What the fuck was Blizzard thinking?

Fuck Demon Hunters thread

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In what world are these win rates acceptable? Keep in mind that these are numbers AFTER the day 1 nerfs

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It's power creep in the form of a new class. Literally who could have foreseen this?

Ah yes, draw 3 cards and gain net 4 mana. Seems balanced. Blizzard is fucking incompetent

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This looks like a custom card people would shit on, christ

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Powercreep? And Blizzard?

Why I would never

>Oh that's not too bad for an 8 mana card
>It's 5

God this card is so goddamn stupid.

Remember Nourish? Remember how they nerfed it to 6 mana because it was 'too good'?

let's make a card thats better in every way

The best 1-drop in the game? Yeah sure why not

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I thought you all stopped playing after the censorship and Blizard being a CCP peon?

>a custom card people would shit on
I think you mean this card

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What did you guys expect? All the talent left years ago. Ben Brode is laughing at all you people still buying this crap.

Lol people already forgot about that, back to consooming

What the fuck
Every class would run it even if it had no card text
Glad I stopped playing this trainwreck back in 2017

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If the face plays taunt, me still go face

>day 1 nerfs
There were nerfs?

imagine still playing hs or any blizzard game in 2020

>hearthstone in 2020
>blizzard in 2020

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there is a neutral 1 mana 2/2 now

The worst part is that DH's hero power is a 1-mana gain 1 attack, and they have pic related (second slice is 0-mana gain 1 attack). They basically are always able to activate the effect unless the opponent is able to remove it on turn 1. There's also an insane 2-mana weapon they have that curves into this.

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>play Zephrys on 4
>get Doomhammer
>proceed to smash face

Kayn was always the best. Anyone who picked Altruis over him was an absolute retard.
>lol I helped adventurers slaughter half our trainees, all our teachers, and our strongest hunter which led to him being manipulated by the truth that I betrayed him into being Kil'jaeden's servant, but Illidan was being mean so it's okay so invite me to lead the Illidari so I can just follow Illidan's plan anyway

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how is this game still alive


It's actually kinda interesting how Kayn is meant for full aggro, and Altruis is meant for control in hearthstone. I actually just skipped over all the quest text/cinematics and picked Kayn cause he was the blood elf choice anyways lul

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>Blizzard releases broken content
>Players buy things related to content
>Blizzard finally fixes content

Like clockwork

>Still playing constructed when Battlegrounds exist
Sure they're going with a greedy as fuck battle pass but it's still more fun than anything you'll play in Standard or Wild.

Mfw saw this coming a mile away and jumped ship

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I can't wait to build some Gruul Smash after Ikoria hits.

>new cards power creep
>everyone forced to buy
>nerf all the major creep
I quit hearthstone in 2015 because if this. Glad to see I made a good decision and they're still doing the same shit

Beat these beta retards with my reno dragon priest. Without cards from the latest set

Two words that don't belong into the same sentence or even the same post.

>reached legend pre-nerf
>with Highlander Priest

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Absolutely this, i didn't quit but i haven't bought a single pack since lich king expansion

Nigga you're in a Hearthstone thread, the word "fun" shouldn't be anywhere in here.

I thought everyone would enjoy playing a class that does everything better than the 9 other classes.

>Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ 2020
>Still playing Hearthstone

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What the fuck.

I'm having fun. As F2P.
With Highlander Mage and DH.

I tried getting back into it a year ago after dropping it during pirates, the only thing I found fun were the dungeons until I hit the paywall for them.

>4 cost

since fucking when

>removed fucking northshire cleric
Why, priest wasn't fucked enough?

You can use achievement reward currency instead of money, you know?

How the fuck anyone plays this game after mill rogue was forced into wild still is beyond me.

fuck priest

They decided that playing equality + consecrate or wild pyromancer was too powerful since it was a combo in literally every paladin deck. Apparently blizzard intended the card to be used with minions so you’d trade your minions into their now 1-health minions. Blizzard doesn’t like people doing things in their game that they didn’t intend for them to do.

This was the exact moment Hearthstone was dead to me.

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Wait so equality really is 4 mana now? What the fuck lol. Trash game.

Ben got away before shit really hit the fan. He really dodged a bullet.

These cards were hall of famed too recently. Was the Leeroy one justified? Maybe. Were the others? No? None of them saw any play but were removed anyways because reasons?

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I hate what priest has become, i liked the idea of a more minion oriented class that heals minions and trades constantly to keep the upper hand, but instead he's become this fucking stupid combo character that stalls forever then insta kills you with some dumb shit.

2 years ago more or less, when they created a set than benefitted of having only odd or only even cards, and paladin was dominating
>We need to nerf Equality because even paladin is OP
>Wait, we can't nerf it to 3 mana because odd paladin is even stronger

Yeah they just nerf every old card that saw any play. Not sure why

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Yeah that's going to be a yikes from me chief

>play 4 cost equality
>trade your minions
>you now have no minions and no mana and the other player is free to just play more shit
Are they retarded? You don't spend 4 mana to just lose your board anyway.

>No cleric
>No acolyte
>power word shield nerfed
How does priest draw cards now?


none of those cards were actively being played because those are mostly tech cards and those serve a purpose when a new cancer meta arises.
MCT was great against aggro, acolyte of pain allowed any class to become control, spellbreaker was a useful verion of the owl, mountain giant was still used in some mages and warlocks, and leeroy allowed for people to turn around the odds
Blizzard wants none of that itnerfering with their new class that needs to dominate for now because people need to buy the adventure and unlock cards