Why is Isabelle always drinking a glass of scotch? No matter what time of day it is, she always has a drink by her side.
Why is Isabelle always drinking a glass of scotch? No matter what time of day it is, she always has a drink by her side
she's an alcoholic, it's a serious problem
We all have our vices user, don't judge her.
it's tea
the stupid shit she says in daily announcements when theres no actual news is genuinely turning me around on the character, fanon makes her sound like a drunken horndog (pun not intended) and before i thought she was just a emotionless mascot cunt but now she's clearly just some total airhead with a good heart and i genuinely like the character
She always had that personality, even in New Leaf. That's why she is so popular. She is pretty much the purest Nintendo character ever.
Do Americans really not have cafes?
she's idealistic nip female office worker stereotype.
Ice Tea and Sweet Tea is fucking disgusting.
Shes not at a cafe
>Sweet Tea
>Ice Tea
kys or try something other than lipton, you pathetic hick
You can drink on the job working at a cafe in whatever third world shithole you live in?
Coffee is better. Also, fuck you urbanite.
Coffee is just shitty dirt water
This is what American cafes are like.
Fuck off
It's amazing how Bike Cuck has turned around and started producing pretty good stuff
Enjoy your toilet water
woah....what if wholesome character....did unwholesome thing.....?
this could change everything...........
>Coffee is just shitty dirt water
Try having something other than Folger's, nigger.
woah... it's almost as though all comedy is inherently based on incongruity...
I've had turkish coffee, which while interesting, was still shit water
I think it's supposed to be iced tea but you're right in thinking it's scotch since it's in a scotch glass, I thought the same thing at first. she also sleeps on the job even during the daytime (pic related)
She strikes me as middle aged office lady.
That seems like it would be really bad for the neck. Like at least get a chair you can lean back on. Also what's up with Tom Nook, he doesn't even attempt to wake her up? Doesn't she work for him?
>4 legs
Those chairs are not OSHA approved!!!
Reminder that coffee is a sign of slavery. If you drink coffee, it's because you need to.
>+1 Like
I guess she gets a pass due to her celebrity
Well she's got to be at least 20 because that's the minimum drinking age in Japan.
Thank you, good sir.
>If you drink coffee, it's because you need to.
No, it's because I want to. I have one cup every morning and I like the taste. I can and have not had a cup of coffee in the morning before though and I have a slight headache around lunch but then I'm fine, and don't really act any differently. Stop projecting your fears and insecurities onto others.
>le ebinc drunk alcoholic dog xd
>Doesn't she work for him?
I doubt he pays her and if he does then he doesn't pay her very much if the part-time jobs in previous games are any indication.
Its green tea
You realize that what is considered the world's most premiere trendy coffee actually comes from cat shit? Thats LITERAL shit water
Lemurs aren't cats, dipshit.
Close enough. Its still LITERAL shit water and you cant change my mind.
I don't geddit
In American cafes you have to fight cats, then once you get to the top of the cafe tower and defeat the leader you can claim your beverage.
>In American cafes you have to fight cats,
Ah I didn't know that.
We have them, but it's about 75% chains like Starbucks and 25% local places based on my experience. The local places are usually about 50/50 if they will be basic 'here's your Follgers that'll be $5' or actually pretty good with options and different kinds of coffee.
But you knew the rest of it?
I just assumed, I didn't know it was a thing americans did.
>Not drinking when you have to work in a Nintendo game.
Yeah, it's a constant struggle over here.
What is this american cat cafe shit? Its not funny at all
why is it funny?
do they call her isabelle because her head looks like a bag of bells
It's not funny. It's a very serious situation and people have died from being unable to defeat the cats. This is no laughing matter.
It's like Yas Forums hated him so much that it went full circle and now he's liked.
I hate her damn aloha shirt. She looks manish.
No, because she's a Southern Belle.
hi facebook admin!
uhhhhh i googled this and I don't see it?
I don't remember Yas Forums ever hating him.
You don't remember the dumbass 'my bike got stolen recently but the thief's happy so it's fine' comic?
She actually jingles like a bell when she walks, so they call her Isabelle because she "is a bell."
>going to a cat cafe when you can't even win a fight against a cat
Fucking practice at home then
It's a comic. It's fictional.
Yas Forums hating webcomic authors isn't new. See Dobson and Tim Buckley.
>Yeah sure, it causes me physical pain to go one day without coffee, but that doesn't mean I'm addicted! I can quit any time I want!
Who's even talking here? user, or the coffee worms in his brain?
We hate Dobson and Bum Tickley because theyre self righteous asshats that are full of themselves
Nah, that makes no sense.