How do you manage to have a weak console in 2020, especially when you're using LITERALLY the same hardware family as your competitor? Are Sony being run by retards?

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uhhhh well the PS5 has 3D audio and a microphone in the controller to make up for it!

Playstation is a status symbol now like iphone to niggers. Thry know what they're doing. I remember selling middle aged white cucks the Sony tvs they just had to have back in the day.

when has teraflops ever been relevant

>are sony being run by retards?
one retard, and unfortunately that's all you need, especially when you let said retard try to explain to the world why they should buy his shitbox

when the ps4 had more than the xbox and wii u

don't forget the magic ssd

What's a teraflop?

In the end it'll come down to the software rather than the hardware. It's the same reason the ps4 beat out the xbone.
Though on that front, PS5 still doesn't have shit in terms of games to show off and microsoft may continue the trend of putting their 1st party games on pc. So why even consider buying either at this point.

>turbo-charged GTR running laps around the track
Xbox SX
>Ferrari with no gas

Are people really surprised by this? The only time a Sony console was more powerful than the competition was the PS4.

The switch is much weaker.

>It's the same reason the ps4 beat out the xbone.
the ps4 beat the xbone because of hardware. it literally didn't have shit for games till like 3 years in. ps4 was a 1080p machine whereas xbox was 720p-900p.

Microsoft pays their engineers a lot more

Hi Discord. Still coping?
>Tom Warren

PS5 with it's power at maximum is way weaker than the Bone running in base form.

It's literally Dragon Ball Z...

could this be foreshadowing to a new Dragon Ball game for Xbone and PS5?

Not just hardware. It was $100 cheaper at launch too. Don Mattrick really did some irreversible damage to the Xbox brand.

>ps4 was a 1080p machine
lmao at 20 fps maybe

The console that has games that people want to play will win. No one really cares about multiplat machines when pc exists

And Sony said they would mostly put focus on movie games.

Phil spencer has already turned the brand around it's not irreversible. There was a time when this board and fanboy circles used to call the xbox a VCR and meme about TVTVTV yet you literally never seen any fanboys mention that anymore because spencer has completely shifted the brand perception from that back to gaming.

yes, sony california thought it was a better idea to put the budget more towards a gimmick controller and gimmick ssd to feed their new alexa voice system on the ps5

ps5 is trash

>still haven't revealed the design of the main unit.

Funniest thing out of that is that the vcr xbox one is the most quiet, coolest, and reliable console ever made. Dumb third world trash like the average playstation owner doesnt understand it was designed that way to alleviate the overheating problems the x360 had

Worked for the ps4 so makes sense. I cam deal with story as long as its not a visual novel or 20 minute cutscenes

10 seconds before 9tf announcement

They said the same thing back when ps4 was coming out... look how that went

Microsoft is still a cancer on gaming and the only good MS console was the original Xbox.

The 360 is much better than the xbox

Teraflops don't mean shit if there's no games.

Both Sony and Microsoft are cancer and we would have been living in the Kingdom of God if it was just Nintendo, Sega, and Atari.

The guy who spammed all those fanfiction wishful thinking 13TF PS5 threads is so asshurt right now and he made it even worse for playstation fans for selling them false expectations. He'll never forget how badly he fucked up. It will haunt him for the rest of his life as will this post if he's in this thread right now. Every time he thinks about it he'll remember this post.

Funny how 360 was a broken piece of dogshit that they had to recall and never fixed and also their magnum opus

Lol sega and atari are worthless. Nintendo > microsoft > sony

Tf doesn't mean shit you dumb nigger. Tf is only a useful metric for pure compute scenarios. Video games are much more complex than that.

Remember Vega had lots of tf and was a compute monster but still sucked in gaming compared to Pascal.

360 had Dead Rising. I guess if you're a weeb there were some more games out there for you like that Tales game and the Lost whatever game.

The original Xbox had absolute kino, JSRF, Shenmue 2, Gunvalkyrie, Fable, Stranger's Wrath, and Ninja Gaiden.

Sony shit the bed with the PS3, they used to be cool though.

Both consoles are the same arch brainlet so tf does matter in this case as its representative and tells who will have the better performing games

100niggaflops don't mean shit if there's no games worth playing. This gen is going to be a disaster. Xbox won't have any exclusives cause they will all be on windows and PS5 will only have shitty walking simulators and movie game exclusives.

It's up to Nintendo to save us.

As a PC player probably going to buy a Ps5 like everyone else, really no point in buying an Xshit.

PS4 beat it because of the Xbones DRM.

Still faster than a Gamecube

Different implementations you brainlet they are custom made it's not like a PC gpu that you just stick in the motherboard.

This, it's some meaningless salespitch term that all the screeching 10 year olds jump all over

Never. Console gamers just like to bring it up because it makes them feel tech savvy. I have a coworker who buys every Xbox and wont shut up about his memeflops. For fun, I said to him one day "Wow, that sounds like a lot, so what does a teraflop do?" and he goes "it makes the console run fast".

Weeb games are on PS and PC
Literally all I care about

Who the fuck cares Teraflops meaning barely anything when it comes to true performance in games plus dose any body really buy a console for its specs there performance is mediocre compared to a proper gaming pc

They're both the same GPU you retard. Any customizations don't change that fact. There is a baseline architecture they're based on and no amount of customizations will change the IPC or how the GPU is fundamentally designed. The PS5 being 10TF makes it factually weaker than a 12TF xbox and we can make that comparison because they're the same arch.

Kek don't you see how dumb you sound. If they were the same they'd have the same tf. Sony decided to cut back on compute power for other stuff.


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So the ps5 is faster?

Are you legit retarded? Are you telling me a 5700 and 5700XT are completely different architectures simply because they have slightly different specs?

What even is the point of consoles anymore besides muh exclusives? Seriously i do not mean to suck PC's cock but PC genuinely is better in every way and it is not exactly rocket science to build one, and it would only take a few months of saving up to get decent parts.

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No, Xbox is better across the board and anyone telling you otherwise is a seething fanboy who hates that they console of choice is the weaker one this time around.

Sony knows they are the Apple of gaming and idiots will buy their console just because of the brand. My brother is super hyped for PS5 despite knowing its much weaker than xbox or pc. its a brand thing, and sony knows they dont have to give their customers that much anymore.

it's rocket science to normies
ain't no one playing sports games on pc unless you count fucking football manager

For one, as you said, Exclusives.
The other, ease of use.

For PC even with pre-builts there is having to purchase, download, and then possibly tech support if anything goes wrong.
Meanwhile a console simply needs to either plop in a disk/cartage or download and then you're done. If shit goes wrong on a console you can't do anything and moreover you don't feel like you need to do anything.

People are too worried about specs. the 8th generation of hardware can already to a whole hell of a lot. These are the same machines that run Red Dead 2, Witcher 3, among others and those games are already beautiful and expansive. Software drives hardware. It doesn't matter if you have the biggest, beefiest console of all that can do infinite polygons and raytracing at 360 frames per second at 8K resolution with kharma enigma veyron speaker level audio and no hiccups or frame/resolution drops whatsoever if the best you can offer is on par with Quest 64. I'd wait to call judgement on these systems until we know what's coming out for them.


It's nice to see that consoles are now simply PC parts in proprietary boxes with a locked down OS and some extra DRM hardware. It makes the development so much easier when it's tick box to make a PS, PC, XB version of your software.

I can't even imagine how nightmarish the PS3 was to work on.

Can the Sonybros who both defended PS5 for running games on non-first party SDD solutions while also claiming that the landscape of gaming will be forever changed by the PS5's SSD/home heating system explain themselves?

PS5 is a teraflop

The big differentiator is really the CPU, going from tablet tier from 2009 to Zen 2 is going to make things so much better when putting in more powerful GPU was giving out neligible gains because of bottlenecking. A lot of the whole uncompressed game assets and large game installs were done just to squeeze out every last ounce of CPU power from those crappy CPUs to avoid decompression overhead. That and SSDs are the main gamechangers.

That being said, the fact that Xbox has showed off raytracing on their RDNA2 and Sony didn't is going to be pretty interesting as a differentiator and the fact that Sony seems to have missed the boat on that and spent too much time on the SSD.