Why is gatekeeping seen as a bad thing? Honest Gatekeeping is incredible based and the only way to keep a interest pure...

Why is gatekeeping seen as a bad thing? Honest Gatekeeping is incredible based and the only way to keep a interest pure. Look at how bad gaming has become as it has been more accepted and plebian.

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Gaming is fine and you are a faggot.
>muh plebbit
>muh discord trannies
>muh this, muh that
it has been going on for years, and it only serves to make each single thread less readable than the last. OP is faggot, thread/

>>muh plebbit
>>muh discord trannies
>>muh this, muh that

what the fuck are you talking about schizo?

I'm also the one who popularized the "schizo" meme as well, because I was using it to refer to any shitposter and Yas Forumsposter shitting all over Yas Forums. Get off my lawn, damn zoomer

Please don't use the supreme gentleman to shitpost.

Malicious ego chasing retards want to be able to call themselves something without actually being interested, knowledgeable, or competent in whatever it is. With regards to vidya, they want to be able to call themselves a part of a fandom just by claiming they are.

Biggest offender: "Weeaboos" that watch Jojo/Dragonball/Naruto and play Neptunia/Fate/IL and proudly proclaim that they are "such a weeb xd" completely ignoring the meaning of the word and wearing it like a medal on whatever social site.

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The only people who complain about gatekeeping are those the gate is keeping out.

Think about tit.

It sounds great at first but it always ends up with people literally pissing on each other.
See Skull and Bones Society or any country club. It just ends up in a gay sex party.

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Why are you scared of accepting others? You some homofag?


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FGC faggot detected.

If you get gatekept then you're probably too stupid for whatever it is.

no you're not, you're just a schizo with delusions of grandeur


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didn't read don't care didn't ask

based and supremely redpilled

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the grim reaper who reaped my heart

ok you schizo

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because gatekeeping inevitably leads to a completely dead community outside of a circlejerk of a few faggots, which is fine if you want to jerk it with your fags, and not as good if you're not one of those fags but are still interested in whatever it is.

Just look at what happened to the heavy metal scene. Gate keeper autists chase off everyone, grow old, no young blood to pass the torch to, becomes interest of old and bald that fades to obscurity

thereby the term "Honest gatekeeping"

Thinking about tit.

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it being "honest" does not make it any less retarded

I made a thread a little while back asking if there was anything legitimately wrong with gatekeeping, and it got some pretty good discussion until faggot mods deleted it. Guess genuine discussion isn't preferable to the countless twitter screencap or news headline threads.

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Gatekeeping is for faggots but what the fuck are you gatekeeping for? What's left to protect? What are you being so obnoxious for? Why are you in the fucking way? For what?

I would totally understand if there was like some hidden trove of top-tier entertainment or some hidden away community of really cool people who would only suffer from outside influence, but there's not. You all suck, and if you can't give me the information I'm looking for the least you could do is get out of the fucking way.

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>what the fuck are you gatekeeping for
To preserve what we have.

That's my question: What do you have?

I don't mind accepting others as long as they don't want to change the foundation of what it is we're enjoying. If they can accept games for what they are, that's good company. When they demand that Smash Bros add black and gay characters to meet some quota they have in their deranged head, they've lost the whole point of why we're playing games to begin with and should be shunned. Let's just have a good time, talk some shit, and make fun of Stevefags. No need to bring real life shit into it.

Fightan games

Gate keeping is a fucking stupid term tossed out by people who aren't being spoonfeed everything about the game. And I mean every single thing about it.

you can call it whatever you like, but the unavoidable truth of any kind of interest that needs people to keep it going is that it either grows and changes with the new blood that comes into it, or it dies. All that gatekeeping does is keep it closer to dying for fear of change, which might not necessarily be a bad thing for some extremely niche communities, but vidya has been way past that for fucking decades now.

>gaming is fine
Is it? What recent game did you enjoy?
Feels like everything bores me lately.

Doesn't anyone actually gatekeep fightan games though? Is "gitgud" considered gatekeeping by the people at large because that's seriously the only response I ever see to scrubs bitching about the game mechanics

The weirdest thing about gatekeeping is assuming you actually can

You’re getting older

>gatekeeping mainstream things like anime or video games
Literal mental illness.

>wanting to be a weeb
absolutely pathetic

You're right that the gatekeeping from fighting games come from the games themself and not the people playing it. Still, though, not catering to the needs of those faggots who wants to be good without gitting gud is the only thing keeping the genre good.

Isn't that term created by SJWs?

For me, gatekeeping is a tradeoff between having a community grow, or keeping a specific culture. If a subject gets really popular, the culture of the community surrounding the subject will change, often times for the worse. Gatekeeping can curb that process. It's just like you said here:

>I would totally understand if there was like some hidden trove of top-tier entertainment or some hidden away community of really cool people who would only suffer from outside influence

This kind of stuff absolutely does exist. Maybe the only reason you aren't aware of it is because you're the kind of person the gate is supposed to keep out.

>if you can't give me the information I'm looking for the least you could do is get out of the fucking way.
Did somebody really stopped you from getting the information you wanted? How?

>expecting anons to do anything honestly

But then that's not gatekeeping. Gatekeeping is an active process, those people just don't like fighting games.

Undoubtedly, we all are. But you dodged the question.

>trannies, niggers and autists
Yeah, you can keep them.


Because gatekeeping is just a way of being elitist faggots for the sake of being elitist.
Why would the personality of other gamers affect you at your level? Almost every game has skill based match making meaning shitters are going to be stuck with other shitters.
If your point is that they're going to try and change the game, it's the game's job not yours to keep them out by not being a game they like to play. If a game is going to cater to them, they'd be doing it whether or not they already paid for the game.

Look at exhentai for example
>its literally just ehentai
>b-but our secret club
>what do you mean you dont want to make an account and link it to your browser. Obviously you're just too stupid to figure it out XD
What purpose does that serve when you could just go to nhentai and open it up to everyone without being a shit about it?

At least those trannies, niggers and autists play videogames, unlike you

If you feel he is in the way, there is something worth gatekeeping there. You cannot gatekeep without it.

Consider the usual modern creator: they just got an education and a job, but they are incredibly stupid. Meaning they know just enough to function, generally don't think very much, and most words don't mean anything. How the fuck are they going to write a "hero's journey", if they themselves stay exactly the same for years?

Same with hobbies. Don't let retards in or, even worse, give them authority. You bet your ass they'll want authority.

that's not dishonest gatekeeping. honest gatekeeping is telling someone that watched an lp on youtube that no, they are not a fan of the game.

and still it bothers you so much whenever someone posts an exh link, making it forever worth doing

Then I guess the only way to secure that the good things stay good is to make them inaccessible to plebs since people can't be relied on to keep them on.

Anyone who unironically uses that faggot term is obviously not from around here. Whining about "gatekeeping" might as well be taping a sign on your back saying "I'm a giant fucking faggot from reddit/twitter/etc." Secondaries and casuals should fucking die.

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>literally shat their pants during "tournaments"
You can keep it.

I don't believe that and I don't really look. I'm only ever after information if I have to enter some foreign community, which rarely happens

It's seriously never worth the extra runaround

At the very least, they didn't play the game. Sometimes the people who watch a LP will say they played it when they didn't.

Oh no, no, Smash isn't a fighting game.

i hate the term, you redditor. i am just using it cause it is what people call it and i am against that. i am not some autistic fucking retard like you that can't even say a word when i am talking about it.

People who get mad at gatekeeping tend to be the ones being rightfully gatekept

Based. Normies are the problem as to why devs get away with putting out shit games.

>faggot that whines about gatekeeping is an nhentai redditor that can't get past the panda
>even drops a "muh secret club" line
lmfao why are all redditors such cookie-cutter cardboard cutouts

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But you still made the runaround.

>weeb elitism
now I've seen everything.

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Hence why it's stupid. Its not done for a valid reason, it's just for the sake of being an asshole.