I know I live under a rock, but I just got this and wow. Gameplay wise...

I know I live under a rock, but I just got this and wow. Gameplay wise, this might be one of the best games I've ever played.
Not even a Spiderman fan, not into any super heroes really, but damn this game is good.

How did you like it?

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>How did you like it?

The swinging is solid, though not as good as Spider-man 2. Combat was awkward to get into, but once you learn to make use of your gadgets, it's actually pretty fun.

Plot is pretty decent, especially the Ock stuff. The MJ/Miles missions were unnecessary, but they don't detract too much from the experience..

Solid 8/10. Give me Kraven, Lizard, and Mysterio in the sequel, no MJ/Miles stealth missions, more sidequests, and we're golden.

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Hate the MJ and Miles sections. I just finished the Heist DLC, did Tranny Black Cat deserve to die?

>this might be one of the best games I've ever played.

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What did Insomniac mean by this?

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You’re joking right?

Shoo shoo, go back to your containment board

>jews getting blacked

>t. Insomniac shill

Rami went a little over the top with the writing for his DLC.

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