Animal crossing: New Horizons

Did you get all the cherry blossom recipes yet?

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All but the cherry blossom leaf pile.

Honestly, I don't mind if that's the only one I don't get, since it's the lamest one.

Sable is my wife!

I'm missing 3 i think. of those missing 3 I just want the lantern and I'll be happy

i'm missing a couple but i'm happy with what i have, got the pochette today after a dry spell

I've gotten four, because that fucking goddamn nigger rabbit keeps flooding my sky with faggot balloons, even though I have all the egg recipes and I don't bother popping them anymore.

I've played for at least two hours every day but have only gotten the picnic and the branch.

I only need the cherry wand

I really enjoyed my first week but I've put the game down for now until this Bunny Day shit is over with. I don't know how a big game company could fuck up a seasonal event so hard. 6 separate egg currencies, placed with strategic precision to fuck up the comfy rhythm of the game. I wouldn't mind if there were decent looking items to get out of it but they all look like shit, too.

Got a dupe Cherry-blossom bonsai, looking for a Sakura-wood flooring.

i havent gotten a single one

Wait a minute, do bell trees only bear "fruits" once? I've taken the habit to move them all to a specific location, and I think some of them completely stopped giving money, or only one at a time, but I think it's always the most recent one

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I got all but the cherry-blossom flooring. Balloon grinding really works, but you need to be dedicated to it.

user... I...

that's gonna look ugly once the trees are back to normal.

Be blunt doctor, how bad is it?

Is this game good and fun?

I'm maybe two recipes off, but I'm not too bent up about it. I'm not gonna have sakura shit out all year, since the whole point is that it lasts a week. It's a metaphor for the ephemeral impermanence of life, maaaaan

yes. I mean, it depends what you like. are you an autistic zoomer who needs to "beat" every game as fast as possible? then no you'll be bored very quickly. if you like to take things day by day and create a comfy little town with neighbors you interact with and help, then yeah you'll have a blast.

Yeah sure
You have to be able to enjoy doing quite a bit of grinding, and have a sense of decoration/fashion for it to be up your alley though

any of the spring furnitures have any cool customisations?

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Who has villagers moving out?

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why the FUCK have I never gotten any rare islands

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I'm on day2 and I'm collecting mats for one of the tanuki to make a shop, I only need 2 more softwood and 15 iron nuggets. I've already smacked all rocks on my island and the free mystery island, where can I get more?

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Got them all. Farmed balloons for 3 days, don't think i got any doubles. Not as bad as i thought it would be

Just buy a dozen tickets in a row and keep hopping until you get good shit.

other mystery islands,begging from other people or waiting for tomorrow.

I just used 30k that I had been saving and got literally nothing but waterfall and misc shitty islands

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Well shit, dunno what to tell you then. That's just absurdly bad luck.

I plucked a bunch of flowers on the mystery island but I can't plant it back at my house, what gives

Haven't gotten a single blossom DIY, but I have bunny day flooring, walls, clothes, lamps and pretty much everything else in between I think.
Just my luck.

not him, but when you grow a money tree it only grows bell once. after that harvest it'll never bear bells again. and you can only plant a maximum of 10,000 bells if you plant more than that, when the tree grows, the bells on it will max out at 10,000 making anything else a waste.
but you can still use them as decoration, i got one next to my house. money trees is the perfect place for shade

Did you shovel them, or just take the flower itself? Cause you need to shovel the plant.

did ya use a shovel to get them?

It's Stella's birthday. Go say hi.

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Yeah got them all last weekend farming balloons all day

Is 463 high enough to sell stalks at or should I wait for something better?

Applaud Wilbur until he blushes

I have a dupe cherry blossom wand
You have any cool dupe DIY recipes or furniture to catalog?

That's pretty solid. If you're uncertain about it going higher then go ahead and sell.

You look, very uncomfortable

Are you sure you're smacking rocks correctly? You can hit them up to 8 times if you put something (commonly dig a hole) behind you to reduce the knockback. Also make sure you haven't eaten a fruit before or you'll destroy the rock in one hit. With 30k miles worth of islands you should be way past 30 irons

Oh shit, thanks for reminding me. I'll say hi when it's morning in the North

I think you replied to the wrong guy

How many are there?
How many Bamboo recipes were there last month, too?

>Did you get all the cherry blossom recipes yet?
No and I'm already getting duplicates.

I have two spare leaf pile recipes. Pawning them on Reddit for 1 million bells each in a week's time when people haven't finished their collections and they're panicking. Ah capitalism.
Sell you silly villager that's as good as you're going to get!

>grinding for the past few days, slowly accumulating 9 recipes
>suddenly acquire the last 5 in a one hour sitting
finally I am freed from this autistic balloon chasing hell

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Yeah woops thought it was the guy talking about rocks

I've still been getting bamboo recipes this month.

still waiting on shoots to build the two items that need shoots.

Where were you when someone at NoA was horny while at work translating a children's game, and had to let it out with a "subtle" euphemism only an asperger-ridden 9 year old would take at literal face value?

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>you can only plant a maximum of 10,000 bells if you plant more than that, when the tree grows, the bells on it will max out at 10,000 making anything else a waste
That's not quite true. Anything above 10k will have a chance of giving back triple, all the way up to three 99k bags, but also have a chance of only growing 10k bags. I think the chances of getting only 10k bags increases the more bells you plant.

What did that bitch think was going to happen? Lily pads in real life don't work like they do in media

Yes. I farmed balloons for several hours last night


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well shit
do I just sell them I have like 10 of each colour

that's what happens when you hire for checkboxes rather than actual merit.
bunch of degenerates getting in rather than workers.

Some user did the math earlier and found that it's generally best to just plant 10k every day.

How many autumn DIY's are there, the same as cherry blossom?


ok thanks

Wtf is balloon grinding?

Keep them, you can craft some gay ass diy stuff with it. Be it for a hot item or a villager request

Needed 4 and they all spawned in a row for me yesterday. Just waiting for both of these silly events to be over now.

I like playing AC but that cherry shit is hella gay.

Southern Hemisphere here, when the fuck do things turn orange

I'm missing two of them still but I have a dupe of the wand DIY, I'll see what else I get and try to barter for anything I missed when the events over I guess.

Do these actually go away before the bunny event ends? They should really extend the cherry blossom ones till the end of the month, all the balloons I get seem to be the easter ones, which now only contain eggs since I had all of those recipes on like day 3.

i think there is a new method of spawning balloons. you used to have to wait on the edge of the map and then check for balloons every 10 minutes.
but i think there is a better way of doing it to get the balloons that have items and DIY recipes

>find out which side of the map the balloons come flying in from (it changes)
>stand on the beach in the middle of the map on that side
>every 5 minutes slowly walk up and down the beach listening for the tell-tale whistle and seeing what balloon it is.

Not yet, but I won't make a big deal out of it if I don't get them all. There's always next year.