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I'm not Canadian

>consooming during an economic crisis

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I'm spending it on a sex doll.

You should save it. Hard times a coming.
Me I can't apply for CERB because I wasn't employed prior to COVID.

that is the whole point of the stimulus retard

The only way to dampen the crysis. Or do you think all those smaller companies are going to survive on everyone going frugal and not buying from them?

personally I'd go for one of them vr jerk off machines

that you personally have to make the conscious decision to waste your money on bullshit?

go headbutt a knife braindead consoomite

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Can I be fired if I tell my work I don't wanna go in? I just got over a cold and now I'm paranoid to go back to work at the grocery store.

the economy is the thing that is hurting, not the people

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The only way that works is if you're spending it on purely Canadian, mom and pop type businesses, which rules out anything related to games and tech.

OP when did you apply? I waited like 5 days to apply and I aint got shit yet

>neetbux are in
I have no idea what to do with 2K
I also got another GST deposit, what gives?

We're already in recession
Get ready for another Great Depression

if you have a cold theyll probably take no chances and just lay you off

go for it and get on unemployment

Got laid off in the middle of march last month, applied on the same day. Got nothing. Heard news that you have to apply for CERB on monday April 6th. So applied once again. Checked my account yesterday and then BOOM, $2000 smackeroos. Have to submit some kind of finance report tomorrow, I don't know what it is, so we'll see.


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I'm ready to kill all the normies.

if you really are a neet have fun paying it back during tax season for not being eligible

supposedly for trumpbux the stimulus check will be paid back on next years taxes

>thinking anything is free

A loli sex doll I hope.

>tfw american
>tfw no ID for more than a decade because dad lost my fucking papers and can't be fucked to set aside a day to even try and retrieve them
>tfw trapped in the NEET life with no way out on my own
>tfw can't even get NEETbux

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They were doing applications by date of birth this week. Monday was like Jan to March I think.

I've been having a great depression for a while user.

Cool so you get a free soda and a couple of gum balls


Smaller companies are fucked regardless, because peple will just use their neetbux to buy some shiny new apple product or TV.

You don't understand - I can get the BRAND NAME soda can now.

>2k for a month
>1k for rent
>left with 1k for 3 weeks

ok user.

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I'm going to apply again right now then, luckily I'm born in dec so I didn't miss my day

Im thinking of spending my American stim bux on an automatic rifle.

I get a feeling some shit is gonna go down soon.

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>implying he's not living at home with mom rent-free

what does the link say?

do you know your social?

>cfb to take one day to go to the SS ofice

You don't deserve help even though I believe every American should receive this check.

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you're welcome leafs

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any day now us americans will be getting ours... right? the jews wouldn't lie to us... right??

>spending it
I'm $250 in debt, I'll take my 2k and pray it gets me through.

I got 443 because im still working

Either a Fine or Jail time if they find further evidences in your processions.

no joke save it shits about to get expensive

loli sex dolls are illegal. think of the poor silicone

If I tell my dad to not claim me as a dependent on his 2019 taxes will that make me eligible for trumpbux even if I was claimed in 2018? how much money will that lose him?

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>not exchanging your money for goods and services, while the numbers in your account are still worth something

>Second hand shops and ebay don't exist

Thanks and also thanks for forcing the chinks to move back to China.

An email from my bank said the IRS would start direct deposits the week of the 13th

if you're older than 17 he isn't getting shit for claiming you.

Who cares lmao. Use anonymous shipping.

>tfw still have to work

Just get one with giant tits. They sell them saying they are mini doll. Got one for around 900 5 years ago. She is dead now but it was for while it last

Computer parts and rent

that sucks for cunnuck anons who want loli sex dolls
they're illegal in my country as well

Is the US doing it too?
I thought they were against commie shit.

>spend your entire paycheck and don't save your money meme
this is why anons like this are in debt and why advance payday loan places are a thing.

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Ask again when you're over 18

Hey buddy, I said I'm saving it.

>still worth something
Might as well buy only survival needs instead of wasting on a sex doll, user.
Anyway they're going to have to pay it back through taxes in future.

>tfw quit my job in january
>tfw no neetbux for me

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Go to asian countries and live like a drug lord with $14000

you can be claimed as a dependent in a separate category from the child one
I just don't know what that actually amounts to and he doesn't either
I'm 22


I'm going to go look at my student loans and cry

Getting a replacement social security card still requires an ID.

Getting an ID in my state also requires proof of residency, which requires either utility bills(which you need an ID to get) or someone else to vouch for you.

Thats how it works user. If you buy it from outside of the country, they're going to search it regardless and then track its payment back to your card.

how can we just get free money? did they make new money?

Student loans are fuck all unless you're a banklet

>Actual neets don't get any neetbux

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Why would they search all package? What kind of SJW cuck country is canada?

what are you going to do for money now?

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I don't know man, How was your terrorism the past decade.

so can people get EI and cerb?

The issue with that is a lot of people lost their jobs due to the crisis. As much as I’d want to go out and buy food from local restaurants and shit I can’t. I have to hold onto it because I just don’t know whether or not I’m still gonna have a job in a week or so and I still have bills to pay

i'm a student living with my parents
living cheap anyways
if shit gets bad i just reduce my consumption and/or look for any work possible

i tried that marshmellow thing danny and andy did when i was in middle school.

based canadian nostalgia

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Should have gotten laid off, the terms for this are pretty lenient. As long as you made 5k last year, worked 5 weeks full time and got laid off, you're in.

Cerb for people's job/life affected by the CPP virus. EI for people everything else.

Almost none in France.

trust me they've dealt with much weirder situations than yours. Call them explain your situation and figure out what you need to do. Most states accept amazon package labels as proof of address.

I'm in a similar situation. Only way you can get trumpbux is to convince him to refile and not claim you (likely would lose quite a bit of money on his return) OR go to the IRS and get them involved... probably not worth it on the latter as nobody wants to deal with them.

Talk with him and see if it's worth doing, especially if you guys get more money in the end. They go off of 2019 taxes first, so even if he claimed you in 2018, if he refiles, you'll be eligible.

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>everyones hurting for money and sitting at home
>im working everyday and my job will never end

h-haha yeah guys its rough..

wouldnt this be stealing under the cover of law? They cant tell if it is a child or not since the owner could simply say it isnt and could get away with it.



You might almost be able to buy a can of soup

at my friends job the owner hasnt given a pay increase like just about everywhere else has.

What's that in real money? Like 500 dollars?

I pay for my mom's medical services and the rest of her bills sense my dad passed away. They were not very good with money

I have 45k in student loans to pay off still. I make good money but the cost of my mom and paying for me and my family i can just never make big dents into it like i would like too.

No, they turned all forms of EI in CERB. But there are a bunch of dumb faggots who still have to work who are screaming "YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO PAY THAT BACK" like the dumb fucking goy they are.

>part time college student
>get laid off from wageslave job
>boosted unemployment
>literally getting paid more not to work

feels nice now but I'm sure my taxes next year will make me kill myself

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