
comfy battlestation thread

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before the nasty fuckign trannies get in here

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its like the 21st century gamer version of walden

And a as of 2 mins ago picture

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>longbox PSX and Saturn RE1

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you know it

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Not so soon, don’t die just yet


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Did you get those helmets off of Amazon? I know the Roman one comes from some Indian company .
Anyways looks good

Roman helmet was gotten from amazon, was a gift to me
I bought the fallschirmjager helmet from ww2gear or Hessen antique.


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Sweet pocketmonster cards, I used to display my holo charizard and my ancient mew movie promo card in my game room too.

Gotta grow up sometime, though, and put those things away.

>Alien vs Predator Extinction
Excellent taste!!!

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so fucking cluttered


>surrounded by children's toys
your father must be proud

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That game is in my top ten, for sure. Top five, even. All the games I have multiples of are my absolute favourites, just so if one gets fucked up I have a backup.

waiting on that one tranny faggot that always posts his weeby 3 monitor setup in every single one of these threads

He’ll be here, surely

>computer in your bedroom

literally looks like a prison cell

All my game cases are in the living room because im out of space

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Do you store your bricks of tea in that box, chap?

Where else am I going to store tea?

I have a harbor specifically for tea storage you can use

Don't you dare, not again

how often do you kick your case?

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Automatic 10 just for the Pink Floyd records

>that sagging shelf on the top left

She’ll hold. Heaver things were on it before that made it sag originally. Xbox game cases don’t weigh that much. Especially since most of them are the kind that have those plastic-saving cutouts

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I hope you're a cute trap

Do you live in a prison?

you don't?

I'm not dumb enough to end up in one.

That's because you live in a third world country like the United States, a comfy prison in Europe feels like a camp

I'm dying.

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I'd be dying too with that cable management

I've already fixed it but I'm too lazy to take a new pic.

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Please take a picture user

Based and High IQ pilled
Free from hoarding, free from 3 hour cleaning sessions, free from having spent money on shit no one cares about, free from attachment. This man is absolutely free. I like my console and PC but at the same time I just know this picture is the right way to live.

It's too dark for a full pic, but here's proof of fixing my cables. It's not perfect, but due to my setup, I need access to the cables. That means I can't hide them completely.

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That's much better user

I'm a fan. What's the model of the right monitor?


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Comfy but pathetic autism/depression quarantine nest. In reality I just need to clean my desk but have been too lazy to do so.

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Nests are pretty kino.

Comfortable in bed

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Ever hear of cleaning?

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Not to single you out or anything, but I don't get why people have desks that aren't facing walls. Seeing the back of monitors and all those cables everywhere is so off putting. I get the function, but form is important too.

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But they already did?
Right here, in this post

well,for me its the angled walls. An dunno if this sounds pathetic but i likr the feeling of having a wall close behind me/ the desk and wall forming a niche

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how many times have you hit your head?