Why so afraid?

I still can't get over how pervasive cowardice is in online Ds3 and how often players hard exit their game to avoid technically losing.

When I was first playing the souls games I was a little unnerved by invaders but I eventually decided that the only sensible way to learn the game was to simply do my best against an invader because it's part of the game and being a good sport allows you to grow and learn.

I'm amazed at how often I see a host with multiple summons and fully upgraded weapons, kite each monster one-by-one because the players are too afraid to fight multiple enemies.

Why are people afraid in games like this? Why is dying in a game hard for casual players to take?

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stay fuckin mad lmao

god damn OP, you already got one dude buttmad as fuck

every person who has invaded me fucking dies, I want to fight some invasion scum but there's always never any around to fight me

I can't wait for all the seething replies, we already got one kek

its annoying

I have been playing Dark Souls 3 again recently.
I disconnected on three faggots because they're clearly losers invading progression areas this late into the game's life. not in the mood to fight some invader when I'm trying to progress through the PVE content

at this point in the game's lifespan if you're not intentionally invading designated PVP areas you're a bitch

yeah I can't get over other people that use way of blue either
>refusing to play the game unless you can have two whole covenants show up when one person invades

Then play offline. But you were playing embered to summon allies because you're pathetic.

nah you're a bitch. I always invade wherever Im currently progressing at. It's fun

>nooooo you can't invade my invasion

the PTSD people had from DS1 twinks is so strong it doomed the chance for good invasions in any game thereafter

>if you're not intentionally invading designated PVP areas you're a bitch
The game is meant for you to get invaded anywhere, get fucked faggot

get disconnected LMAO

you get Ember'd anytime you kill a boss dipshit

Getting disconnected on is like slapping a dude's girlfriend's ass and the two walk away in a huff. We all know who won the exchange.

People just want to beat the PVE part of the game without being interrupted, but they're either too stupid to play in offline mode, or they want to keep their connection open to get help from blues, and you interrupted them from accomplishing that.

Play a fighting game if you want to stomp on noobs.

>playing ds1
>in undead burg
>dark spirit invades in full havel
>do 0 damage, one shots me
>play offline for the rest of the game
dunno if they fixed that autism in the sequels

Just download CE and black crystal their coop phantoms (also autopilot gestures into their inventory so they get banned)

you can lie all you want I've had people disconnect on me and it's fucking annoying

especially at this point in the game when it's always so dead
you got your invasion cucked

So, kill yourself and play offline, coward. ORRRR just TRY to play against another player.

I don’t get why invaders cry about how unfair everyone is when they force themselves into other people’s games and do faggy shit like hide in the middle of mobs if they get scratched or fire greatbows at people crossing ledges. Whenever an invader shows up I use a giant seed and laugh as I see invader vanquished before I even run into them

I wouldn't want to interrupt your precious gaming experience!

when I want to fight against other players I'm a huge nigger that hides with obscuring ring and giant seed and way of the blue

sure buddy, whatever you say to make you feel better lol.

if Invaders didn't get upset about people disconnecting this thread wouldn't exist

I thought the entire point of going human was to be able to summon people for co-op, so it made sense that you'd open yourself up to invasions as well.

>Just want to play in peace and enjoy the game
>Get invaded by people who get off by making me miserable
Invading is the same as bullying
I won't have it

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yes that's From'sintended balancing of the invasion system

That's the idea, but some people are just too much of a pussy

Why do you get off on ruining other people's joy?

>in DS3
Found your problem. You're playing the Worst Souls game.

It's cuz most players are massive casuals that dont care about PvP but still want to summon phantoms to beat the game for them.

Don't turn human/ember, or play offline, simple as that

I equipped the Aldrich Faithful covenant and I get invasions non-stop, I'm surprised it's still alive since red eye orbs never do shit

>to avoid technically losing
What they're "avoiding" is you wasting their fucking time, which is based, frankly.

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fuck you I wasted a fortune cutting cables, just stop invading already


Get fucked nerds

Yeah just another thing we should all be expecting Bandai to tighten up on for the Elden ring multiplayer.

Anyone else /dried finger/ here?
I dont even summon phantoms. Invasions make replaying the game more interesting.

Some people are toxic as fuck though, especially in the aldritch area. No fun allowed there, apparently.

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In DS2 and 3 you get a HP boost by going human and in 3 you turn human for killing a boss while "hollow"

I wear a blue badge to help my blue bros get their Concords.
Console player btw

No, they're wasting their time by restarting their game.

so? The point is the guy disconnecting is infinitely more butthurt lol. You have to actually live with the fact you were too pussy to face someone in and online video game lol.

>being a good sport

They dont like risks. Technology has shortened people's attention span.

oh yeah! It's the best way to have fun in gank city.

>complaining about host dcing
The bigger bullshjt is white phantoms and the host can swing through each other. That should definitely stagger.
Also no ping filter.
Or region filter.
I think this game would have a lot more playablity if after the first clear anyone could invade anyone.
and a better anti hack for fucks sake

just based

Based. 3 is my favorite game to do dried finger runs.

>you have to actually live with the fact you were too pussy to face someone in and online video game
Yes, I'm sure a lot of people can't sleep at night because one day he reached the internet cable to avoid a minor inconvenience in a video game. Meanwhile the invader has to wait until the game finds a world to invade, then the loading screen into the world and then the loading screen out of it. This happened to me once on the PS4 and I only remember when I see these threads, so I can only imagine how easy it must be for the person who disconnected to forget about it.

If you want help from blues you have to accept that the price is getting invaded by reds. You're a faggot if you don't. Playing offline is fine, but accept that doing so means no messages or blues.

im not sure how waiting for another invasion takes longer than reconnecting to online but ok user, like I said, whatever helps you sleep at night.

I know firsthand how long it takes to find a new invasion in this game lately

Wex dust takes only a moment to find an invasion and load times are really not that bad, while whoever disconnected is forced back to the main menu and has to sit through all the splash screens before they can do anything.
Just play unembered or offline bro lmao

Sorry, I wouldn't know, invaders always perish by my blade

Great, you're playing the game how it's meant to be played and you're good at it as a result.

My internet is terrible so I’m used to lag when the game decides to throw some rando invader at me, so when we start fighting I can accurately predict the lag intervals and actual movement between frames. I get the home field advantage of being one with the lag and occasionally get butthurt messages. Good times.

it honestly is instant for me, i only invade in areas my level.

I agree. I always play Souls games offline because I don't like people. OP asked a question, I answered, and recommended another genre of game that would give him willing opponents and the ability to crush those less skilled than him, which is the reason sociopaths enjoy the invasion mechanic in the first place.

just by your posting style you give invaders the satisfaction they desire lol, your words literally reek of bitch

more games should cater to sociopaths

Just finished playing DS3 for the first time, I literally just killed Gael a half hour ago. I went 2-2 against Invaders, used a claymore almost the entire game.

I don't like PVP or getting invaded, but I do try to give them a good fight because it's part of the game.

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>your words literally reek of bitch
Edgy! I like it!

Again, fighting games are almost exclusively for sociopaths. Also competitive FPS and battle royale games.

>you have to he a sociopath to enjoy invading
this is just massive cope

>Edgy! I like it!
Thanks, It was my intention lol

>Again, fighting games are almost exclusively for sociopaths.
maybe you're onto something actually. You kind of have to be a bit of sociopath to be able being defeated in a 1v1 game; especially if its in public and people see it.

I also happen to love fighting games myself.

>to be able being
*To be able to handle being...

>all these bads trying to reason how they're the better man for alt-f4ing away from the mean red invader putting them in the dirt
Get shat on fags, I win by showing you how much better I am than you no matter what

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>beat the PVE part of the game without being interrupted
Which is very easy to do if you don't join any covenants and only use your embers during boss fights.

A bit of masochism, too, I'd guess. But the joy of ruining someone else's playthrough, even if themporary, is definitely in line with sociopath behavior.

People will forever be the stupidest people alive.

I have a friend with 3000 hours in Dota 2 and the fucking idiot refuses to deny because he says "Well i hate it when they do it to me"

The cunt could probably be half decent as well because he's not even that old.

The online in these games is fucking awful.
The odds are so rarely even that the only reason to take part is to ruin someone else's day with your unfair advantage.

>I win by showing you how much better I am than you no matter what
Awesome! What do you win, exactly?

I don't use embers/humanity/etc for anything, really. 100% solo. I prefer it.

based, fuck min/max fags

I only ever alt+f4/play offline until the cathedral because 9/10 the invader is some autist who beat up to NG+++ and got all the +3 rings, high base damage weapons that 2 shot you and high absorption armor that +1 and +2 weapons can't do shit against. After I get a +5 weapon I start playing normally again as I at least have a shot to win.

no, its actually delusion to think that your "playthrough is being ruined"

The WHOLE point of souls is dying, why the fuck would you want to play through a game you cant lose? You are supposed to die and learn from your mistakes, and then the developers decided, "hey, lets let other players kill you to make you better too" and your response is to curl up like a bitch.

>What do you win, exactly?
A dopamine hit

Whenever I invade in aldrich I always wait to see if the host does something like popping a seed, then wait 5 or so minutes for it to wear off and proceed to kill host with no problems. Sometimes the host forgets that the seed has a limit and ends up getting fucked by his own mob because he thinks they're aiming for me. Overall seeds are just a waste of time and not worth using.

Nothing, because there hasn't been a point to invading since Demon's Souls. It's all just good fun.

Some bosses are extremely cheesy though and using an ember for their second phase is helpful. Like the faggot Demon King.

>play online
>someone invades
>its another hacker
>parry them for 5 minutes then alt f4

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