Correcting sleep schedules

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Pass is vee

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>he's ritualposting it now
fuck off back to vg

This post helps immensely.

>back to back netplay unblockables

I too would commit seppuku in the face of such dishonorabu tactics.

>repying to it
Oh well

Doesn't matter since they'll reply to themselves from their phone if they don't get enough (You)s

>even shitposting crossboard the anime fighting game community of vg still manages to avoid playing any games at all
very impressive, that's a commendable level of commitment and mental illness

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Yas Forums - shitposts and bait

Sometimes I catch a glimpse of other threads in the catalog while I'm coming here and I lose a handful of brain cells.

Why are people seething over a webm? lmao

Context is key. That being said ignoring the bored user is the best way to solve the issue.

How do you guys make the combo vortex not boring? I was grinding out some routes earlier today and I felt like a zombie mindlessly inputting shit over and over an hour in


Sounds like you don't need to practice those routes so hard.
Unless you weren't getting them consistently in which case you weren't paying close enough attention and trying to fix it.

Put on some sweet jams.

While related to the game and these threads because it's the same game, the webm's purpose is more because of the names in said webm which is just /vg/ faggotry

I was able to get it semi consistently and I understand the methods to them. The part that’s really getting to me is trying to program them into my muscle memory and it getting repetitive

9/10 chance the guy asking is the one who posted it in the first place. 5/10 chance you are.

pc lobby when?

Try getting creative by mixing and matching some stuff instead of following others' examples. That or see if you can change up some stuff you saw other people do.

Last night for example I learned just messing around in training mode that I can do the simple gem combo I've been working on in the corner if I get B-drill starter and catch the opponent in the follow-up with 2C > B orb > 2A etc.

I dunno lad, once you get past the point of learning stuff and having all your combo pieces in front of you I think finding optimal routing for situations you notice in matches is a lot of fun
plus hit confirms/OS confirms
unless you're talking about learning a character, in which case the dopamine hit from landing a hard combo for the first time is pretty nice

There's no such thing as mindless practice, if you're zoned out and grinding it over and over without paying attention then you're going to end up with inconsistent sloppy muscle memory. Focus on making every subtle movement extremely deliberate and adjusting the difficult parts each time. If you're feeling like a zombie you're not going to be learning anything and might as well take a break until you can get your head back in it.

>2C > B gem > 2A

I keep expecting the elbow

If nothing else I'm pleased with the amount of 22x throws I'm getting

Also sei, you seem to be getting that 3[C] run and pick-up pretty consistently. What's the secret

I can't tech so those are free throws

Here's hoping it doesn't lag too much. If so, I may have to see about playing with that PC friend if he's still around.

Hmm, not too bad. I was fearing the worst there.


Did the quarantine fuck up Spectrum/SoCal even more?

Dear Spectrum , please upgrade your hardware to be able to avoid future crashes

Sincerely, your paying customer.

You'll never get those keystrokes back.

>Byak's 2B is a frame faster than Lond's
Oh nooooooooooooooo

I don't think I've seen that last web setup before. That or it's rarely used.

That was pretty neat to be able to grab Mika mid-air from that leap. Are all anti-air throws applicable for that?

this dude lond really needs help, idk what they expect him to do besides cheeky throw setups and netplay rekkas

It's rarely used because it's a knowledge check and not a rock solid setup. See, I'm putting myself behind you when I do that setup, and then 623x into you because that will beat dps, vo's, mashing, and just blocking
because I am behind you, if you tech backwards, you will get out of the corner. It's unintuitive so most people never figure it out but yeah. Depending on the hitbox of the character trying to get out I can 623b to put the web out farther and maybe catch you but it doesnt always work. It's a setup I go for when I'm scared of dps and I think the opponent doesnt know. Basically if you see me go behind you during websets just backtech on your wakeup

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Ggs everyone. I wish I was able to land the combos I practiced but I suppose I'll try again another night.

Thanks for the detailed explanation. It's a pretty cool idea and I can now see why you'd want to use it sparingly since most people you run into would probably want to just tech back.

GGs lad. Better luck next time on landing your stuff you're looking to do!

GGs nice to see ya

How full is the PS lobby and PC for that matter?

PS at 5

PC is currently non-existent.

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We need more Chaos players

Damn since I had 7 frame I guess I'll dip ggs

Damn, that combo almost makes me want to pick Chaos up. In terms of difficulty how hard is he?

GGs m8. Seems to be getting laggy for me too sadly.

His combos are some of the easier ones to do in UNI but he lacks defensive options making getting out of corner difficult. GRD thrust is practically mandatory against some characters. So long as you remember what specials you used though you'll be fine as the most difficult thing about him would be doing 236A > 22A

I think im gonna go spectator for a bit

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Anyone know if I can canel Vat FF into IWEX if I'm close enough? Might be fun to do if it's easy enough.

Probably not off the full knockdown from the last hit

Yeah, didn't think so, may have to count the number of hits to get the best results if it does work out somehow before the knockdown. Thanks for the response. Will definitely hit training after this to verify if I don't get a chance in other matches tonight.

I want to see more too

Darn, 2 chances to get that B drill corner combo finally came and I spaghetti both of em. Ah well, next time for sure!

>Nanase 3 times
What the fuck

hippie the game wants you to pick up nanase

GGs everyone
Gotta fill the quota for the night since I took a break.

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Nice luck of the draw there hippie.


GGs broski. See ya next time!