WoW Shadowlands Alpha

Here's your mommy's new model Sylvanasfags.

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nice. they fixed her face again. Hopefully they fix it in the cinematics too.

Love her arms clipping through her leg armor in her default idle.

Just kill her off already. Bitch character.

Will the writing get better now that Goldie is gone?

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of all the things you could care about, why let WoW's writing be one of them?

the new visual direction reminds me of a bad metal album cover

She's sure to be a raid boss now

Dungeon if she's unlucky

Which Covenant are you going to pick and why is it Maldraxxus Necrolords?

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I thought Sylvannas only wore that bra and panty armor. What happened?

Can't wait for the quest where Nathanos Blightcaller literally smashes her ass bareback because we all know that's where the coomer lead writer is going with this shit story

If that was the case wow would've never been successful.
The gameplay was always dull.

she won't die because she's the waifu of the lead writer.
if anything she gets a shitty redemption arc despite being objectively evil in Legion and bfa.

Danuser is still there.

Golden doesn't write the story. She writes tie-in materials and cinematics dialogue.

WoW's story is still in the hands of Danuser aka the Sylvanas waifufag who uses Nathanos as his self-insert.

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now she's not even hot anymore. Blizz really turned on its head

Now that we know WoW's going to be coming to consoles, who will be naming their guild what? I call dibs on Nagas Stole My Bike.

Insecure women that put the blame on more attractive women happened.

Looks like a dota 2 character.

Miss me yet?

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>weapon oils
>sharpening stones

Are they actually learning and putting the RPG back in WoW?

And TFT, and vanilla, and TBC, and Wrath, and Cata, and MoP, and WoD.

Why did them faglords cover her tummy

Look at these sexy beasts

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Yeah. And I love it,
Necrolords covenant hall is a giant Lich statue in a desolate plain.

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someone played the witcher over the break I guess?

Right because its only one person writing at Blizzard.

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Slimegirls confirmed canon

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The story is that Metzen's daughter asked him why she was wearing a swimsuit.

that's just shit take from a shit player
wow has the smoothest and most fluid gameplay of all mmos (kinda of a blizzard trademark at this point, wow, d3, ow)
People played for gameplay, not for barren wasteland of flat zones and shitty collect 10 bear asses non lore quests with almost zero story content in vanilla

More like they're trying to bait some of the classic audience into buying the expac.


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or... or... they re-released an older version of the game which was immensely successful an now they're taking elements from that
just a thought

you know I completely forgot that shit even used to be in the game. its been so long since they homogenised and dumbed everything down

>More fucking useless chores
>No roll back of the GCD changes
>No unfucking of le infinite grindaroo bullshit
Every fucking time.

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It's ridiculous how they bring 1 and add 1 *new* ability and call it a day, but on other hand what they could do? I mean game should've ended with WotLK, but retards keep consoom.

Some zone renders. Ardenweald.

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literally dark crystal goblina

The Maw

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bros... im thinkin wow is back

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incredible color schemes right there

Did Yas Forums say this with BFA?

yeah probably

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>blizzard stopped pretending, now literally all of new female models are for furries
On one hand I'm tired of ff14 "human only content", on the others, furries
mixed feelings honesly

Everything looks like another generic mmo with Diablo 3 art design, I feel no hype whatsoever.

can't see shit, it's foggy as fuck and it doesn't take my mind off of the fact that we're doing yet another expac of "borrowed power" and AP grind

>play wow classic
>consider maybe trying out shadowlands now that im subbed anyways
>no matter how good shadowlands might be remember that vulperas and other meme races exists

Does that bother any of you current retail players?

>trees remind me of DMC5
>Shadowlands is basically hell

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Is that a thigh window I see?

It went full downhill with pandas tbqh. I dont care since.

Datamined music.

>consider maybe trying out shadowlands now that im subbed anyways
How? It's in alpha and wont be out until Q3 at best

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I wish they allowed spaces in names. Ff14 allows it much better than wow's nicknames.

The clipping with her forearm and the hip plates is atrocious. I thought she was just wearing massive spiked bracers for a moment.

probably, honestly never listen to Yas Forums about blizzard games, for wow you should go watch Preach since he's not a turbo shitter and will explain the mechanics and why they're good or bad with more or less honesty.
>inb4 muh story
If you care for >muh story my nigga you should hardline a 20 gauge into your mouth hole.

It's going to be a shitfest just because of he covenant choice which will be mpossible to balance. Regardless of tuning, some of these abilities are just blatantly better than others.

Fuck. We will never, ever return to a normal, theme-less WoW with non-world ending plots and classic class armor, will we?

fags like you are why we got bfa being a homogenous snoozefest

>haha changing covenants should be hard like aldor and scrier haha
>btw covenants grant a huge fucking power increase and blizzard is known to balance with a sledgehammer
Covenants are the biggest terror factor in shitterlands, right after AP.

No and that's a good thing.