Reminder that ALL this ass belongs to Rean and his gorilla dick
Reminder that ALL this ass belongs to Rean and his gorilla dick
you keep making this thread and I'm gonna keep asking how do you even get your pic? the only ass shot I can get is whilst holding R1 to run. Going up/down ladders I can't get shit
That’s our Rean for you, haha...
>Gorilla Dick
"Today, the average erect gorilla penis is 3cm (1.25 inches) long, the average chimp or bonobo penis comes in at around 8cm and the average human penis stands at around 13cm. Most primates, including chimpanzees, have a penis bone and achieve erections through muscle contraction."
OP is very likely not the original screenshooter
H A H A . . . That's our Rean...
holy fuck why did they make that so goddamn juicy
you know gorillas have micopenises right?
No wonder they're so angry.