This is my wife Mara. Say something nice about her!

This is my wife Mara. Say something nice about her!

Attached: 1583745325846.png (753x788, 461.54K)

looks like an old man in a not cool way.


She's a gun totin' yee yee. Some wife you got there.

what cawadutty? also is it fun?

>call of duty
>relevant in 2010+10

What marketing company pushes the woman operator battlepass unlock? BFV and CoD both have it. Didnt Counter Strike GO do something similar? Any others?

Attached: download (2).jpg (300x168, 9.46K)

Mara means penis in japanese

Looks like Aubrey Plaza with that Gears chick's haircut.

Not only the bitch looks ridiculous, since people pay money for those premium skins they can actually equip those characters as German troops in Europe, same for German elites in the Pacific

Attached: EUOpNEjXYAAbQro.jpg (567x507, 33.87K)