Does he have the 'tism?

Does he have the 'tism?

Attached: Flick.png (306x402, 148.49K)

he claims to be an artist, so yes.


nah, but you do

His name in all capital letters looks like FUCK

do lizards have cloacas? very important question

he looks really fuckin ugly so yeah

this man singlehandedly turned me on to punk boys

This gay lizard starts showing up once my town hall is built, right? It's finishing tomorrow. So many bugs in storage.

Please move in to my town. You can have town hall!

Playing Animal Crossing means you have 'tism.
Especially when Stardew Valley exists.

Reminder that Flick and C.J. are gay boyfriends

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Gaytism yes

>Believing gamexplain clickbait

yes, for the most part
some species have penises but the vast majority have cloacas

I'm trying to get 100 centipedes

Hold the fuck up;

Flick isn't female? The fuck? Nintendo teasers made them out to be a girl originally, from what I remember.
Ah well. At least I have Cherry.

please dont tell me that this thing is actually a male

Other villagers refer to Flick as "He"

why? already jacked off to his porn and now you feel gay?

>there are three canonically gay boys in ACNH
who knew the nips would be so progressive?

Attached: NH-icon-Chief_00.png (1460x2940, 2.39M)

>Nintendo teasers made them out to be a girl originally, from what I remember
yeah yeah and here's how Gou can still secretly be a girl. cope, straightoid

It's only in the localization

Nah. I've been hanging around with my Cherry flavoured love without care. Haven't bothered with AC after seeing how boring it lookedin the trailers. I genuinely thought Flick was a girl but didn't pay much attention because I loved Cherry more.

its a fetish thing, more specifically fujo pandering

you say that but gracie was originally a flaming faggot male over there

doesn't the japanese version literally let you switch genders after you start the game?

All versions of the game do that.

The Japanese version actually says gender underneath each gender rather than "style".

japs have to sign off on this user, and the localization team didn't design Chief's new look, or make him wear a dress for a promo

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he's a based bugfucker like me

lol jokes on you, the porn was gay from the start and so was i

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Those two are literally called friends in all the other versions of the game, not to mention partner doesn't automatically mean they are fucking, like christ I can't believe people fell for GX stupid fucking clickbait.

He reminds me of Gundam Tanaka.

user is fucking pissed and gay

Fucking twitterfags

>nips putting anything gay in their game other than hot lesbians

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which is gayer, the jap version letting you be a tranny or the american version having some stupid genderliquid shit

>he doesn't know

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Is he the most Yas Forumscore Animal Crossing character?


wow, its like they overlap somehow.

I don't get why people have a problem with it using the world "style". Like, it doesn't negatively affect you at all, and its the same functionality in all languages.

If a few people (who may or may not have a brain problem, I'm not a doctor, what the fuck do I know) feel a little happier, and everyone else gets the same functionality, is that somehow a bad thing? Everyone bitches about wanting more customization options and now they have them.

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tired of dyke shit, lesbos are super rare irl.

Reminder that wanting to pound anthro bois is LITERALLY not gay

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>Villagers don't even call you by your gender anymore

Yes it's a problem, but NH sucks ass anyway so I'm not too mad.

nice headcanon yaoicucks

gays in general are rare in real life


I haven't even noticed it though. Like, its so unimpactful in play, and some people appreciate feeling as though someone treated them the way they feel.

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How's it feel being clinically delusional?

sorry, this boy only lets boys ride his red rocket and there's nothing you can do about it

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>Gamexplain is bunch of retardera delusionalfags
>People actually believe them

I don't know about him, but you definitely have the downs.

Are fucking retarded? The LGBT community only makes up 5% of the US population

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Are you? 1 in 20 is not "rare"

Ah I see, subtle. You've earned your (you)

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If you fuck a masculine woman are you gay? Asking for a friend.

Most certainly

I consider gay more of a social label at this point. Do whatever makes you happy

>no argument
Concession accepted!