Let the denial begin

let the denial begin

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what a stupid thread
be ashamed

who the hell cares?

>poll proves its tendies

90% of the people are just shit posting to farms (you)s and anger actual retards who care. Most people on Yas Forums either only play on pc or have everything. I pretend to be a sonyfag all the time to piss off retards like you.

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all my threads about exposing the xbox as a literally who console get magically autosaged
meanwhile, all the "hurr ps5 controller bad" threads hit 500 replies each
really makes you think

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PC should definitely have been #1 and I don't care what anyone else says

You can't bump your own threads, retard.

typical snoyposter

That's not who's number one.

Sure they are you fucking loser.
And sales are hardly a metric of quality.

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>all the "hurr ps5 controller bad" threads hit 500 replies each
There's the famous sonyfag victim complex.


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It's always going to be the same result until they learn how to behave themselves. I've often wondered what drives Sonyshitters to be such insufferable faggots.

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when chads game the only choice is sexbox series X

I have both a PS4 Pro and Switch and I can assuredly say that Sony fans are the most rabid. They sperg out all the time.

It's not a fanbase, you MORON.
It's 'viral' marketing.

>He thinks Yas Forums hold an unbias views on things
Because Nintendo fanboy gonna vote themselves right? Also no Smash in the bracket

Yet you feel the need to defend your precious console, thanks for proving op right.

You shut the hell up about nintendo. Literally a perfect company.

>Xbox beat Bioware

Damn this must be an old chart.

>I was just merely pretending!

Everyone already knew this though.

when was this survey done? last year? this year has been nothing but muh tflops posting from xbones

last night

>The Nintendies/Xboners that overwhelmingly populate this board voted against Sony
This poll was a false flag from the beginning intended to oust this board for the fan-boys they are.
In idiot terms: Board is overwhelmingly against Sony, so they overwhelmingly vote for Sony as most rabid console warriors

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>Because Nintendo fanboy gonna vote themselves right?
Are you under the impression that it's only Nintendofags voting for Sony? Get real user, they don't even make up the single majority.
Here's the facts, you Sony fanboys piss everyone off and everyone has known how retarded you lot since the FF13 fiasco.
>Also no Smash in the bracket
No shit.

does the possibility that they vote sony because they are the biggest shitposters not exist in your head?

>The Nintendies/Xboners that overwhelmingly populate this board
user, Sonyfags make up the majority here, why do you think Nintendo is so high.

Because Smashfag

>user, Sonyfags make up the majority here, why do you think Nintendo is so high.
If that was the case than Nintendo would be #1 and not Sony, do you not see the logic there?

But by intuition you can say that whoever voted
A: Gives a shit about consolewar faggotry and
B: Did not vote for their own tribe
Thus Sony having the most votes shows Sonyfags swerved on this while Nintendorks clearly frothed at the mouth to fight for glorious Nintendo.
Xbots were presumably dead in the corner as usual, and PC have no reason to care.

>xbox = loud faggots
>nintendo = louder faggots
>sony = loudest faggots
>me voting soys is biased
cope more retard sony fans are easily the most populous console here and with that alone has the most mouths to spew shit out of collectively.

An an idort, I'd say it's
Xboxfags are pretty silent most of the time but when they come out of the woodwork they're easily the worst.
Sonyfags need to explaination
PCfags and Nintendofags are both portbeggers but not as bad as the other two.

Well of course, this is Yas Forumsintendo where you're not allowed to shit on nintendo ever.

>If that was the case than Nintendo would be #1 and not Sony
No user, no it wouldn't and there's a very, very obvious reason for that.

The poll obviously doesn't reflect that because not everyone on Yas Forums voted in it.

>Xboxfags are pretty silent most of the time but when they come out of the woodwork they're easily the worst.
I don't know, the worst I've seen from them isn't as bad as what sonyfags do and like you said they're silent most of the time.

Ever notice how most console shitposting is people shitting on sony? Why are they the "worst" fanbase when everyone on Yas Forums unanimously hates them?

>Sony fanboys aren't hated, it's just that Yas Forums is full of Nintendofags!
Okay smart guy, then why are said Nintendofags united against Sony in particular? And why is Nintendo in second place?

Did it ever occur to you that this exact shit you are doing right now is why everyone hates you?

What is it then FAGGOT?
So we're not allowed to take the average of who did vote then? That nullifies every single vote ever then if it doesn't matter because "not everyone voted"

>Why are they the "worst" fanbase when everyone on Yas Forums unanimously hates them?
do you really not see the answer within your own post

>He says on a board that is often 50 percent snoyjaks

IF that was the case then wouldn't the poll read different results? IF THIS BOARD IS OVERWHELMINGLY SONY THAN WHY DOES THIS BOARD OVERWHELMINGLY HATE SONY???

>If that was the case than Nintendo would be #1 and not Sony,
Are you retarded or something?
You guys are so obsessed with Nintendo that you didn't take anyone else into account. Now I'm about to drop some basic math on you.
Let's say sonyfags make up about 35% of the board.
Then you have Nintendofags as 25%
PC as 20%
Xbox as 15%
And idorts as 5%
Who is in the majority here?

>do you really not see the answer within your own post
Not really, could you explain it to an idort with the only console he doesn't have currently being the switch? (waiting for more games to come out)

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>What is it then FAGGOT?
Because its not just Nintendo vs Sony as obsessed as you are.

>He says on a board that was at one point 90% Smash threads.

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With your logic, you're claiming that all 3 PC, Nintendo, and Xbox all joined together to hate on Sony?


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Everybody hates sony fags because they shitpost all the time, hence why they voted it as the worst.

Everyone hates both fanbases. Smashfags shit up the board with a million gay threads while Personafags are far more insufferable and are legitimate faggots who think everyone is jealous of their shitty little social sim but at least keep it contained to a fewer amount of threads.

It's almost like the combined number of everyone who hates the Sony fanbase outnumberes the Sony majority.
Let that sink in user, that's how much everyone hates you.

So you're just claiming that all PC and Xbox fans also hate Sony as much as Nintendo so much that they all joined together to vote against them?

>actual threads vs snoy shitposting
The fact you think they are the same already proves that snoyfags are the worst

Yes you fuckwit. You guys do nothing but shitpost about the company of the day to everyone.

I own all 4 but game mostly on PC.
I just think it's hilarious how people are claiming Yas Forums is made up mostly of Sony fags while the polls obviously show the contrary.

>(((customer loyalty)))

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>Yas Forums is nintendo fanboy central

You're... not very bright, are you?
People hate Snoys because they are obnoxious faggots that flippantly flaunt flagrant fanboyism.

That's a pool so the opposite is true. Except xbox, who the fuck even owns one?

But this is a Nintendo shitposting thread? You're all gay as fuck.

>no Pokemon
>no Smash
>no Kingdom Hearts
>Valve fanboys somehow worse than Nintenfags

how so

>You guys
refer to this post Nintendo BY FAR has the biggest fag-base on this board and THAT is the reason why they aren't #1 in the poll, because they out-number the opposition you brain-dead retard.

Thing is at the height of the smash reveal period they weren't. In fact they were spammed specifically in an attempt to drive smash onto a containment board.
It didn't work obviously but we still had to put up with smash spam.

If Sony had the most "rabid console warriors" on this board, wouldn't they not be at the top of this poll?

We all have our differences, but just looking at this thread, we can all agree that sony and nintendo fanbases are certainly top 2 most annoying ones.

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Yeah? Sony fags loudly and obnoxiously attack every other fanbase. You never see Xbox fans attacking Nintendo fans, or Steam fans going after Xbox, or Nintendo going on tirades about how shitty PC gaming is.
Only Sony fans behave this way.

biggest != most rabid
there's this thing called vocal minority
"despite making up for only 13% of the board population,..."

You already had an explanation of why Sony could be in the majority and still fine out the worst and you want to double down?
This is why no one likes Sony fanboys.


Only if they made up a sizeable majority of the people here.

this kind of shit doesnt happen with any other fanbase
why do nintendo fans pretend they're some oppressed minority

Attached: nintendo fans1.png (1888x983, 721.48K)

Sounds like you're afraid of some boogeyman that doesn't exist. Pretty pathetic.

yeah, and Nintendo or Xbox fanboys never attack Sony. They are victims.

Because these pics also exist with snoyjaks instead.
Which is a million times worse.

They're the biggest single majority on this board hence why Nintendo is in second place due to their obsession with them.
But the remaining groups combined outnumber sonyfags hence why they're first.

stop talking about
got it

yeah, we know Yas Forums is most salty about Sony and PlayStation since it become dominant home console. More news at eleven.

You aren't fooling anyone. This shit is exactly why people hate you.

Considering how butthurt snoyfags are ITT, there is no real doubt about it.

>this kind of shit doesnt happen with any other fanbase
It's almost like we have a group here who constantly beg for Nintendo to be removed and spam this board and /qa/ with it.

So you're saying you're part of a cult made up of the 3 losers?

Those are almost all 0 reply ones, meaning a bunch of retards started threads at the same time.
It's annoying, but it's not the same shit as mongs spamming snoiak threads.

Smash threads are a better example of why are tendies shit to have around.

baaaw waaaw

you are fucking retarded
you dont need to spam the whole board with threads of the same thing when there's even a fucking sticky for the thing
other people want to talk about video games, nintentoddlers just want to shitpost

Yep. Not to mention how brazenly they behave like this.

The irony of this post is hilarious.


this. this is why Xbox sales are low, only Chads buy them and Chads are a small percentage of the population

Oh no whatever will I do??? The nintendie still thinks I'm a sonyfag when I admitted to owning all 4.
Like I said fag-lord, I play most of my games on PC and own more Switch and Xbox games than I do Playstation. I couldn't begin to guess what makes you seethe so much over another console being more popular. Brand loyalty is for pussies

>Brackets put platforms and developers on one side, franchises and games on the other side

Shit brackets.

Smash threads also tend to have low to zero reply threads outside of about 2 at any given time.

The irony of you being a faggot and liking faggot consoles is hilarious

Yes keep shitposting, that will surely convince people that Sony fanboys are just perfectly reasonable, misunderstood enthusiasts who dindu nuffin.

sonyroaches are definitely the biggest faggots on this board
which is funny, because ever since the onex released there's been no reason whatsoever to get a roachstation

>Brand loyalty is for pussies
And yet here you are defending the Sony fanbase despite owning all four as you claimed without any proof whatsoever.


>Oh my, old bean. Can you quite believe these SNOYS behave so ABSURDLY?? Oh deary I am a fedora wearing faggot who likes children's games!
Wow what a fag

There's a reason why we used to call them nyggers until it got filtered.

sonybros are definitely more obnoxious on average, but nintendies outliers are way more insane than sonyfag extremes. the diehard nintendo fans are full-blown screeching autist manchildren who probably wear diapers, they literally never talk about anything except smash dlc and always wear t-shirts a size too small.

Ok, keep crying pussyboi

That's just going to end up with even more for Sony

Where's your proof of owning them all then? Huh? You shit on them without experiencing them yourselves? Pathetic

and you are defending xbox/pc/nintendo fanbase. You must be really insecure huh

What, is "brazenly" a big word to you or something?
Are you really that insecure about your own intelligence?

Yeah you're right, Nintendies can't help themselves so they will flock to this poll to defend their console's honor.

But you are the one assblasted about the poll results.

Those are the same two groups though. There are reasonable fans of Smash on Yas Forums, but the faggots who spam threads are falseflagging Sonygroes trying to stir shit.

Flaming/flagrant "fanboyism"/etc. will not be tolerated.
Threads should not devolve into flamewars. Instigating or encouraging such activity will not be tolerated.

Hmmm yesss indeed ol' chap. More tea my good fellow? How about we load up some Wii Tennis old boy?

>Where's your proof of owning them all then?
Yeah, about that, I didn't say anything about what I owned.

>if you arent snoyfag you are defending everything else
this is what these niggers actually think.

You are assblased by Sony m8. You must be some weak beta pussy in real life if video games triggers you so much.

It's more that everyone hates Sony more than smash.

Oh so you're admitting to being a literal fan-boy then? Not surprised.
Brand loyalty is for faggots

but you are doing this right now, you say they are more ok, nigger.

Unfortunately the mods barely enforce this. Console war threads have been going on for years at an absurd level.

More like this board is mostly made up of smash fags that hate sony

>a literal fan-boy then?
A fanboy of what exactly?

Okay retard.