Game starts with a lot of promise

>game starts with a lot of promise
>it never delivers

what's her name, Yas Forums?

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poor fucking dog

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The objective moral solution would be to outlaw these breeds
neuter them and let the genelines die out

>assholishness of a dachshund
>combined with the jaws of a pit bull

That is the deadliest dog in existence, kill it.

damn dogs just need to be reset at this point

We need a Tiger King style documentary on these white trash motherfuckers.

>when you've got a strong jaw line but you're shorter than 6 feet tall

I actually really like the contrast. Its otherworldly.

holy shit it's liek seeing one of those porn movies with women with tiny teen boidies, it's just not right.

I seriously think our dachshund was partly bred with pit bulls at some point. He's got the long body like a dachshund but his skull and eyes seriously remind me of pits. It would also explain why he's so fucking retarded and aggressive.

What do people see in these types of dogs? Their proportions are all types of fucked on top of horrible health issues. Why invest in a dog that will die in less than 10 years?

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>white trash

Most of this shit is now done by niggers and spics. Anyone poor, since pit bulls are the cheapest dogs out there.

They're chihuahuas for men.

Every western game ever

seems like they dodged a bullet there though

It looks cool and unique

>implying greyhounds are not the best breed of dog

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because they like what they look like. Or they flex with them if they're worth a lot. It's like a brand to them.

it's the same thing as buying brand name goods
doesnt matter if it's worse and more expensive than an off brand product


chihuahuas are already for men, my grandfather was the most grizzled bastard you'd ever meet and still babied his fat little pair of chihuahuas

Looks like an abomination of nature.

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>tfw want a pug
>but don’t want to deal with all the health issues they tend to have
I just want a pet really. Maybe a cat’ll do.

I'd fuck it

rottweilers and boxers are the true Chads, German shepherds and border collies are cool too

primitive dogs like huskies and samoyeds are my favourite.
shorthaired niggerdogs are repulsive.

A pleasing head.

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I've never seen a street dog look so much like a fantasy RPG abomination. Natural "she looked cute and i forgot to wear a condom" selection confirmed better than planned breeders.

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Because dogcucks are retarded, literally the final form of consooming where they make fucked up biological experiments to consoom because inanimate things just arent enough anymore.


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Expensively bred "fighting" dogs are a symbol of wealth and power for poor inner-city minorities.

Don't. Pets suck. Animals are filthy things.

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sighthound gang

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get a retro-pug, aka an actual pug

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best small breed coming through

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Look at this crime against nature.

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This is living proof that evolution isn't real. Things only degrade over time.

I'm not talking about normal pits. I mean these motherfuckers who like these disgusting midget deformaties. The channel that shows this abomination has white people which makes me assume it's a white trash operation.

>implying toxofags don't buy le kots with flat faces and stubby legs

For me, it's the German Shepherd

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These dogs aren't naturally selected though, they are selectively bred. They are cultivated, not evolved.

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It is an abomination.
Human took God's perfect and beautiful creation - a wolf - and let it degrade.

>tongue is dried out because it cant keep it in its mouth

poor thing

>Why yes, we are urban wolves, hunters and killers at heart. How could you tell?

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also known as a retarded and ugly belgian malinois

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Your grandfather was a FAGGOT
Sorry that was uncalled for

For me, it's the German Shepherd.

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These dogs? No, all dogs are the result of humans interfering in the natural process by turning canines into our willing slaves who experience a thousand years of excruciating pain every moment that we don't pay them attention.

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Dachsund's were used to burrow and catch rabbits/ferrets so yes

dachshunds and mastiffs will fuck you up and aren't bred for fashion, you retard.
Dachshunds dig for badgers and mastiffs fight off wolf packs.

i fucking hate wienerdogs. the only breed worse than a cock puppy is a chihuahua. stupid little beaner rats and nazi dickdogs

Huskies for me.

It sounds weird but they have the prettiest eyes.

Its nowhere close to the dog industry, how many cat breeds can you name compared to dogs and can you even tell them apart? fucked up cats are outliers just like owning a lion or a crocodile.
But fucked up dogs are fucking everywhere

Hey guise whats going on in this thr- NOPE, I'm outta here.

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>buy a literall mutt in the true sense of the word from a disgusting puppy farm
>be surprised you get an inbred mongrel that probably has everything from chihuahas to greyhounds mixed in for generations
do normalfags reaally?

>impacted face
your small dog is shit and cant breathe properly

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Get a cat. Preferably a breed that doesn't have a fucked up skeleton.
You always hear these stereotypes like "cats don't like you, cats don't get attached, cats are assholes", but those are only true if you adopt an adult cat. Get a kitten and raise it yourself and it'll be attached to you as loyal as any dog.

I have a siamese 3 year old and she fucking loves me. She only listens to my commands, follows me around, always sleeps on me in bed, never misbehaves and gets super depressed and bored when I'm not home.

However, I live in a countryhouse, where she can get a lot of fresh air any time she feels like. If you live in the big city, you can't really walk your cat, and having it be stuck in your apartment forever is cruel.

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I know. Same thing my dad says but I want one to keep him company while I’m at work so he doesn’t get lonely.
Cute. How are they compared to pugs?

based and based and based.
Borzoi are cool too just for their massively long noses as well

It IS an abomination.

Imagine that down syndrome kids become mainstream and humans start to create the most retarded human babies possible. That was happened with that breed

And make the funniest noises

cats are fucking boring and usually just fuck off to hunt somewhere. Dogs are bros and actual companion animals.
t.ruralfag with cats and dogs.
yes I helped birth them all

There is no "natural process". Wolves were always the same from the genesis, until humans intervened.
This is what happens when you try to play God.

Dachshunds unironically are born killers.
Show them a hole in the ground with any kind of rodent in it and enjoy the show.

>dog looks cute
>barks once
>cuteness gone

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these little bastards are based as hell, I swear they're the only small dog that isn't totally retarded

nah your grandad was a certified fucking homo if he had not one but TWO beaner rats

>nail polish

is there any breed of dog that hasn't been cucked by selective breeding yet?

even german shepherds aren't as chad as they were 100 years ago

fellow (((dogs)))

all it proves is external control is the tool of the "devil" however you define that. nature is chaotic and demands chaos to thrive, while order only degrades and decays things until they're dead. it even happens to humans, too much order, safety and control created soi cucks and progressives, the very epitomes of dysfunctional dysgenic degradation.

Bruh, get a Maine Coon cat. They're big, fluffy, vocal and extremely social with humans. They are basically a dog in cat form.

>Dachshunds unironically are born killers.
Das rite, ve vuz vulf und shaize.

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>tfw have started buying store brands because they're honestly superior as well as cheaper.
Best example is sparkling water. Kroger brand is dirt cheap and has the fizziest cans available.

My cat is a companion she demands plays every day

Why haven't you taken the vizsla pill yet?

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r8 my woofers

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Golden Retriever

Just rescue a random puppy from a shelter. Specific breeds are a meme.

retro pugs or sportmops are literally pugs without deformities, they are great

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cos its her little fur baby XDDD.
pet obsessed women in their 30s are the equivalent of a Yas Forums basement dweller autist. just replace video game obsession with dogs or cats

based and redpilled
German Shepherds have fucked up backs.

Nigger, I use a couple of dachshunds to hunt. They are excelent trackers and don't hesitate to attack big preys. Years ago my father lost one because the little nigger literally attacked an injured wolf.

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I was thinking about a cat cause they seem cleaner than dogs ie I don’t have to constantly clean up their shit/piss on the rugs or whatever but they vomit up hair balls don’t they? I want a pet that is good company to keep my dad from being lonely while I’m at work that’ll also be easy to clean up/look after. And yeah I live in the city Houston and in an apartment as well so let’s have to be small.

Serves him right and the dog right. Pitbulls are niggers of the dogs.

Store brand products are often just the more expensive brands sold under the store brand at a cheaper price

dogs are always cute

oy vey!

don't get breeds, just get a pleasant mutt that someone dumped at the rescue shelter

I had a maine coon, she died of old age. She loved playing with my doggers and usually just hogged the couch.
Great animal.

woah cool it with the racial slurs, user

>why be gotta dog no more!
I can’t even understand what people are saying with this Twitter Ebonics shit.