Monster Hunter

How are you enjoying new variants and finally synced updates PCbrews?

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I have gotten more brachy gems from raging brachy than from regular brachy reeeeeee

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(R)ape is quite fun but I haven't done him in MP yet. DIO too, especially when the Host carts in the first minute and two people leave while me and the other guy keep fighting anyway.

I only leave if two different people cart in the first phase

What's so fun about new Rajang? Same shit yet again but even more annoying.
And I hate that they lazily locked both monsters to optionals

>enjoying new variants
lmao they fucking suck

I'm enjoying raging more since I pretty much gave up on hitting anything else than the legs. He pulls back so much after some attacks that if I go for the legs I'll accidentally hit a good hitzone.

>People carting from Raging Brachy's love taps
Did everyone forget how to fight normal monsters after weeks of Safi grinding?

Explain me the frostcraft db/sns meme? Isn't frostcraft supposed to be shit on many hit weapons due to gauge drain along with velk set sucking ass?

Yes and I don't think they know you can upgrade your armor to level 20 now

It doesn't drain as quickly/it regens faster than on GS so it's not too bad in terms of uptime. I don't bother using it outside of a niche GS build but once AT Velk comes around it might be a different story.

Clutch claw was a mistake.

claw wasn't but making everything a shitzone because dude just tenderise lmao was

Does anyone else feel like the new Rajang is actually easier? I had way more trouble defeating the original one. Especially since the raging version seems to use his beam a shitton so you can get in alot of free hits.

Gauge drain and especially recharge speed of frostcraft on SnS is so ridiculous you get back to full gauge just by doing claw uppercut after few combos.
And while frostcraft gives you less slots than normal clown suit, it gives you far more damage than a simple utility oriented set despite still giving you enough space for HB3, DB3 and a few other utilities

they fixed lots of his janky shit except his instant punches

Both variants are easier than normal monsters
Raging bracy is considerably slower, bigger so you can hit him more reliably, and you can tenderize his legs. Last phase is just a victory lap, there's no way for him to kill you even if he does his roar explosion.

With raging brachy + teo you can have good damage and a ton of space for utility though, it gives you a ton of slots.

It's just the variants today, correct? The festival and everything else along with it is coming tomorrow?

You can do frostcraft + bracy easily, especially on sns.
You will have enough space for evade window 5 on top of it.

festival comes in 8 and a half hours

The festival and new events like the assassin's mantle upgrade are today, yes.
Update 13.5 with AT Nami and MR Kulve is later in April. No set release date yet.

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Probably because he's not tempered
>using beam more
you're just getting a present from RNG department

Is he going to be ok?

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>spent 10m upgrading all my armor
Holy fuck

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>people still getting filtered to shara

Does raging bracy never appear in investigations?

>tfw no kulve gf

Mixtape too good

What's a good swaxe to craft if I'm only just past the point where you hunt the tigrex and brachy in Iceborne? I've been using my nergigante hammer from before the expansion but I want to try something else.

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I used the tigrex one.

How long until the festival starts?

What's the reason valor movesets didn't replace the clunky ass GS moveset in World and especially Iceborne given the speeds of the monsters?

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7 hours

GS is fine
Fuck off

Beat Brachy, damn his armor is nice. Haven't fought Rajang yet, but if he has as many fast attack combos as Brachy then I'm in for a world of hurt.

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The only way to make GS fine in iceborne is to do frostcraft build with it to have at least one attack that can actually deal damage without a fuck huge setup.

synced updates too late, already over this game

Stop playing for sick headsnipes bro and actually adapt to what the monster is doing. You have a moveset beyond holding triangle for a reason.

Rajang is easier

Is it possible to capture Raging Brachy?

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Yes if you use the palico tool but you fail the quest


>Brachy is harder than the gay-ass monkey
What a time to be alive.


>to have at least one attack that can actually deal damage without a fuck huge setup
You don't like greatsword. Just play something else instead of asking it be something else. There's 13 other weapons that do what you want.

Just fuck off, listfag.

Rajang is harder. he has exploding projectiles now and no ass weakness

I hope we get full weapon transmog soon, I’m tired of looking at my unawakening safi horn.

>muh boogayman

I just had dude cart 4 times with sticky aquashot just because he was using sticky2. Is there bigger retard trap than sticky2?

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>raging shittios takles forever even in multi
i can only imagine what a shitfest alatreon will be

guard 5 shield 3 scope spread 3

Guys, does furious still have his triple flying pinball attack and the giant boulder throw? He hasnt used them on me yet.

also any CB

no this shit stayed in 4

LS and CB
Though i can't blame people carting with CB, the thing is plain obnoxious to use

You still need to hit other parts to remove snots

I find it easier to avoid explosions than it is to hit his head or tail with SnS. Thankfully he trips quite a bit so I can just remove it when he's on the ground.

you don't care about snots if you give up and just hit legs the whole fight

real shit?
how many pieces

How wide7 compares to long6 in terms of shelling damage?

Pretty much every commonly used clown suit piece from Narga and Velk to Safi

gunlance bros... it's finally our time....
thank you raging boxer monster

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>Brachy HBG is auto reload for pierce 3

Never used an autoreloader, are they any good?

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he's going to do blow up everything constantly and won't allow you to hit his legs

Gunlance was always great in both base MHW and iceborne.