This shit makes me sad

This shit makes me sad

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The amount of effort to make those is impressive

Why? Because you have no one in your life who cares enough to do something like this for you?

Because you won't have a wife that makes you donuts themed on something you like?


Because someone has a habit that you consider childish that they passionate about,
Or that you don't have someone that cares enough about you or what you like to get you anything for your birthday?

I took a baking course. Fuck piping.

Go back

Attached: Based Hitler.png (516x450, 396.02K)

Because I'll never be able to fuck those donuts.


You could only fuck the B and the R anyway.


This is cool. Fuck cynical retards who think they have to hate everything and can't enjoy anything.

>Happy 30th Birthday

i'm pretty sure you'd be able to fit in the pikachu, definitely not the bulbasaur though

what about the D

Man, I want donuts. But the lockdown have closed all the donut shops everywhere damn it!!!

They’d already be stale from how long it took to do that shit

That's what you're missing.

Reddit cringe thread? post more.

>Gen 1 Pokemon
>and then an Umbreon

Attached: felix.png (231x308, 147.3K)

redditors dont have enough brains to know the difference

>30th birthday
Fucking boomers ruin the internet

When you guys become 30... how do you picture yourselves?
Will you stop liking everything videogames? Never touch it again? Will you change all your pastimes to other "society approved" things? And do all of this overnight?

OP is kinda cringe, but do people here think that by 30 you're gonna be that different a person?

Maybe that's favourite pokemon?

I'm gonna hang myself by 28

not necessarily, doughnuts get fried, it'll take a day or two before they get stale

I'll certainly stop liking toddler crap like pokemon and animal crossing. I mean you really need a reality check if you still play pokemon as a 30 year old man.

don't worry his wife's boyfriend payed for them

>When you guys become 30... how do you picture yourselves?
Hanging by my neck from the ceiling.

>that's cute that would be nice for a little kid
>read title
>my WIFE
Nah senpai

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>MICHAEL, it's your birthday today!

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Just baked these donuts during quarantine.

Attached: IMG_6587.jpg (750x513, 86.83K)

Those are just rice balls

What do you mean when? You are not an underage 2x fag, right?

Honestly looks pretty nice, especially if you made them yourself. Get some coffee with them and you'll have a nice comfy evening

Most of the pokemon on the OP are from Gen 1. Maybe he doesnt even play pokemon? Most 26+ folk where kids during Gen 1 so who knows.

needs more pretty colors

Pretty much the same as I am now, although hopefully employed and living on my own. I could not care less about whether my hobbies are approved by society.

hot dog in a hallway

I am 26 user. Still gonna be a virgin

God I want to shove those donuts up my ass so fucking bad

God I wish I had money for donuts

I want to fuck those donuts.

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>Tfw already 30 year old boomer now
>Working good job
>Reward myself with good ol fashioned vidya
Feels good, man.

This confirms that 4channel anons are tsundere/yandere for redditors and want to rape, deflower, and impregnate them.

The only thing pathetic in thread is faggot OP went to fucking reddit and posted a fucking screencap from it.

I'm 31 and my wife is 29. I bought her animal crossing Japanese Easter eggs from Japan. We both also still like pokemon. You don't magically stop enjoying things at an age number retard.

The red white and blue one is great, not a fan of the others

user, there's only one type of person that likes Umbreon, and its the same type that wears fursuits and browse deviantart

No one wants to hear about your gay ass marriage, homo.

Guys, are you okay? Is the quarantine getting to you?

You obviously did bake anything retard. Instead close the box and show where you got it.

No, I was born this way.

Gary Oak had an Umbreon and he fucked

I want a fucking gf bros

Understandable. Stay safe.

I hate millennials.
But the most I hate are millennial couples.
Goddamn manchildren and womanchildren, wish I could choke them.

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>99% of the donuts are gen 1 pokemon

Attached: 1571812094886.png (454x520, 12.52K)

I haven't left my house in years what quarantine are you talking about?

>Dick is too big to shag anyone.
What do?

Sure, but she'll be fucking me

>hes still going to be alive at 30
Fucking cringe, you wanna live forever gramps?

Looks good

you can have one but you need to ask her boyfriend first

Reddit is full of this shit. Fuck you and your wife.


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God I love how triggered insecure faggots get when the word "married" is brought up.

>but do people here think that by 30 you're gonna be that different a person?
if you havent changed from age 20 to age 30 you fucked up badly

I guess I just dont find le funny epic suicide jokes funny anymore.

Dude you're the one with a wife. You probably kiss her on the mouth and everything.

I kinda like this

Keyword "that different".
Most people still enjoy most hobbies for the rest of their lives. It really depends. Videogames themselves do evolve with the person, I guess.

I'm 24 and almost out the door in the hobby already. The state of the industry is abysmal and most of you Yas Forumstards are complete tools for engaging so heavily in the bullshit. I'm not bitter though, I still have a library of games to go back to that I still thoroughly enjoy.

I had an empty left over box to put them in.