What do they eat?

What do they eat?

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brahmin, vegetables, canned goods from caravans and exploration.

Shit pressed into patties.

"Let's build a town around a nuclear bomb that hasn't gone off".I don't care if it was apparently 'decommissioned', still fucking retarded. No one would that.
Genius writing! Bravo!

I wonder which one was worse, this shit, Tenpenny Tower or Little Lamplight.

But user it's so wacky and hilarious.

Probably a lot of the molerats that infest the surrounding area

Little lamplight with nude mods is pretty nice

Each other’s asses

But it's funny like Itchy and Scratchy!

whatever they want

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little lamplight made no god damn sense

Why is Bethesda incapable of letting their settings progress or create new things?
>everyone lives in scrap shacks or rundown pre-war buildings eating pre-war food which is still everywhere and edible
>post-war drugs and inventions retconned to be pre-war
>steam power and robots exist for hundreds of years but nobody puts any effort into studying it or replicating it

Theres no farms
Theres no farms
>canned goods
Botulism is odorless, and also they'd run out eventually
>caravans and exploration
One merchant with a cow isnt going to feed a town

Moria's dookie cakes

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they eat reddit gold

It's just like this that loses you an argument before it starts, you've never touched Fo3 and it's fucking obvious.

I'll let you know this, there is a legitimate reason they had to build it around that bomb, you learn it pretty easily.
I won't tell it to you, you have to find out on your own.
Pirate Fo3 and find out, go ahead.

Fo3 has SO MANY problems, but you'll never address any of them because obsitards have poisoned the well of information.

Because Bethesda is legitimately retarded, they either don't care about a good story, or they just don't understand how to do it.

I think I hate pete hines more than todd

it kind of upsets me there is no .32 pistol in fallout 3 thats actually usable. it uses the same fucking ammo as hunting rifles it should do similar damage

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Todd has charisma, Pete's just a douche.


I played the game and I dont recall any logical reason for people building a town around a nuclear bomb. If the answer is "a cult worships it" then that's entirely cyclical writing, nobody would want to live with a cult OR a bomb and the cult would only form after enough people were near the bomb.

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isn't las vegas literally build in the mids of a fucking desert without any watersource on its own?

Isn't california literally build on top of tectonic plates from which everbody from the start was knowing that in near future there will be a fuckhuge earthquake that will probably consume the whole fucking city - Cali also has no own watersource.

So yea, not that far off from reality huh burger?

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they settled in the crater around the bomb because it gave them shelter from the weather. not the supermarket a mile away with a roof and lots of food, that would be silly.

Vegas not having a reliable water source outside of a dam is kind of a plot point in the game, you brainlet. California is not a desert, it's a massive exporter of food nationally.

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Do you even know what internal consistency means

I did play the game, it's just not interesting enough to remember years later. Give yourself a pat on the back for remembering something so mundane and shit though.

>there are no farms
its delivered
>there are no farms
its delivered
Who said it was canned or preserved before the nukes?
>one merchant
Who said only one?

It was a desert and became what it is now due to irrigation. If the water stops it'll go back to being a desert.

I didn't even like Las Vegas. Why does everyone that dislikes Fallout 3 have to be someone that loves Vegas?
Doesn't excuse how Fallout 3 has shit writing regardless.

'Ate nu-Fallout.
Love me Fallout 1/2.

Simple as.

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>I'll let you know this, there is a legitimate reason they had to build it around that bomb, you learn it pretty easily.
No, there's a legitimate reason why they build the town in the crater. The bomb being there is just a case of Bethesda wanting something cool going on in Megaton, because nothing is cooler than a fucking retarded atomic bomb in the middle of town.


>a desolate crater gave shelter from the weather (that never seems to happen because the entire surrounding area is devoid of plant life, nobody mentions it and the player never sees it)

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deez nutz

I was so confused when I realized the hunting rifle uses what appears to me .32 Long. Like sure, squirrel hunting maybe.


what do they eat?

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I obviously wasn't talking about the game and i also never said that cali. was a desert you stupid mongoloid. Doesn't change the fact that california has no watersource on its own and is still built exactly on top of two big, grinding tectonic plates which will consume the a huge chunk of the city in due time.

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what the fuck do they produce to pay for that shit

They're eating her. And then. They're gonna eat me. OH my Gooooood.

that or the neighborhood and school, maybe 500 feet away

There are no merchanting conglomerates in the game's setting. Every traveling salesperson somehow operates independently despite being comprised of a literal prey animal and one lone human armed with a 9mm handgun. Compare to New Vegas where you not only have caravan companies but they fucking compete with each other.

Also why would people who live in discarded tin shacks have canning equipment? Where would they get that knowledge or technology? Where do they get the food to can with to begin with?

>live near an undetonated nuclear bomb and not in the school or your homes


He's the least likeable PR guy in the world, Todd basically does his job for him.

>I played the game and-
No you didn't, because if you did then you would know why they had to build it around that bomb.
>If the answer is "a cult worships it"
Nope, that's not the reason.
You know what, I'll go easy on you, I'll tell you this one.

It's because they were forced to.
They wanted to get rid of the bomb and use the crater as the base for their city, but then the supermutants started closing in on the group of settlers, the only way to protect themselves was to ally with the cult around the bomb and have them help build the walls.

If things had gone according to plan, that bomb would not be there, but they had to build fast and worry about the bomb later.
Unfortunately, after the walls were built, the cult grew too big to just get rid of the bomb or dismantle it to the point of it just being a shell.

If you had played Fo3, you would know this.
Stop making arguments based on random shit Yas Forums has told you about Fo3, do some actual research and learn what the REAL problems with the writing are, those problems do not have any reason behind them.

yeah that's my point

Seriously this always bothered the fuck out of me. This is a world where you could get attacked by raiders, giant scorpions and ants, etc. virtually everywhere you go. And yet you see people out casually wandering around with overalls and a .32 revolver.
Also how is it that you can go into places 100 meters away from a major settlement and nobody has looted them?


they eat pickles


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Imagine setting humans on fucking EARTH when its own SUN is gonna kill everything at some point, unless something horrible happens first. Great fucking writing, amirite?

Primm has a new sheriff. That should keep the Powder Gangers away.

is this the Fallout thread?

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Probably the same shit Vault Dwellers do, only fancier.

Who gives a shit.
Fallout 3's massive problem was having awful, cardboard-thin quests, not how specifically naturalistic the economy simulation was.

Does the fact that nobody remembers this and in my case, doubt it's even the actual story not raise any alarms? I could tell you the entire story of Primm, a desolate sidetown in New Vegas, but I could not tell you a single thing about Megaton, the first major settlement you find in Fallout 3.

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I'm just gonna assume this is the Fallout thread

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It's both. Bethesda don't understand Fallout from a thematic or gameplay point of view.

literally none of this is true, and super mutants didn't exist on east coast until mere years up till the events of 3

stop shitting up this thread

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More importantly, why put faces on oilrig pillars?

It looks cool.