Hollow Knight is not a good game

At it's core, HK is just igavania with Dark Souls mechanics. These elements aren't bad by themselves, but the way they're implemented is trite and uninspired. It's a very dated design that seems to be more about following trends than offering an interesting experience. The variety among ability upgrades is lacking. They all manage to get the job done, but in a 15+ hour game, what you're given isn't enough to keep the game from overstaying it's welcome. Again, it seems to simply be an uninspired imitation of past successes with no thought of carving ones own identity. The story itself is a blatant ripoff of Dark Souls. Everything from the lore to the NPC writing is mimicked beat-for-beat. The title of the game wears it right on its sleeve. HK will be remembered as a relic of its time, and its high praises will all but be forgotten when a new critical darling hits the scene and inspires the next wave of trite indie titles.

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git gud


Ok, thanks for your unsolicited opinion.

i don't know about dark souls, but it's obviously ripping off a design from spirited away.
also, shitty faxandu clone to be honest.

Why is every Hollow Knight critic either filtered by Cornifer or desperate to compare it to Dark Souls?


It is a good game, just not a very good Metroidvania-like game since real rewards for exploring are so scarce. But if you're playing the game for the boss fights, you'll probably cream your pants.

Daily confirmation that filter works. Thanks OP

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>why does a game that borrows mechanics and narrative quirks from Dark Souls get compared to it?

it's one autist

because there are dozens of games it has more in common with

>it has bosses and save points just like dark souls!

>if I keep repeating it, people will believe me
simmer down, OP

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>a mechanic that punishes you for dying?

You know, you could at least change up the image you use for these bait threads. It's not even the first result on Google.

Every day. This same image. Always some new bait.

My post said the complete opposite of the OP. It must be hard living life with one brain cell.

if you want people to be fooled you shouldn't spam every single HK thread with the same bait.

I like it. It's a good game.

It uses the exact same soul system. The NPCs all have the same quirky neuroticisms, and gather at the hub after you find them. There's le stuck up fighter man, le shady merchant with obvious ulterior motives, and le bored shopkeep who takes all of the danger for granted. It's the whole fucking gang just reimagined as bugs.

What is a "real reward"? Missile upgrades you don't need? RPG equipment you probably won't wear?

those are closer to real rewards than new equipment and new moves are

The devs literally said they were inspired by Dark Souls. There is also literally nothing wrong with a game being inspired by Dark Souls.

(you like it ^ you have bad taste) -> bad game

Come on now, you're being really dishonest if you think the wraith system of whatever its called wasn't directly lifted from Souls.

except they said the opposite, retard-kun

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It looks fucking gay.

>There is also literally nothing wrong with a game being inspired by Dark Souls.
Wrong. It means that the devs were braindead enough to play that vomit of a game.

Is that sarcasm?

>fromsoft invented dropping currency on death
>fromsoft invented fighting the corpse you left where you died
don't you have an article to write, journo

stop falling to the same bait every day retards

you dudes are lowkey starting to seem dumber than the guy that posts this every day

Don't bother, they wouldn't even know the games that inspired Hollow Knight because they weren't ported to switch.

is this a new pasta?

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Lol if you don't see all the shit the devs stole from Dark Souls then you are a faggot.

Charms are hidden rewards everywhere and they’re rad as fuck.
>”Oh but I just used the basic nail boosting charms and got by just fine.”
Then stop being a basic bitch. Shotgun flukes and minion builds are the raddest shit.

Hollow Knight>Bloodstained


Literal stupid shits. How can gamers today be so brainsmall?

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such as?

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Souls really has become the harry potter of vidya

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Do you really, honest to god, believe that the structural, mechanical, aesthetic, and narrative similarities between them are purely coincidental and have no connection whatsoever?

Does La mulana fag still post here? I havent been on the board in a while.

What is it about Hollow Knight that triggers the autism of Yas Forums so much? Not even LiS has this many spergs crying in the threads

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Wow so Hollow Knight is a ripoff of Dark Souls because it uses tropes that are common in video games? You sure convinced me!

>and its high praises will all but be forgotten when a new critical darling hits the scene and inspires the next wave of trite indie titles.

stopped reading there

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Look at these tards. LITERALLY covering their ears and mumbling falsehoods to themselves. How much sadder can they get?

such as?

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must hate hollow knight
too similar to dark souls

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Haven't heard from him in probably over a year.

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its actually boring

I agree with OP.
I really enjoyed the first 10 hours of hollow knight. I'm at hour 20 now, and the pacing is the weakest element of the game. It's just padding at this point. I haven't found any appreciable upgrades in the last 10 hours, yet I've covered much more of the map.
The gameplay has not changed since the beginning of the game, i just continue to slice through bugs and hope to find a boss.

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>At it's core

Stopped right there.

>I am OP.

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I do not know what to tell you, I never found myself caring for a significant upgrade nor expecting it.
You sound kind of silly whining about something like that.
The area variety and design was crafted more than well enough to get every ounce out of the simple gameplay from start to 100% and beyond for myself.

>reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee theres no upgrades!!!!
>what do you mean you can unlock new abilities
>what do you mean you can unlock your weapon
>what do you mean you can upgrade your soul meter as well as health amount
>what do you mean there are charms to upgrade every different type of playstyle

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>it's bad because it borrowed a group of ideas from another game in another genre

>unlock your weapon

>fromsoft invented dropping currency on death
What game had this before?

Watcher Knights and Abyss Watchers are the same boss.

you're right. the abyss watchers totally roll at you like sonic and bounce off the walls

Way to miss the point. Increasing numerical stat points doesn't make air-dashing from one room to the next any less dull.

They both have you fighting two warriors at the same time and when one of them dies, the souls travels to another one. Don't be dense.

>lodging this complaint against a game that doesn't show you any numbers and has almost no upgrades that affect damage output exclusively
The nail upgrades are the only ones that come to mind.

You mean like how SotN came out like a Metroid game, despite being inspired by Legend of Zelda?

I appreciate the variety between areas. Especially how new enemies also have new attack/movement patterns.
A major part of these types of games for me (super metroid, castlevania, megaman) is gaining new abilities and equipment over time. That's my sense of progression, since it allows me to play the game differently, adding more variety.
With hollow knight, I'm just hacking away at enemies that take 5+ hits from my nail, which means the only thing the nail is good for is building my magic gauge.

>Dark souls is bad because it introduced the toxic idea of games being slightly more difficult
>games should be casual and have no penalty for dying because i don't like being punished for making a mistake
>I love walking sims

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diablo2 had corpse runs i think

>Dude what if we made a game focused on exploration where there's basically nothing to discover and all the locations are the same drab grimdark shit?
>Won't people shit on that?
>Not if you give them A LOT of repetitive grimdark shit to wander around and rarely find new abilities in. As long as there's a lot of it, reddit will love it

Corpse running existed in MUDs, Ultima Online, Everquest, Diablo 2 and many more games.

Did you never find the nail upgrades?