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For what? For laughing at her pathetic death scene that had zero effect on me?

Aww I'm sorry mate...

She's literally a non-character

I'm replaying this, new game plus and i forgot how bad this game really is

it's awful like if i just want an open empty world then it's a 10 but dear GOD IT SUCKS!!

I never needed to abologize because I always loved Lunafreya. Literal goddess

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For what?

A character dying that you, the player, had zero attachment to?

Do I even have to say it?

Movie Luna was fine, game Luna sucked ass

I'm sorry you're stuck in a bad game.

Best girl

She could be so much more, and so the game.

Oh, welp, I guess I'll wait for Verum rex

>Main love interest of new FF game
>Get less respect in your death scene than some random terrorist chick from a 20 year old entry

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>actually trusting Nomura after what he did to FF7Remake
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>You will never save the white race with Luna
Fuck me.

Luna still shitty and empty character

Worst case scenario, it's bad and I skip.
Best case I win and get something more fulfilling that XV.

Versus XIII looked based before the shitstorm.

Also best girl of ff XV is Aranea. Too bad they cut new dawn dlcs

She had a fine ass though.

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>Barry ruined FFXV threads forever

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Arenea is still better though

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Why are mutts so delusional?

>those features
>that hair and eye color
>anything but white
Why are you so obsessed with Americans?

to be fair, anyone is better than Luna

She's slav, her face model is literally Russian.

post her feet

I was sadder when the regalia was totaled than when she died

I mean, it's like arguing that a blanket is better than a person

I don't even remember who she is. I think she rode a giant snake or something?

>not white

Slavs are definitely not white.



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every day until you like it

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Sounds like the kind of thing a mutt would say.

I'm slav, don't compare us to anglo barbarians.

>She doesn't slobber all over your dick?
>She's accomplished on her own and her life doesn't revolve around you?

You all laughed when Tabata said this, but who's laughing now?

What? She accomplishes nothing.

You're still white.

t. med bvll


Never forget.

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that was such a comical scene.

Ardyn was such an interesting and fun badguy. Until the DLC tried to force the "he did nothing wrong! everyone around him was evil/corrupt!" angle so damn hard.

and an impressive range because he also voices this guy

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I mean, she does. She half ass awakens Titan and Ramuh offscreen, so that Noctis can use them

It hurts. He didn't die in australian forest fires, and corona hasn't gotten to him either.

Where is this from? She looks super slavic.

Ardyn is still a good villain by the end. The dlc served him the reason to be one (in base game it was already revealed that he was a saint that cured the star scourge) and gave him that 'tragic Hero' side. Then again, he is not excusable by any means, as she charges full head on to the Imperial city with Ifrit and massacres everyone just for a revenge against the royal family.

Also Bahamut is the true villain

He was always a "dindu nuffin" since before the DLC.

It's better than a big empty corridor

>Ardyn is still a good villain by the end

not when his DLC/Novels force the new narrative

>Also Bahamut is the true villain
that felt like a cop-out to try and make Ardyn seem like a good guy and it just comes out as an asspull

>It's better than a big empty corridor
shame CHapter 13 was a big empty corridor where you limped everywhere

t. noctis


I went in knowing she was going to die and yet her death still got to me a bit. Think it was the music honesty and kid noct saying "all I wanted was to save you".

Her biggest problem as a character was that we had no attachment to her. They had a perfect opportunity with that choccomog limited festival thing. If they had created an actually party model for her, her and noct could've gotten a date in. It should've been her and noct under the fireworks, not Carbuncle.

>not when his DLC/Novels force the new narrative
It wasn't new at all, base game explicitly tells you in Ch13 that Ardyn was a good guy Jesus that got fucked.
In Ch14 this is once again reiterated in-your-face by Prompto and whatshisname grandson of your butler that died in Lestallum, saying they raided tombs and shit and found some mostly erased info how Ardyn was Jesus but got usurped and shit.
Bahamut being evil has been obvious based on the fact he's doing everything against Noctis' will and manipulates mankind.


Final Fantasy Versus XIII

I still miss stella

>the strongest summon in the game is locked because he's evil
That's the real crime

Wow, Noctis and Setlla have more interaction in this one trailer than Noctis and Luna have IN THE ENTIRE FUCKING GAME

Bahamut choosed Ardyn brother despite Ardyn being the one going around healing people. He also screw up Noctis, and tries to set him on rail for his death to defeat Ardyn (Regis tries to avoid this fatw). And hen it comes to talk about Gods (the summons) it is implies that they are rather frivolous when it comes to human. Ifrit (don't remember if Bahamut was involved or not) went as far as to destroy an entire Nation when human discarded them for technology.

Until dlc/novels, it was left very ambiguous. And while, yes, Ardyn is a good guy in new dawn other endings, in base game he still almost doomed earth and could very well destroy it, but waits for Noctis to awaken so he can end the royal family.

I dislike FFXV for what it is, but I like those part for what it could have been


I was excited to get to see more of this character.

Fuck Tabata man.


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FFXV's story was best in its original, launch version. It was clean, simple, and to the point. Everything added on afterwards was meant to be background noise that when brought to the forefront revealed how undercooked it all was.

>in base game he still almost doomed earth and could very well destroy it

just to get petty revenge against two bloodlines and yet:
Oracle - Ardyn just shanked her
Kings - Noctis himself so he could kill Ardyn

so his Starscourge did SHIT except make a really bad Resident Evil (unintentional) parody in chapter 13