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they're bringing kael'thas back? really?

Yeah, as a dungeon boss. Again.

Is he coming back?

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You are supposed to save him. You fight a corrupted shade of him in a raid in an attempt to rescue him.

I feel bad for people not going Vampire Chads.

Invoker is back

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You're now in the Shadowlands which is the Warcraft equivalent of nirvana. Everyone can come back baby.

They're really pulling the same gimmick twice?
>Hey we ran out of characters because they're all dead, what do we do?
>Alternate dimension where everyone's alive!
>They beat it, what do we do now?
>Another alternate dimension!

>wow players excited for this shit


invoker is so based

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The shadowlands were known before, it's like the emerald dream in that it exists next to the normal world all the time. WoD was some bullshit though nobody would've imagined possible before it happened.

Hakkar is back too in HD texture

Target Capping AoE Abilities, AOE going to cap at 8 target, no more massive pull

>literally where dead people go


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what in the fuck is that shit on the bottom left? can people please stop posting reaction images that retards feel the need to put their name on

>Sir, we ran out of epic characters to sell the game, we killed them all...
>Just go to the realm of the dead and kill them again.
Where do the dead dead people go? Back to Azeroth?

But only in his cute form.

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You can really tell that the people who are making this have not even fucking played Warcraft 3.

Kael was not a great character because he was LE EPIC WIZARD DUDE, he was great because he was this incredibly minor character who was constantly with his back to the wall. He managed to get by with cunning, tactics and desperate bargains.

His people have lost their King, their home, their magic and their pride. Through the player they scrape by and narrowly escape genocide to forge their own path.

But no, LE EPIC BLOOD VAMPIRE is what we get.

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>here is a hackney reason to see the exact same shit again

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>btfo'd the lich king
>becomes appointed as war chief
>deports all non-natives from his city
>remodels orgrimmar from a poor and boring shanty town into a mighty fortress reflecting the might of the horde
>end trade deals with the alliance because fuck the alliance
>all the other horde (((leaders))) are butthurt and start crying over his action despite being beneficial for the horde
>kills Cairne because he's a trehugging cuck
>killed his own general for being a dishonorable cuck
>literally dropped the bomb on theramore
>his once loyal supporters get's subverted and turn on him
>his actions against the alliance are justifiable
>isn't backing down without a fight
>required the combined effords of all leaders and heros of Azeroth to take him down
>remains courageous and loyal to his cause until his final breath

Garrosh was pretty based
We didn't deserve him

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they are reborn
next expansion will have you guys raising baby kael thalas


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>incel tier villains
>kael thas
>chad tier villains

How can the bombing of Theramore the justified?

honestly its a travesty what they did with warcraft IP. It was always a cheesy version of warhammer with pop culture references but it had SOUL

don't forget the best part

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There is no Kael in WC3 Reforged, sweetie.

Best moment of entire Warcraft ip.

You sure?

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If he didn't say that would she be gone by now?

i like metzen but fuck thrall

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Die like this game did.

Please Blizz just leave my bros KT and Anub'Arak alone... They don't deserve this

Considering there's a trend where the writers at Blizzard want to empower the female characters and get rid of toxic masculinity, probably not.

Dank memes

This post reeks of underage

one thing you can say about Thrall
at least he's not Sylvanas

>no more massive pull

Cataclysm lore was garbage, Jaina wouldn't had agreed with it.
But then Kosak, Tigole and Furor's EQ faction bullshit poisoned everyone from TBC and onward.
also they managed to retcon all of Warcraft 3 during WoW's late development back in 2003, since they were main devs.

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Blame DAVID KOSAK, the fucking everquest jew and friend of Tigole Kaplain and Furor afrasabi.

>>end trade deals with the alliance because fuck the alliance
Factually wrong. He wanted to EXPAND trade with the Alliance, not rescind it. He needed supplies to rebuild Orgrimmar and food to keep the starving population alive. He lowered himself, cast his pride and honor aside and humbly asked for both from the Night Elves who promptly told him to fuck off, unwilling to trade with the enemy of the Alliance. So he said fuck it, and launched an invasion into Ashenvale, massively reinforcing the battle for Warsong Gulch, crushing most of the entire Darnassian forces and took not what he wanted, but what he desperately needed for his people to live.
Never forget this. Night Elves are the reason that the Alliance and Horde are at war. They had no reason to refuse Garrosh, they can fucking GENERATE Lumber and food from the forests for them, and he asked for trade, not gifts.They could have had the mightiest warchief the Orcs had ever seen in their pocket, indebted to them because they saved his people. Uniting Kalimdor in the process. But they said no. Why? Because fuck em. That's why. And now they cry like bitches when the enemies they made burnt down their tree.

t. nelf player since day 1 vanilla

they keep bringing back old characters because they realized they can't get anyone to care about their new shit

its true when they say that Night elves are Elder Scrolls Elves teleported to another setting.
even the same assholery lives on in waracraft, and all they need no is call everyone N'wah.

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BASED! Fuck BLACKHAND, fuck ORGRIM, fuck NER'ZHUL, fuck THRALL, fuck Vol'jin and last but not least fuck SYLVANAS.

>Garrosh was driven mad by Y'shaarj
Factually wrong. Y'shaarj drove a bunch of Orcs insane that we see in the raid, but Blizzard has stated time and time again that he did not control Garrosh nor did he influence his actions directly. Garrosh took the heart, took the blood, took the power and used it for himself. Y'shaarj simply went along with it because it worked out pretty well for him, but he was unable to make Garrosh his direct thrall.

Torn between them and necrochads

Can we pray for Malacath to Resurrect Garrosh in TES 6 as the Leader of the new Unified and Strong country of Orsinium, alon gewith him fucking over northern Hammerfell?
That Orc was out of his Natural game.

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And people say the Horde was in the wrong burning down their shit tree.

lol no, we've been to the shadowlands before, in the old DK starting area you literally go there for a quest and it's just the ghost world you see when you die

>Build your cities in the middle of fucking deserts
>Realize "Oh wait we need supplies to build fucking cities lmao"
>Ask people that actually hate your guts to trade for supplies
>People that you've been terrorizing since day one
>People you're currently STILL terrorizing while you ask to trade
>Get ASSBLASTED when they say no

>warmongering race ask to trade supplies peacefully
>instead of doing the smart thing and working a deal that could stop any current and future fights tell them to fuck off
>they are attacking us boohoo

>and it's just the ghost world you see when you die
During WoW alpha you were supposed to be able to "play" while dead, with some NPCs and quest being there, then you go back to live with the spirit healers. Scrapped it because it was fun and interesting instead of a casualized EQ-clone.

But Sylvanas DID it because she sold her soul to Local Molag Bal.
And she probably begged him to not rape her in the ass as the Ruddy man does it to turn people into vampires.

Now Nelves went from tall long eared light bosmer to Falmer

you have to rescue him, not kill him

Blame fucking Tigole and his gang

No. You should blame Blizzard for hiring Tigole and his gang.

He died in alt-draenor. He’s not in our Shadowlands. If they bring him back, it’d be the stupidest shit they’ve done.

Can we also blame David Brevik for Cancelling Adventures? Shit was a fun game and dark as warcraft was and he cancelled it due to bickering.

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You can't be serious.

>t. nelf player since day 1 vanilla
and it shows

Wrong. There is only 1 Shadowlands. All alternate universes go to the same Shadowlands. They confirmed this.

Based Garrosh

>He lowered himself, cast his pride and honor aside and humbly asked for both from the Night Elves who promptly told him to fuck off
Didn't the orcs literally kill one of their gods. Are you seriously telling me they should ignore deicide?

>Haha hey I know we literally jump at the chance to attack you
>And have done so for years
>But how about you help us this time :^)

Also, if you check the horde maps, it's fucking packed with wood, he had an entire territory to the south, but purposefully decided to get wood from the forests the nelves considered sacred.

WoW turned Cenarius into a neutral faggot who will never lay a finger on an Orc again. He doesn't give a fuck anymore about the trees.

>shit that was never, ever mentioned before and just magically exists now
It's called an asspull, usually a sign of bad writing

Nowadays, sure, back then he was still dead.


Also one thing that i forgot to mention
Night elves were shoehorned as Alliance and undead as horde because of Faction balance autism.

Again, warcraft 3 feels like a paralel timeline.

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I wish female humans were real

He was brought back during cata iirc, right during the time where Garrosh invaded Ashenvale.
Him and Malfurion were constantly sucking Orc cocks.

>wow threads

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Didn't the negotiations between the nelves and the orcs happen right before cata though? Also I'm fairly sure you don't need wood to feed people.

>wojack posters

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AoE2 taught me otherwise