Yas Forums's thoughts?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Kill all non-jewish cis white men

You're a faggot who cares too much about nobodies on twitter

Go back

this is psy ops to create angry white males

Actually kind of fucked up if you think about it


>twitter screencap
No one here gives a shit.

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>furry avatar
kill everyone with a fucking anime/furfag/tranny avatar
actually just kill everyone on twitter


>Went out of way to look for a tweet that had both tranny and furry shit in it in order to get more (you)s

>they want us to rise up!
>what we need to do is give up and stop resisting!

ban all twitter screencaps

maybe just the jews


i'm actually starting to believe this. it's been literal years of people posting these threads, actual fucking years of the same "What games let me x" with bait pictures of trannies or minorities or women doing degenerate shit clearly designed to insight anger in the "incel" demographic. this has to be a fucking psy op, there's no other explanation. all the threads are the exact same template

wtf checked

kill all twitter fags

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well I hope it works, it's about dem time they rise up

Honestly it's quite jarring seeing all these furries trying to claim moral superiority, it's like they haven't gain a single cent of self awareness over the past decades

rising up into meaningful employment and raising white families

There does happen to be a group of people dedicated to making the same type of threads over and over again and signal each other with keywords or topics. You ever catch any of those "Resetera baybay" posts? Ever notice the timing of the posts almost always falling under a certain time across several threads? Those people are atleast coordinated.

>game enables friendly fire

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They have found the kikeyness, abandon thread

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If they had an ounce of self awareness they wouldn't be furries in the first place.

Look like a mild hommage

>no fedora
Dumb fucking furtard
Dumb fucking retards falling for it

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I don't think Notch is transphobic and it's a gross mischaracterization to label people as such

>not knowing notch's signature minecraft skin
the only retard is you


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Jokes on you, they fired the old man for that and hired the tranny furry back
Nazis just keep losing

everyone in this image is based

Except the man wasn't fired you retard. He was the one who got her the position back.

i always check to see if someone has a twitter account before i hire them.
if they have one, i throw their resume in the trash


Said the unemployed neet

You should throw out any applicants.
Don't want any unemployed people working for you.

She didn't get her position back

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based and fantasypilled


She did not lose her internship, that wasn't her avatar, and that response never occurred.

He's a millionaire he wouldn't give a fuck lol. Nor does he have to give a fuck. He sold his game already and he's sitting fat and happy.

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why did you post your own avatar?

ok furfag

Fuck racists and fuck transphobes.

>being such a simp you follow e-celebs' video game skins

unfortunately all you are doing is discovering that Yas Forums is an unoriginal shithole filled with kids stuck in a loop

kill yourself retard yiffcuck

Shoo shoo kike

That guy does need to suck a dick what an curmudgeonly faggot

Fuck antisemites too.

>Yas Forums's thoughts?
I could go for some pussy right now.

agree but jews are unironically evil and they should be dealt with

holy first post based post

once you start working for an actual agency or company you need to act somewhat professionally even online. Anything you do can and will reflect on the place that employs you.

Furries and weebs are both painfully unaware of how pathetic they are.

Based incel


now this, this is an fpbp

Now kiss


sure is a lot of videogame discussion here.

By that logic the higher priority would be firing them for being a furry.

ok, so who's telling the truth here?



>they fired the October Sky guy
sure thing retard.

Nobody cares. You can kill jim sterling in blood of red. This is nothing new.

Notch is already backing a far superior Minecraft game, and this on top of SJW's looking for an outlet just makes it that much more sad

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>furry avatar
Of course.

Why do people hate Notch?

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>all the angry white males in this thread

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He once congratulated an indie developer on the game they were making.

afaik she lost her original position but the astronaut dude was cool about it and supposedly got her another position, using his astronaut clout. She deleted fucking everything after that afaik

He "abandoned" Minecraft, which basically means he didn't do 100% of what the fans wanted. He put Jeb in charge, whom the community simultaneously considered shit because he wasn't notch, and a better notch because he wasn't notch

That's the gamers who ACTUALLY play
SJWs hate him because he doesn't play to their tune of pandering and apologies. He very frequently calls lefty politics and cultural forced norms out

gotta say It's fucking surreal to see a thread about someone i've met irl
they're alright, especially among furries

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OP has been stalking that account for a while, but I suspect that he's actually the account owner fishing for views

Because they're tranny leftists.
Notch is Yas Forums

>Furry avatar

The "phobe" shaming tactic kinda worked with the homosexuals because unless they want to rape you, they're not doing anything really harmful but this shit? Men aren't women you fucking freaks.

that's a very buttered up way of putting it lmao
no one gives a shit that he's a sellout, but the money truly has turned him into a cunt

Not to mention violent as fuck. Every time I see them lash out at someone they threaten the person by the most violent acts of torture. They're literally mentally unstable.

How is Notch a Transphobe? I remember years back he made a whole post on how everything in Minecraft is Non-Binary and he did that on purpose to rub it in the face of transphobes, although he was obviously just saying this because he was too lazy to make gendered species and I can hardly blame him for that.

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>he isn't a white male
Absolutely subhuman.

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You met a furry and didn't immolate him on the spot? Pussy faggot.

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He tweeted something analogous to you can't be born in the wrong body and implied transexualism was a form of body dysmorphia like anorexia. I think he walked it back but people are still mad

why is twitter so important to people these days