Here are your Class changes bro

Here are your Class changes bro.

Game breaking changes:


Bad (meme or irrelevant) changes:


New PvE meta:

>new level cap is 60
>level up 1-10 starters
>level up 10-50 any zone
>level up 50-60 shadowlands
>grind infinite tower
>grind mythic+

New PvP meta:

>conquest points
>pvp vendors

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Game breaking changes:
what does it mean? is 2H DK back or not?

To be honest, I enjoy seeing hardcore players get cucked by every single thing blizzard does. You people deserve it.

Elaborate on game breaking changes.

>many AoE abilities are being capped between 5 and 8 targets.

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>Game breaking changes
>Bad (meme or irrelevant) changes

>this time it's gonna be different
>preorder goy!
WoW players are the ultimate cucks.

Frost DK is 2h again

Feral druids received no changes and are currently the worst dps spec. Prot warrior and disc priest even out-damage it. It's NOT FUCKING FAIR

The biggest problem is going to be Covenant abilities turning out to be impossible to balance, and everyone class forced into a specific covenant or be gimped.

Tirion let the Horde run nazi death camps on his doorstep, he deserves to burn.

>WoW is 16 years old
>Still no dorf-focused expansion

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Some of the new models look really out of place compared to others. Not cartoony enough.

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>Game breaking
What did they do to my nigga prot warrior?
Also I cannot wait for VDH to live in the trash for another expac.

So how is War Mode going to work with new leveling stuff? I enjoyed Leveling with War Mode on and World Pvping more than actual content desu

thats such a blizzard way of fixing shit I'm speechless

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Legionbabby here, why do people cum so hard over this coming back?

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nobody who actually plays the game thinks it's gonna be different.

Bow before the Winter Queen

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Fuck off to /vg/ if you are trying to make a rotation general to shill your dying product blizz.

Spergs mostly.

But does he have the same VA as he did in Wrath?

They get Barkskin and Cyclone baseline now though

where have I fought this boss before it's on the tip of my tongue

My boy Hakkar is returning after 10 years

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>monk so irrelevant its not even on the list of irrelevant classes

Have they reverted the GCD changes they did in BFA? if not then the game will be just as bad as it was before

Never thought I'd see the day where wow models would have graphics that look like they belong in the hypothetical WoW2.

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Just go moonkin and stop trying to take mdps slots you furfag.

Class fantasy

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Because people long bonking people with a big 2hander than 2 one handers.

No, they added a AOE cap though
console release

retarded arthas larpers. Reminder to kick them on sight for giving up Razorice.

>beta hasn't even opened to people yet and no class has even been changed yet other than abilities re-added
Being a brainlet must be rough.

Monk has some nice changes though

And he's the first boss of a leveling dungeon.

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Can I still play resto druid?

Is it worth dusting off my account for the +100% exp event they have going on? I haven't played since I dropped two weeks after BFA launched. Has there been any good content patches or zones since then?


WoW on Switch when?

Lady Vashj is also making a return and for some reason she has a skelton tail despite every other dead lore character shown so far not having decomposed

probably one of the dumbest and most Nu-Blizzard changes Ive ever seen. The devs are complete clownshoes and this expansion isnt going to fix any of the most significant problems from legion/BFA

people thinking it'll mean BIG OBLITERATES again. when realistically it probably wont be any different to duel wield frost.

if you didnt like it back then you wont like it now

Hakkar is my favourite piece of WoW's lore

>Getting mad that they are strictly adding things instead of taking shit away
You are actually dumb

Forgot pic

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No, BfA is a wash. I'm leveling a mag'har orc though because their Heritage Armor set is fucking great

Given the leveling changes coming in 9.0 the 100% exp buff seems worthless.

And no, not really. Nazjatar was lackluster and 8.3 was a gutted joke with recycled Cata and MoP zones.

RPfags. I'm just waiting for the cosmetic update so I can turn off the zombie voice modulator that DK's have.

Shit I'm back. Forgot to add Monks but doubt anyone plays that filler class kek.
Anyways they got nice 1h and 2h changes.
WW overall seems to be more viable since they get some dps abilities like Tiger on cd instead of it being in the talent tree.

Also note that druids, priests have got their essential abilities like cycle or SWD back but they only matter for PvP mostly. That's why I believe they still meme changes and won't matter outside of that.

Shamans got reworked but class itself still shit. So they belong into the bad category.

it's an MMO, so nothing changed despite the changes

take away the legion gutting of Fire, Survival, Shadow and Demo please.

>realistically it probably wont be any different to duel wield frost
Obviously, is nu-WoW after all. Every class must do the same DPS and if you do a 5% more than you should they'll nerf it until it does a 5% less than the others.

Coomers are also in the game going by the name Ash Vampire

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She's probably in Villain Hell. Hakkar probably got early release for good behavior for killing Jindo.

Probably just Maldraxxus stuff, the only other character we see who is in Maldraxxus is KT who is a lich so maybe decomposing is a Maldraxxus exclusive thing?

it will be different all right. Your Breath of Sindragosa will do less damage because youre missing Rune of Razorice.

>Demo please.
No BFA Demo is fun as fuck. I agree with the rest though but keep survival melee

Cata was the closest you get. now sit down and enjoy 10 year old content.

Call me a disappointed idealist, but could all this half assed content patchery mean that all the real work is going into Shadowlands? The fact that they ended N'zoth in a single patch with no end of expac finale cutscene, or even a tease of what's to come, just seemed extremely off to me from a design and writing perspective.

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Because while the other dps spec unholy can wield 2H weapons, it’s harder to play and the retards pining for 2h frost can’t seem to wrap their heads around anything more difficult than a three button rotation

Behold the LichLord, far superior to a Lich King

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>real work
user please.

>Unholy has Gargoyle baseline again

returned a lot of spec-only abilities to baseline, prot doesnt look like it got changed too much but the other specs can panic tank while the MT brezzes

Execute, Hamstring, Ignore Pain, Shield Block, Shield Slam, Slam, Spell Reflection, and Whirlwind are now available to all Warriors to use regardless of their active specialization. Furthermore, Challenging Shout and Intervene are returning, and all Warriors can use them to turn the tide of battle. Shattering Throw is also back

Don't forget the trannies

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>actual retard who likes a meme melee spec

Uhhhh what.
You call me dumb yet clearly misread my post like a moron. I'm not mad at anything i'm glad they're re-adding abilities why would i be against that?

I was just stating that the beta hasn't even opened and there hasn't been any changes. Heavy class changes and redesigns are never at the open of a beta, those changes always come in way later down the line when people are playing and testing, think a month or two before you see actual class changes. For the first half of the BfA beta fury warrior was still legion fury then they completely revamped it suddenly. This happens for every class.
Point is making a thread saying "LOL HERE'S YOUR CHANGES BRO" is retarded and disingenuous because there are no changes yet, so getting mad there isn't any is a brainlet move.

based as fuck

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What will Varian's role in Shadowlands be? Since this whole exp is just alumni fanservice, he's likely to have a large presence.

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yeah dude I love having
>no mobility
>no spread pressure
>no kick
very cool, sure to be highly competitive with Aff/Destro

what the fuck is blizzards hard on for point ears. not everything needs pointy ears ffs

>Also summons Skeleton mages with skills like Apocalypse alongside normal ghouls
Also nice

First raid has us rescuing Kael'thas. The corrupted one is an image of him used against us. He's working with us in Revengreth, it looks.


Maybe. It was 100000% clear that Blizzard gave up on WoD as soon as it came out. People assumed they devoted all their resources to Legion, and Legion turned out ok. At least better than what came before it. Who the fuck knows? Modern expansions usually follow a "Good, then bad" line. Cata sucked dick, MoP was amazing, WoD sucked big black dick, Legion was ok, BfA sucked big dick, Shadowlands might be... good? Eh.

Well with Vashj back there's a reason to coom so it's no wonder she's surrounded by them.

>"Heres your High Elves, Alliance"

>Arms gets cleave spreading bleeds again
>AoE cap on spells

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what's game breaking about mage now

Im never wrong so It is impossible I misread your post, and while I see your point I do think these will stick more since they released a whole thing about class changes as a dev blog a day ago. They did say some covenant abilities were not done yet though

DK's are getting new runes anyway.

legion SPriest was super fun once you had haste gear.

>MoP was amazing
MoP was pretty good but got dragged down by poor choices at the start an end. Unlimited dailies caused a shit load of burnout and the isle didnt ave enough to do for a themepark mmo. That said Thunderking was one of the better patches and the farm had good balance of fun while not being required that they fucked up exponentially with garrisons.

BOS is shit & doesn't feel like a DK ability

Show up with his giant thundercock and slap Sylvanas in the face with it.

For what it's worth all the zones are already completed art-wise. In every past expansion alpha usually half or more of the zones are incomplete or just giant empty plains, sometimes going into beta even

Isnt demonic Circle baseline now? Also no kick sucks but I like Demo for the summoning hordes of demons all the metafagging is not as important to me as enjoying how the class plays

But does he turn into a golden angelic figure to shoot a laser beam at the big bad?

Here's a female Faun, a member of the Night Fae, a reskinned version of the Night Elves who are all druids

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I dont give a fuck if you dont like it, it does damage so use it or Im kicking you.

In case you missed it, warrior is target capped right now

Event ends in less than two weeks. If you're gonna do it, abuse party sync so you can avoid BFA like the plague. Questing in Azeroth is faster anyway since you're not intended to fly while you're there.

Yeah it is pretty clear that they cut BFA early to work on Shadowlands. They did this exact same thing Cutting losses with WoD and going all in on legion

>having a kick is metafagging
literally kys shitter retard.

Sounds fucking BASED.
What about VDH? Still gonna be dogshit?

Forgot to click your post number

All their QA staff is still fired. They have promised to preorders to push this out Q4 this year. The current team can't balance and can't deliver. This will be a bad expansion.

So what like ask random lowbies to party with you for dungeons or something?


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These all look like completely different art styles. The new models we got in WoD are already looking extremely dated compared to this.

>flat ass
wasted potential blizzard

>More furfag shit

He'll job to Sylvanas to prove (again) how strong she is.

This better be an alliance Allied Race

Im hopeful about VDH unlike others. Its getting a ton more burst self healing (Baseline Fel Dev, multiple talents that buff it) and also some mitigation changes.

he dead

Night Fae Dryad

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no clue I only play warrior.

>Necrolord: Conqueror's Banner: Brandish the banner of the Necrolords for 2 min, increasing your movement speed by 10% and causing Mortal Strike (Arms), Raging Blow (Fury), and Shield Slam (Protection) to grant you Glory. Killing an enemy grants 2 stacks of Glory. Reactivating this ability plants the banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 50% attack speed to you and 4 allies within 15 yards of the banner. Lasts 2 sec per Glory, up to 30 sec. Instant cast, 2 min cooldown.
I'll take things that will never go live in this state and will be heavily nerfed for $500 Alex.

>monks can now 1H dps / 2H tank again! yay!
isn't this just a gimmick?
from what I remember in WoD one of the two was a better choice damage wise and the other had literally no advantages
What's the point?

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No Allied Races, and definitely nothing from the Shadowlands. Would make zero sense. These races are psychopomps removed from the mortal world, why would they join Alliance/Horde?

>alliance playerbase is entirely dead
>horde playerbase overwhelmed by vulpera and blood elves
is there no escape?

>Make trial account
>Open second instance of WoW with trial account
>Make character of your faction and log in
>Invite character to party
>Enable party sync

Bonus points for going to hubs you haven't completed yet, steamrolling through all the quests, and then enabling party sync for two levels worth of quests in 3 minutes.

time to fap

What's your problem with the change?

The Lich LORD?!

Where can I go look at the talents?

I literally said having no kick sucks illiterate.

all of the other ones generate rage no warrior will take that one unless they get forced into it by their raid group.

Female Gargoyle

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massive pulls in trash content like expeditions was the only way to make it fun and this change is nothing but MUH ESPORTS pleaser, i.e. no fun allowed

>everyone figures out what the best covenant to roll for each spec during alpha/beta
>everyone goes that covenant for their respective classes to get the most benefit
>blizz does shitty balancing and nerfs the best choices into the ground each patch
>players are forced to reroll constantly to get the best current covenant

this is fucking retarded.

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Stop playing on Wyrmrest Accord

Lucky for me I never do any of the starting zones. I just beeline straight to Belftown and Ghostlands until I can get to 15 for dungeons.

Stop minmaxing then

Right here my dood. Keep in mind everything is Work In Progress(tm) and Subject to Change(tm).

They said Allied races were not exclusive to BFA, and I could easily see some of the dead allied races rejoining the living world to take help against threats after seeing Sylvanas fucking the shadowlands up from the real world.

That's why I'm doing the chad thing and picking the best flavor option regardless.

Necrolords on my DK, Venthyr on Warrior, Kyrian on Paladin and Nightfae on Hunter.

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>no new talent row in 4 expansions

You are retarded if you think that. The other abilities are all trash except for Condemn which is decent but it's literally just an improved execute.
If you even consider the other abilities when you have access to a 50% heroism/bloodlust for 30 seconds on a 2 min cooldown you clearly are a retard who has no idea how to play the game or your class.

Other tips for abusing party sync:

>Buy the toy "Soft Foam Sword" from toy vendors in SW/Org
>Use toy on any mob that is 20+ levels under you (pre-scaling)
>Chunk 90% of their health in 2.5 seconds

>Enable war mode for 10% exp buff
>Complete starting zones where players can't enable war mode before level 20
>Most, if not, all rare mobs will be up because the only people there are higher level players who are just passing through

>Repeat this every 24 hours, only completing zones you like

Belves are a problem everywhere. Also at least on WRA there arent many Vulpera. I only see like 2-3 in Orgrimmar usually. Hoping they stay obscure.

Why would you excuse the devs making things more tedious to kill rather than just balancing AOE according? They actively are trying to fix problems that arent there

whats gamebreaking about rogues? poisons coming back?

We said the same about battle for anuscock and see how that turned out.