Including points for innovation relative to release period (as in shogun 1 gets extra points for being the trailblazer, despite not holding up as strongly in the modern era).

>1. Empire
>2. Rome 1
>3. Medieval 2


>4. FotS
>5. Shogun 2


>6/7 (tie) Shogun 1, medieval 1


>8 Rome 2 (currently patched, not release)
>9 Attilla
>10 Napoleon
>11 Warham shit
>12 Rome 2 first year

three kingdoms and thrones not included.

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lol empire #1


Warham 1 > all of your gay history cuck shit.

If we are talking modless then Rome 1 If with mods Med 2 is 1st dude
Also good way to spot the redditor is legit enjoyment of warhammer bullshit. Look out for them and do not give em (you)'s

>empire above napoleon

Attached: getin.gif (384x239, 1.09M)

both of them are boring as fuck and feel like the most 2010 games ever

even if that's your opinion that's fine
but seriously
>empire over napoleon

My Fatwa against Creative Assembly for Rome 2 at launch will never, ever end. Literally built my first PC to play that at launch, never been so disappointed.

It is. Shorter grand campaign and no americas nor Asia.

Best to worse the one I've played:
>Medieval 1
>Shogun 1
>Rome 1
>Medieval 2
>Shogun 2
>Warhammer 1
>Rome 2
They REALLY need to bring back the risk map if they ever want the campaign gameplay to be good again.

>Medieval 1 and Shogun 1 best
>Shogun 2 below Napoleon

>1. Empire

Yes I'm from reddit and I enjoy Warhammeer.
How'd you know?

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t. salty h*stoid.

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>why, yes, Total War: Warhammer 2 is my favorite videogame of all time. How could you tell?

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Yes. In M1 and S1 terrain, fatigue and weather modifiers are enormous relative to later games, making maps and position key and battles far more varied than just the repetitive hammer and anvils of later games. People who like the Napolenic era rate Napoleon higher than those that dislike it and that's fine.

1 last game

Swap Attila with Empire and we're good.

Medieval 1 is the best, by a long long way

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Medieval is barebones as fuck. what the fuck, user.

>much better battles
>maps are much more interesting and varied
>graphics absolutely rape Empire's
>Europe is actually detailed
>more historical flavour, hardly any generic troops spread across samey factions

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I should explain my opinion I guess.

On the campaign map, the limited risk-style movement of armies makes the AI much tougher. It can be a real challenge and it also takes a very long time to get the Fortress level most advanced buildings and units, feels like a real achievement when you get there

On the battlefield, it feels much more balanced than later games. For evenly matched forces, units are quite slow to die - unless you use tactics and flank or surprise the enemy. Your general's attributes and the positioning of your forces, and the environment, all matter a lot. If you're impatient and rush in, even if you have better/more troops and a better general, the AI can and will punish you

I never felt the same kind of challenge from the later games

It literally has more features than Medieval 2.

Oh look its the histcuck again. How is Total War Sóy comming along?

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>1. Warhammer 2
>2. Warhammer 1
>3. The other boring shit nobody plays LMAO

This is truth in its ultimate form and you all know it

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That's partially CA's fault for not creating an AI smart enough to manage settlement management, politics, etc. Medieval 1 just limits the options to counter your enemies but still, I respect your view. I recommend attila if you haven't tried that one.

Das rite brotah.
The historycucks fear the fantachads.

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I haven't, thanks for the rec

I hate Warhammer too.

you post pictures of men you're sexually attracted to

fuck warhammer. those faggots derailed one of my favorite franchises.

Ren > All

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>three kingdoms and thrones not included.
did anyone even buy those? Like what were they thinking?

>three kingdoms is hardly even a total war game
>has heros to pander to muso gooks

The problem with warhammer is that the autists are the loud ones. Look at /twg/, is full of rat furry shit

What ? Did you not enjoy your chinese game ? Winnie's dick isn't good enough ?

Attached: total-war-three-kingdoms-cover[1].jpg (271x377, 30.5K)

>did anyone even buy those?
1 million copies sold in the first week
>Like what were they thinking?

I wouldnt even care if they made WH games if it werent for the fact that they basically abandoned historical games which is the whole appeal of their company. Then when they do make histrorical games they come out with shit like three kingdoms.

Its one of those scenarios where I am not even sure if I want to bother with any new games from them anymore. The last game I got from the was Attila which is okay but has the shittiest city planning in the series.

I just want MTW3 with the best of MTW2, empire, and attila mixed into and the worst left out

Warhammer didn't derail anything.
It even saved this unimaginative franchise from certain death.
If you still believe that the franchise will die then I will cherish that thought of yours.
Warhammer fans wont even be a bother after the contract is finished and the trilogy will be complete.

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History TW nostalgiafags are fucking sad.

Not really, Warhammerfags are the ponyfags of Fantasygames.

The problem with Warhammer is that people stopped buying Historical because the games were getting worse and worse with shitty game design everywhere, but the Warhammer-fags empty their wallets for thousands of dollars of DLC and don't give a shit about how bad the games have become beause they never played the good ones, thus giving CA no incentive to fix their shit and plenty to pursue terrible DLC practices.

The only sad thing is this retarded fight between history x fantasy x china, while CA is making millions with half assed games for dumb people.

Risk map was the best, actually meant a good amount of real meaningful battles.
The current campaign map system just makes it so outside of the first 20 turns you never really fight big fun field battles.

But the communist party hates chinese history though

Warhammer fags are beginning to route my lord

On what retarded basis?
Only place ratfags resurface is here.

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*they wander like 50 metres away before unbreaking and running back to fight some more*

Get a load of this historycuck.

Well historyfags started it all with the first announcement of Warhammer.
Warhammerfags simply want the setting translated fully into the game.
Chinks are the true enemy.

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>1. Empire

Now that's a hot take. I don't entirely disagree.

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It's just constant sieges, which somehow seem to get more retarded every game, and thanks to armies being bound to generals there's no such thing a assymetrical battles anymore.

Bad history games is all on you historyfags.
You kept buying the same products with no change in them.
Warhammerfags simply want a conversed setting in game format I frankly don't care what will happen to the history games as long as CA makes enough content for Warhammer until the license runs out.
Im sure there are lots of people who enjoy both and lots that came originally for Warhammer and picked the other games.
But dont put your issues on the Warhammer fanbase that simply wants to play in its setting.

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I mean I like empire but it's in no way the best of the series, let alone top 5

Attached: AngloBlob.gif (360x360, 1.95M)

You're proving my point, you really don't care how bad the game is so long as it's Warhammer.


Top tier
Rome 1
Shogun 1

Good tier
Shogun 2
Medieval 1
Medieval 2

Filler tier
Everything else

Haven't tried Liu Bei's whacky adventures yet. But it's probably good.


Damn warhammer fags really are just mindless consoomers

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Except the TW Warhammer games are better than anything CA has made since Shogun II. Historyfags like to shit on fantasy TW simply because it doesn't pander to their history fetishism.

>Haven't tried Liu Bei's whacky adventures yet. But it's probably good.
It's a better Shogun 2 and what Shogun 3 should be like.