Absolutely no upper plate exploration

>absolutely no upper plate exploration
>no new sectors to visit whatsoever
>everything is just a corridor

Why did they even bother?
No wonder they outsourced it so early on, they couldn't even give a shit.

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Those aren't the real graphics right?

Meet the new gen, same as the old gen.

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im sorry user

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its on console, what did you expect

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Which Skyrim mod is this?

Midgar was pretty much a corridor in the original.

Literally the only reason why no one cared back then is because it was a helicopter view and if you were coming out of Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis, the graphics were considered mindblowing for 1997.

>absolutely no upper plate exploration

People don't care because the world is so full of details that you don't NEED to see more. What slums you do see are so packed with visual information that you don't need to see miles and miles of it to know what they must be like all around the under-plate.

From what I saw of the demo it seemed to be a pretty faithful recreation of the original reactor. Like walking in I'm thinking "oh hey it's just like this one particular screen." Asides from the boss fight where the narrow ramp turned into to big fucking squares. I guess since that was the demo to showcase the game they put more effort into it, because it looks like they gave no fucks after that to even try to replicate the original.

cyberconnect wouldnt have fucked it up as bad i want their version not nomuras fanfic shit

>absolutely no upper plate exploration
>no new sectors to visit whatsoever
>everything is just a corridor
It's as if you're talking about her resized boobs.

horizon zero dawn looks better than most pc games that get shilled as looking good which is pretty fucking wild

i think it was originally intended for ps5 but they wanted those ps4 yen from you guys. next gen ps5 like gta 5 did.

eh at least that looks comfy

Didn't it start development on the PS3?

yea but they probably saw an opportunity to get shekels from ya guys at the end of ps4s/pros life. whens part 2 come out? 3 - 5 years? wow.

What if they're not greedy, just bad at their job?

artistic direction does wonders for a game, its not technically better, it can just hide its shortcomings with impressive looking setpieces, kind of like botw

its a fucking game company. they're obligated to be fucking greedy. what kind of fairy tale lalal land do you live in ? even if they're the nicest down to earth company in the world someone in there companys sole job obligation is to make money so they can pay their employees

What the fuck, are these actually just flat low quality textures of some fucking handles, they couldn't even be assed to model them?

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People only care about it now because SE made a point that they were going to be expanding on it since this game is now focused entirely on Midgar. When the only expansion you get is more of the same shit you've already seen you got yourself a legitimate complaint.

Expanding doesn't necessarily mean more areas. People's thinking just defaulted to think that.

>oh they will explore all of midgar user, that's why it's midgar only
>oh midgar was a corridor in the original user

Fuck you

>oh they will explore all of midgar user, that's why it's midgar only

Are you putting words.
In my mouth?

Yeah, and they just coincidentally put clips of characters cruising down highways in the trailer to go nowhere new.

Let's face it - SE lied to everyone. They made the starting demo stage look incredibly impressive, just so people would buy the game, and the further you go - the worse it gets. If this wasn't FFVII, people would be shitting on it really hard - a fucking Switch and DQXIS is able to hide low poly models and low res textures better than whatever SE did here.

Because shills like you said that all the time

tripnigger opinions are irrelevant

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It's your fault user, it was a deep and immersive game, but you complained about Tifas boobs and they dumped the remaining 50million yen into modeling sports bras.

You did this

Those are not the same areas fyi, the weapons shop is in the game and do is the cage. He just picked a completely different shop for the left picture.

I had a similar problem playing FF15 on console. Sometimes textures just don't load properly. From what I've seen the game is supposed to look better

>FF7R defenders are one person

Might as well be

because it's on a goddamn console. if you usually play games on consoles you don't notice how shit they look because 1. you're playing far away from the TV 2. the graphics are obscured with blur bloom and DOF
now that youre seeing these static screenshots up-close on a PC or a phone if youre a nigger there's nothing that hides them from you

Funnily enough, Cyberconnect is credited at the end.

There's nothing wrong with FFXIII.

>Can't even make Midgar huge and open world
>Now I'm positive they'll fuck up the open world
Not like I care though. Fuck off with this Advent Children Kingdom Hearts pile of shit.

I’d explore her upper plate if you ascertain and understand the message which I am insinuating

this is the current state of xbox games

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And 13-2, which is unironically good

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nice hangers
I’d let her brap on my palm

It took SE 10+ years to make a game which is basically a dozen corridors put together and N64 tier environments.

At this rate they will take at least a century to make the complete FFVII world.

There might not be a more incompetent developer. I know Japan is struggling, but this is pathetic.

I'm sure they realize that, which is probably why they came up with a plot device to justify not doing the whole story

Based schizo

>SE works exclusively on FF

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Based no-taste-having shill

I thought they said Midgard was going to be fully explorable.

The Midgar we know.

Not the Midgar beyond.

>still using sprites

of course SE didnt throw everything out it would be interesting to which extend they removed stuff

FFVII:R is a classic case of frontloading. The first major sequence of the game is polished, and as soon as it's done the asset quality tanks and the gameplay becomes a padded fetch quest piece of shit.

>From what I saw of the demo it seemed to be a pretty faithful recreation of the original reactor.
I wonder if people even played the original. it's really strange seeing posts like this.

Fucking tech illiterate mongs kill yourself, a console can handle more than 10 polygons. This is just laziness on the developer's part. A PC port will probably no different.

Both this and XV are examples of square botching good lighting outside of specific areas.
It’s almost scary to compare daytime midgar to bombing raid area in terms of lighting.

The fuck? That looks like FFXIV and it's PS3 food graphics.

Stop bullying the rat dude

>owns a console
>calls others tech illiterate
lol, hit a nerve, did I?

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Yas Forums usually only seethes this hard when a game is actually good

>The people must see the light, the things they like are actually BAD. WAKE UP SHEEPLE, be my friend and listen to everything I say, you fucking FAGGOTS!
Yas Forums - Aspergers Syndrome