward.
>least replayability with no variety
>has done multiple builds to try all weapons.
Its easily the worst RPG in the franchise. The character-building was dumbed-down, your build is basically just the weapon you choose. There are no roll tiers, no equip load, armor is fashion outside some status resistances, there's next to no unique equipment with unique effects, you're more restricted in how many weapons you can use and how you can use them, it watered down that whole aspect of the game.
The trick gimmick is functionally no different than just using two different weapons outside of the transform attacks, only now you can't choose which two you use, and the game only has 20 or so pairs of weapons with many only available late-game or in the DLC.
Blood gems were a cool idea but the straight damage %+ gems wind up being the best most of the time and getting the really good ones required grinding repetitive chalice dungeons. The co-p and PVP were nerfed and less accessible.
The game was pretty short, and while not nearly as linear as Straight Line Souls 3 still left progression between playthroughs too similar compared to DeS, DS1 and DS2, and combined with the watered-down multiplayer and piss-poor character building it results in the game having a lot less replay value.
Cohesion is a positive thing. It increases immersion and believability as the world unfolds in a natural and believable way that doesn't seem forced or jarring.
Anything to add?
Truck weapons are cool and all, but I personally prefer weapons closer to real life
>It's faster and forces you to stay moving
Just play Nioh faggot.
I agree generally but a little bit of variation wouldn't hurt. Hemwick and Nightmare Frontier don't fit the same mold and that's why i find them to be such a breathe of fresh air. You don't have to go super hard on variation or cohesion. It's a balancing act.
and that makes you a boring fag
It's the best game in the franchise.
I love the RPG meme as an "argument," because all builds since Demon's Souls have basically distilled into "pumping station + vitality + endurance." They are incredibly shallow as RPGs. Equip load is pointless since everyone with a brain goes for fastest roll since there's no incentive to roll slow. Builds require commitment to specific setups.
The trick gimmick allows instantaneous access and multiple weapons do not. It is also the peak DPS.
Blood gems suck, but weapon customization in the series has always been pure dogshit and that's all there is to it.
DeS is a purely linear affair and Dark Souls 2 is pretty linear too.
The game earns its replay value in just being funner than the previous games. Whereas Dark Souls combat becomes pure tedium, that never seems to happen with Bloodborne as the enemies are so much more engaging. That alone makes it worth the repeated trips.
I'm glad I found someone who agrees. Central Yharnam has great diversity in aesthetics, some verticality, and a big variety of enemies; townspeople, dogs, wolfmen, werewolves, sewer zombies, trolls, etc. You never really get that again besides maybe Hunter's Nightmare, and that's partly why I thought the DLC should have just been part of the main game.
Thank you, having taste like myself is rare
Are we talking about Nioh? Retard, keep
to the discussion at hand please.
That was pretty cool.
>Nightmare Frontier
Pure cancer in my opinion. They weren't kidding about the nightmare part.
>It's faster and forces you to stay moving
Its really not and doesn't though? Not more so than any of the other games. Its faster but not the point where it drastically changes how the game is played, especially not when compared to DS3 which is just as fast. I move around and dodge just as much in other games when I'm playing a low equip load character, its really not much different.
Yes you’re totally right the beginning gothic city landscape level look just like the forest level. And those two look just like the small university level which also looks like the nightmare realm which looks like a rocky wasteland.
>overrated piece of garbage
>not terrible per se
ok retard
The game has just enough variation for it to never feel boring frankly. The nightmares, the DLC, the Hemwick, Byrgenwerth, Forbidden Woods, Cainhurst, etc, add just enough variation without breaking immersion. It's convincing. Whereas Dark Souls 1/2 in particular just felt like random areas thrown together with no real rhyme or reason.
2nd playthrough couldn't keep my interest. The weapons all behave largely the same and build variety is an actual joke
>nu-uh its da bestest cuz I say so
>ur argument isnt an argument :^)
lol Bloodborne fanbois, everyone. Everything you said is objectively false.
>filtered by gascoigne