Not trying to start shit but I have to ask, why are there next to no games that feature Christian characters or themes...

Not trying to start shit but I have to ask, why are there next to no games that feature Christian characters or themes? Even if you exclude fantasy games that don't take place on Earth, and ones from cultures that were never predominately Christian there's still a pretty big swath left where the mention of a character praying or going to church wouldn't be out of place. Heck, there are many interesting stories you could come up with if it was a bigger aspect too.

I'm certainly not saying devs need to consider adding such things, and I realize most of them probably aren't religious themselves or think that it isn't a "fun" topic to bring up but it almost feels unnatural in a way for what was once the most influential institution on the planet, and up until a few decades ago was a staple of life in most western countries to be so under represented in this particular type of media. You have no problem finding Christian novels or movies or music by comparison, and that's ones where it's the main focus not a side thing.

If I'm blind and there are some prominent ones out there please tell so I can check them out.

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You probably missed it.

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Because Christians bitched about everything in games, especially Christianity in games, for most of the late 90's.

Joseph did nothing wrong

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Doom and Castevania.

Posting here before retards inevitably derail this thread

The Xeno-Series has some Christian-Gnostic elements in it.
Amerimutt Evangelicals ruining everything as usual.

As a Christian, Christian culture hates art in general. Look at Christian film, most of them are horrendously bad. Christians don't go into art in general, and evangelical culture pretty much says "never show anything offensive and everything must be PG". Also Christians have spent decades saying how bad video games are.

Ahh, yeah I played the demo for this way back in the day but never got around to playing it. I think at the time I kinda pigeonholed it as "wacky Japanese" Christianity, but that was because of my ignorance of anything beyond the surface level stuff they preach about in church. I should definitely give it another go.

You could say the same thing about liberals for the last decade but if anything they seem more prevalent than ever.

it's not fashionable
just look at christian made games

I'm not particularly religious but Kate Marsh is a good egg.

Attached: Kate_Marsh.jpg (1080x1080, 769.96K)

Religion and christianity especially is treated so solemnly in the west that any media featuring it in a central role has a "religious"/educational stigma on it

Japanase Christianity is usually Catholic Christianity

>christian culture hates art in general
Absolutely not, I could talk about countless forms of art christians have made over the years but ill start with some of the best kino ever made

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Even as a kid who grew up in a super religious household, I remember disliking most forms of fiction built around it, because the message or conflict never really expanded on the theme or characterization beyond just saying "God is good."


Shit mythology

Had to google the name, but yeah this is the exact sort of thing I was talking about from what I've seen about being about to do interesting things with the idea and also that it would only be natural to find at least a few Christians in such a setting.

I don't mean historically, i mean recently as in the last 30 years or so. Of course historically Christians have been important to art but i was talking in a contemporary context.

Its pretty good imo. Its very psychedelic and trippy visual experience. Its just a Japanese interpretation and stylish rendition of the book of Enoch by some of the folks behind Okami. Btw I'm not a Christian, but I highly recommend it.

I bet you say golly gee

Because Christianity is shilled more subtly. For example Jewthesda has a quote from the Bible in fallout 3 and the pipboy shows jewsus when you have high honor.

The amount featuring it are dwarfed by direct or indirect (globo homo) anti Christian propaganda.That's because the people making the games are all shitty fags. The problem is that Christians are generally just the normal people out there who are too busy doing non bugman work or spending time with family. Getting into the industry is difficult and you'll be treated like shit. No one I know would want to do that. Breaking into it yourself requires a ton of time.

One of my dreams is to start an indie dev studio to counter signal globo homo with Christ. But my wagie job, my pregnant wife, keeping the house put together, etc. is keeping me tired and can't focus. Plus, I may be a good coder but I suck as art. Younger people also tend to be apathetic to religion in general, and artists in particular trend towards that, so finding a good artist who's not a degenerate is difficult. I'll try anyway, but man is it slow.

>anti Christian propaganda
Pedowood shills Christianity more than the holocaust. All the mass media does it.
Globalists use Christianity to control the masses but Christians ignore it and act like victims to feel better about themselves after raping children.

Oh yea most christian media these days are shit. I blame the modern christian take on the new testament

>imagine believing that
unironically telling someone that you are a christian makes you seem like a caveman or even worse, conservative.
t. atheist most of life, protestant now

Try literature instead. Games are at their highest in the midwit zone

Oh yeah all that one dimensional Christian literature like Dostoyevsky and shit. Pseud

Go read a book.

European literature culture was started, held alive and defined by the monks who wrote the books from 900 up to 1600, when the printing press was invented.

Darksiders series.

that's because liberal values are the future.
That's why you only find you cucks crying about it in your echo chambers, away from the actual people.

I really don't think you can call that shilling though. I'll admit I don't know much about Fallout, but the world was sort of stuck in 1950's mode before the bombs dropped right? That coupled with it being post apocalyptic which would make people more likely to turn to something external for meaning it would actually make sense for Christianity to be quite strong, if even a warped version of it.

Your child have a 100x better chance of getting raped by their female teacher than by any priest

I said as a kid. You think I was reading Dostoevsky in elementary school?

More than a few games feature Christian characters and themes but not a whole lot of them really attempt to explore them.
Most recent one I can think of that tries if Far Cry 5 because the base game is more or less the Book or Revelation in vidya form where the player character has the role of the "Beast".
Agony is another but its a whacked out version of Dante's Inferno that somewhat misses the point and doesn't really get what it's trying to be.

Ironically the games that feature Christianity more than any others would be Japanese games, mostly when dealing with fantasy settings.
Nights of Azure is another where the Pope is a villain but honestly Lesbian Rape Pope was such an acid trip I couldn't even be bothered to care. I suffered through the game enough that the whole thing just became a blur at the end.

If you want a western game that has themes of christianity or close to it, and I can't fucking believe I am earnestly recommanding this, Dragon Age Inquisition does but only if you play as a human non-mage.

What are you talking about ? The greatest shooter ever made has a devout demon slayer and Christian as protagonist facing against satanic hordes

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yeah, thanks to an ever-increasing rate of religious ambivalence. Priests can't rape kids who don't go to church, meanwhile going to school is mandatory.


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He is a really based author

liberals are the ones making the games. if Christians want Christian games, they should make some

Is it anywhere stated that the demons of doom are from christianity or that doom slayer is christian?

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is pretty big on Christian theme since it's settled in medieval catholic europe.

But that's wrong though, liberals want to change games in their image/ideology, not remove them entirely. On the other hand, christcucks and PTAs all throughout the 90's and early 2000s have been advocating hard to have video games be Marios forever. There is even a whole skit about it in Postal 2.

Christcucks were fucking annoying in those times.

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I was talking in a contemporary context, not a historical one.

binding of isaac

Not really. It's more like they're just another alien race from another dimension that just so happens to feed on the souls of humans.

But demons in Doom have no correlation with the hell of Christianity and are extradimensional beings harbored by an alien species, and Doom is no stated to be a christian. Try again Christtard.

I got the impression that the people on doomguys side were also demons from the game art and so on

>DOOM Eternal, made by a texan developer
>These are the good guys, and the rebooted Doomguy (doomslayer) was one of them before having the Preator Suit
How can one be any less subtle ? Yelling Deus Vult instead of Rip n Tear ? Look at the fucking helm

All I read was
>they make the games
>Christians are all lazy or pussies therefore don't work in the industry
>I want to make games but I'm a wagie too lazy and unmotivated to dev in my spare time
Get fucked excuse machine

Forgot pic
>Here's you TOTALLY NOT CHRISTIAN anti demonic force that TOTALLY DOESN'T resemble templars
>I-it's not true

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SMT you play as Christ-lite half the time shooting up demons both literal and figurative, as well as false Gods aplenty.

IIRC the original author of Megami Tensei thinks Christianity is cool as a religion not just the "Wow cool imagery" that other Jap series fly by

op you will start to see a lot more christian themed or straight up christian games in the next decade and here is why
the process of going from left to right for a lot of people is finding moral and a spiritual awakening. basically entering the next phase in life where you're not a dumbass retard spouting all the atheist shit while thinking "my own standards are the best, im in fallible and moral for as long as i subscribe to the church of blue!".
what is gonna happen the next decade, or now, is a bunch of millenials will turn mid to late 30. they would have experienced enough of life to the point where they start to seek religion or come back to religion for meanings and salvation. and then some of those have STEM background or background in software or game dev will pick up the tools and do something about it. they would also have been subjected to many years of gay ass SJW leftist influenced industry abuse to the point where they are gonna raise their armies and kill the cancer that is killing our industry and culture.

but what about the other side? why wouldnt the left keep fighting and win?
because they dont have kids, wont have kids, and cant have kids.
simply put. right now is a shitty period for a lot of right leaning and religious millenials to do anything about the shitty left influenced culture because they are either young, dont have money, or have responsibilities (wife and kids and all that shit)
as soon as their kids start to grow old and become more independent, you fucking bet your ass they're gonna crawl out of the woodwork and start fighting back
these global homo leftists dont even realize the noose is tying around their necks slowly. the industry is gonna start seeing a lot more redpilled games or games with redpilled messages behind it.

Nigga, have you seen the art? They harbor armies of demons themselves.

Yes, after an internal struggle and betrayal. The protagonist is one of the few that survives it
Don't be a lorelet

Golly gee is a fucking rad expression you brainless pillock

I vaguely remember him being a christfag in the book but given how Eternal pans out, demons are actual demons but act like extra-dimensional ayys that have the tech to extract the souls of living things.
The Maykrs and such resemble angelic and divine creatures while not really being them, though Hayden may actually be benevolent and VEGA is like an omniscience core of the "father".

Eternal needs to sort its shit out to be honest, though multiple interpretations are always fun to fuck around with.

>Make one of the best shooter ever made
>N-no not like that, not the heckin anti immigration "offensively boring" jokes
Are you enjoying your liberal Wolfenstein Younglesbians ?

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These leftist niggers are running out of criticism.

It's about imaginary disabilities actually.

God is dead and you worship Israel.

Don't worry, the article has words for both

It probably hit them very deep. That's a jab at Sjw if there ever was one.

The reason video games are and will always remain trash is because of their lack of God in their aesthetics. Everything in music, theater, painting/sculpture was defined by European Christian aesthetics 600-1000 years ago. These aesthetics, despite constant hacks who try to get away from them, inform literally every aspect of the design of art for the past 1000 years.

Video games however are just shitty playthings which have no God, no morality.

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They're great games (although of the main series I've only played 3, SJ, and 4) but definitely "wacky" even if Atlus had good intentions. Probably for the best considering how brutal the worlds in those games are though. Seeing Cain shit talk God constantly in Devil Survivor was pretty funny, that's for sure.

>There's a lot to unpack here
Top fucking kek

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Yas Forums when was the last time you listened to an actual piece of art?

I imagine these kind of people wear gloves to urinate.

Good taste

Faure and in general French composers have always been my favorite. I think it's that they have a strong sense of melody along with a large focus on tone color (as opposed to Italy and Germany).