I'm too brainlet to understand the story

I'm too brainlet to understand the story
Why did they live in medieval kingdom?
Why is there medieval land on top of Tokyo?
Who is that wheelchair guy?
Who the fuck are those ghost like people?

Attached: 220px-Shin_Megami_Tensei_IV.jpg (220x198, 18.75K)

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ask /vg/

>he doesnt know who based stephen is
cringe and personafagpilled

Attached: Stephen.gif (480x270, 59.22K)

>because its cool
>because tokyos protector god, masakado encased tokyo with its body to protect it from nukes
>steven, guy who invented the demon summoning program
>the white, beings tired of the endless war between angels and demons who just want to reset absolutely everything
its been a while since i last played so im prolly wrong on most of these

i forgot this detail, time flows differently from aboveground and underground so while the aboveground have been rebuilding society from scratch, its only been a couple decades underground

God tried nuking the heathen japs but one guy summoned a giant demon that turned into a dome and shielded them.
God chose some people to save before trying to nuke japan and leaves them to live on the surface of the dome
Wheelchair guy is Stephen Hawking, he invented the demon summoning program and terminals
I don't know what ghost like people you're talking about but probably are just ghosts

The White don't want to reset reality, they want to destroy reality so the cycles of Law and Chaos never happen again

God decided to reset society, hence the medieval society
To reset society, he attempted to destroy the world, however the protector deity of tokyo stepped in to prevent it by amassing a large dome around tokyo (god was literally nuking the world)
It’s not entirely stated, but we know he works for the great will, the omnipotent being of the smt universe
They’re the white, who are intelligent, nihilistic, and have a wicked sense of humor

The white don’t wanna reset shit, they wanna erase shit

>Who is that wheelchair guy?
Play SMT1 and SMT2

I fucking love the fact that technology is used to summon demons in these games. Its so wild.
Like the COMP gun from Soul Hackers.

Isabeau is my waifu. Navarre [spoilers] got what he deserved [/spoilers]

>Stephen invented Demon Summoning Program
WTF what happened to my boy Nakajima

how much of a fucking newfag are you?

>its only been a couple decades underground
Hasn't it been less than that? I can't remember the dudes name, but it's a middle aged guy who runs the cafe. Didn't he mention how he remembers life before the dome?

>Why did they live in medieval kingdom?
Because they were chosen by God.
>Why is there medieval land on top of Tokyo?
Because they were chosen by God.
>Who is that wheelchair guy?
Neutral representative.
>Who the fuck are those ghost like people?

Hey man I've been here for years and I sometimes forget wheres its with an s or without
I just use ctrl+s though, so it doesn't matter unless I'm making a new thread

>Why did they live in medieval kingdom?
A more oblique answer would be that Kaneko was being cheeky. JRPGs have a tendency to copy western aesthetics, especially knights, among many other aspects of medieval western aesthetics. By having Samurai (decidedly Japanese) roam a western-inspired environment he was making a statement about the necessity of not copying western aesthetics slavishly.

yeah i fucked up oh well

SMT IV is so great. I really loved the world building and vibe of the game.

What's the best stat build? Full MAG or STR? Are agi and luck worth anything?

Only purpose of doing a MAG build is to go for Mighty magic or Holy Dance.

Best is full luck. And put some into Agi so you aren't slow as fuck

>holy dance

okay, just curious why Luck is so good. because of Crits?

Mag+3 every level, keep Agi up enough that you go first every fight (+1 every level will work), and +1 Luck most of the time just for the hell of it.
Just keep in mind that this is OP as fuck, so you have a lot of wiggle room.

mag, it's always mag.
you can have a jack frost one-shot masakado if you set it up right.

DeSu fans don't play these games

its been 25-ish years im pretty sure

Did you guys know that Souls Hackers cost more than 100 fucking dollars nowadays. What the fuck.

>Humans become demons via consuming red pills
>Demons consume red pills to satiate their hunger
>Redpills are made out of humans
SMT IV was a pretty dank game. I'd play a remade version for Switch that improves the combat

You get to hama and mudo everything you come across. Of course it doesnt help much against bosses or those immune, for those you play more of a support role to your demons. But the cool thing is that for the bosses you CAN hama or mudo it will actually work on them due to your high luck.

SMTV, any day now

Wait the fuck up, I just realized the insides of the mikado castle's mountain might be tokyo. I tought the entire eastern kindom was just the surface of the dome.

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before christmas it was about 30 on amazon, and i said fuck it ill buy it after with gift cards ill probably get. come january it was fucking 120 for a used copy, screw that shit

oh shit good point user

IV's plot is a mess, I wouldn't worry about it. It's been revealed that the final game only accounts for about half of Kaneko's original draft so a lot of details and aspects meant to seen or discussed were either rewritten to fit, cut entirely, or loosely added to IV:A.

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>be collectorfag
>really want the special edition
>own a loose cart copy
>feel weird buying essentially just plastic
Fuck, it would be an easier pill to swallow if I didn't even have the game.

>IV's plot is a mess
That's the charm tho, it also isn't a slog to read through like persona, for example. Also, isn't IV:A just based on the midway of the neutral route?

IV A is an alternate ending to the mid route of regular IV. its not very good outside of the gameplay QoL buffs

Yeah, good thing gameplay is about 90% of the game.

IV:A is an alternate timeline that stems from the neutral route of IV. Thanks to multiverse bullshit both games are canon to their respective universe.

He;s not in 4's timeline. In every other timeline Stephen gives out the summoning program for the protagonists to stand a chance.

good gameplay can only carry weak writing and irritating characters so far, especially when a series renowned for great OSTs ends up reusing entire tracks while the new stuff is dog shit bad

Dex and Agi/luck. Charge+Desperate hit will make everything a joke.

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>while the new stuff is dog shit bad
IV:A's new tracks were mediocre but not that bad I do find them pretty weak, the new boss theme is the only one I really liked.

IV:A Story is so awful. I literally hate how your companions dickride you the whole game. At least the give you the option to kill those beta motherfuckers of at the end. Fuck this Persona shit.

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So wait, then toyko is just under all that, and everything else is just the surface of the earth?

The sequel has a free dlc that explains all these shit
Apparently they wanted it to be some sort of deep lore shit but gave up and just went a much more explicit road

Attached: IV story.png (776x3219, 2.78M)


Last I checked le millennium girl was expensive as hell, it and etrian mystery dungeon are the only two games I need to complete my atlus physical 3ds collection

That'd make sense, I always thought it was wierd how little curvature the landscape have since youd need an absolutely fuckhuge dome for it.

No man. See it's like a bubble of earth and Tokyo is inside it. Tokyo didn't sink into the ground or anything like that. A badass god stopped a nuclear attack from wiping Tokyo off the the face of the Earth by intercepting the nukes and turning his entire body into a dome of stone and earth.

There is literally a murder your friends and make Dagda proud route

I know and you bet your sweet ass I did it too.

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As good as this route is see Dagda go apeshit is pretty kino as well.

I love how his mom just says fuck it and makes a brand new Dagda. One that just wants to help Nanashi.

I dislike IVA but that part was hilarious. They really downplay the fact that gods are fucking gods and not just mere common demons, but right there was the power of a creation god used right

IVA is so amateurish it hurts.
IV does a brilliant job keeping the narrative under the surface and giving the impression of an immerisve world for you to get lost in.
And then IVA just spells everything thing out for you, railroads you to objective markers on a world map for kindergarteners and has a generic anime storyline.
The 2 or 3 new areas look like shit and don't fit into the aesthetic, the OST is all over the place, fucking beach DLC.

I really don't understand how something as simple as skill affinities and locking off MP regen can actually convince people that IVA is superior.

Neither is particularly good. IV has good concepts that go nowhere while IV:A is consistently boring. I would guess IV is better overall but barely.

>found this the other day while randoming navigating Atlus games playlists
This is amazing, I really want them to use it eventually as a reference to IV's soundtrack

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IV's world map was hot garbage and I'm glad that made it easier to see what was going on in IV/A

I went in blind and I was fucking immersed in IV's story. If you know what happens and know about Tokyo then it's not as good as slowly discovering everything.

Why can't some coding wizard remake IV with IV:A's combat and the STR fix.