Never forget what he has done for PC gaming and PC gamers

Lets finally show the respect he deserves.

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>Tells random person on Twitter to get cancer and die
>Fast forward couple years, gets cancer and dies an excruciating death

we clearly don't deserve him and jim sterling, Yas Forums doesn't like ecelebs, wich is fair enough

but this 2 did more than Yas Forums ever will calling the bullshit of this industry, bless them

Yeah but he was a dick.

>known cuckold
>portbeggar and grafix faggot
>dies of anal cancer
like poetry that loser was the epitome of Pc gaming

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Here's a hot tip for all you zoomies: the human body wasn't designed to live exclusively on takeout food

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fuck of Jim, you have bad opinions and recycled content.

If anyone's got the billing address to the afterlife, make sure to send him a post card and a note of Trump winning 2020

>Warhammer 40k
How can anyone who isn't a huge manchild find that appealing?

Warhammer 40K lore is great, and even resulted in (arguably) 2-3 good video games. The issue is Games Workshop sucks massive dick.

I miss him so much ;_;
Also, E-celeb board when? ;_;

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cause of death?

>banned people for posting constructive criticism on his videos


I'm glad he's dead.

>anglo vloggers

aren't they a dime a dozen

Get cancer and die.

le fov slider cuck

As much as that pic tries to paint him as "the bad guy" he is 100% correct and any person who thinks any e-celeb is their "friend" and that you are in any way more or less significant to them than the all the other views/subs/etc is mentally ill and needs to actually speak to real people

Hold Left Mouse to gather spit inside your mouth.

Release to spit on grave.

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He's not wrong

Damn I miss him
and I don't care what you guys think, I liked him

>all these buttblased console niggers still mad he shat on their glorified paper weights
he was too good

B-but muh parasocial relationship

Hahaha you talking about Britbong. Even today when he Livestream I always bring up total cancer and we both laugh

>Never forget what he has done for PC gaming and PC gamers
What?! A fucking emoji in fucking Twitch? Such legacy.

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What has he done for PC gaming and PC gamers?

This. It's not like he was an outright asshole to every stranger he met but the fagots thinking he owes them something when he barley knows them in a community of a hundred thousand others is even more assholish and insane.

I liked him because he shat on games with limited options, devs get away with too much shit. Games without an option to get at least 90 fov should be illegal.

Exposed how cancerous they are.


I'm talking about PC gamers, not his bowels.

nooooooooooo the consoomers must... know what i think about *wheeze* fortniiiiiiite

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>what has he done
Brought Dark Souls to PC at the very least, which would have likely not have any other souls games made or have them on PC.
There's no factual evidence for any of his other contributions but you genuinely can't deny this one, and it's arguably still the best Souls game out there, not to mention all the mods for it

Fuck off. Dark Souls was brought to PC because of massive fan demand, not because of TotalBiscuit.

Remember when this idiot thought the reason Ratchet and Clank series began to sell poorly was because the games when from 60fps to 30fps?
I'm not saying framerate isn't important, but the fucking guy thought it was the be all and end all.
He originally wasn't going to play Undertale because it was locked to 30fps.
Also, what kinda faggot cries to Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons?

r.i.p john

>treating non-e-celebs as better
Go back

The one that verbally abuses his wife for voting trump and kicks people out of venues because they made a joke a fat tranny made up to be about herself

40k figured out the formula of making sides in a game conflict that anyone can choose to play as without having to explain shit. Everything is so over-the top and evil in one way or another that nobody can even have any moral problems with siding with anyone. It's totally okay to play as the intergalactic conquering disease when you're facing off against a fascist theocracy, an army of deadly mold, robotic corpses of eternal suffering, celestial rapists, and true communism.

And what he did for his wife was even better. What did he do, you ask? He left her with almost 1 million dollars in IRS debt because he wanted to die in a mansion.

>Never forget what he has done for PC gaming and PC gamers

you mean implementing the cancerous mentality of "any game that is not a constant 60 FPS is unplayable shit"?

You're delusional kid.

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>and true communism

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You mean turned pc gamers into people who like to whine about shit that doesn't matter.

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>The fat fuck dies
>No one mentioned FOV limits ever again

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the blue skinned collectivist dudes

How, dare say, can you prove this?

>because of massive fan demand
Yes, and a petition used to actually show said demand to the publishers, which he promoted to his viewers, as otherwise it wasn't doing so great
This literally started the PC port petition meme, none of which succeeded since they didn't have the same numbers. I'm not saying he's some PC Gaming Jesus but his influence undeniably brought attention to the petition, which it turn set great things in motion for the Souls series, as much as you'd like to deny it

Once he died there was no force left to stop people from exposing fovfags as people who wanted to play easy mode without actually playing easy mode. Or even who just plain wanted to cheat in multiplayer games.

except that after his death VR took off and nobody had the audacity of suggesting that a display an inch from your eyes should be rendered at 60°. And zoomer streamers are also complaining about games that don't have FOV options. I saw some twitch thot who quit Half-Life 1 because of the FOV and continued with Black Mesa because it has a slider.

And SJWs are still grave dancing on Twitter. I can't wait if Zoe Quinn dies or Anita Sarkeesian dies. See how they like it when we grave dance back?

sounds based to me

>TotalShit died on your lifetime
Post your dance when.

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that's true though, consolenig

jim sterling is a disgusting fat turd and a confirmed cuck

>TB's hell is talking about Fortnite in circles for eternity

It's shit like this that makes me paranoid that one day karma will come around and give me ironic punishments for my misdeeds.

>knows WH only from memes and retards
>3rd hand knowledge
>thinks it can speak on WH

Kill yourself you retarded zoomer vermin.

Ah, yes. A true man of culture.

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He's absolutely right. Parasocial relationships with streamers are cancer.