This is easily the biggest vidya disappointment of all my 36 years on this earth

This is easily the biggest vidya disappointment of all my 36 years on this earth.

Attached: Final Fantasy VII Remake PS4 Cover.jpg (1092x1360, 296.28K)

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Consider yourself lucky if this is the biggest disappointment you've ever experienced.

Christ kill yourself if you're still posting here.

So it the end, is it worth it for a guy that never played FF7 but did love every second of FF6, FF8 and FFX ? What are the let downs compared to the original version?
also this

I'm just going to take a reasonable amount of psilocybin and mod the original. I'm going to have the time of my life.

Just play the original version.

Make sure you tell everyone so it blows up in SE's face.

Thought I had tripfriends filtered. I guess 4chanx updated.

>story changes that basically turn 7 into Kingdom Hearts
>janky as animations like Cloud sliding across the ground to open a chest or activate a switch
>visuals/graphics going to absolute shit after leaving the demo area
>Sector 8 looks okay but the slums have some of the worst textures I've ever seen
>game looks EVER WORSE during daytime segments
>awful facial animations most of the time and NPCs look like absolute trash
>generic fetch quests all over the place
>no new areas to explore in Midgar
>just area from the original padded out into hallways
>no upper plate exploration - the only upper plate action is maybe 2-3 story missions that involve a fight in a giant square arena with nothing of interest
>voice acting ranges from decent to dogshit
>Sephiroth shows up within an hour to tell Cloud he killed his mom
>the underplate before Reactor 5 is beyond padded out and nearly put me to sleep
>music for Air Buster fight is the only boss track that stay true to the original - you never hear it again as it's back to orchestral shit for that boss theme
>ghosts showing up every 5 minutes to remind us about muh fate and destiny and other KH shit
>party AI is absolute dogshit and there isn't even a basic gambit system
>sewers and train graveyard are another example of shit going on for way too long
>some stupid ghost subplot at train graveyard that goes nowhere and makes no sense
>pillar fight was pretty cool but Japanese melodrama happens when characters have to talk for 10 minutes before signing out
>wall market is probably the only good part of the game but even that moved slow as fuck
>the wall climb is probably the ugliest part visually of the game
>then you reach shinra hq which actually looks really good so it's beyond jarring
>more boring slow padding with The Drum
>game goes complete KH mode shortly after and nothing of the original FF7 remains
>Zack is back too now because why not have another MC to make a side game with

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It's a sequel (by way of time travel and alternate timelines) pretending to be a remake.

I'm about to turn 50

Don't remind me

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Fuck you, you still have the original. It ain't no MGSV and it sure as fuck ain't no Spore.

Bruh I'm 35 and I can safely say if you didn't see this brewing from the early 00s you lack major awareness. FF7 was and always will be a meme. Every single one of my friends that thought it was a big deal back then admit they were caught up with conspicuous consumption and just wanting to be up on trends.

>the most overrated game in the series did not get a faithful remake
>biggest vidya disappoint of all my [large number to dab on the zoomers] years

Look up 7th heaven 2.0 and download the original 1998 pc release. It's, no joke, the easier way to get it working.

How the fuck do you even play games on shrooms? Anytime I take shrooms I plan on doing something and just end up walking around outside thinking I'm in a video game.

>This is easily the biggest vidya disappointment of all my 36 years on this earth.

your mother says it's you

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if an excellent, soulful remake is your biggest vidya disappointment, you've lived a charmed life.

how do you pronounce that?

If you're 36, you should've known better.

OP specified vidya related though

you were the biggest disappointment in your mother's 36 years but you didn't see her engaging in abortions like this post

I wonder how many 70 year olds we'll have posting here in a few decades. We'll finally have grouchy old men talking about how video games were better back in their day.

Yeah I know. I stand by my statement

>boomer needs to get high to escape the fact that he has no impact on the modern state of games
>boomer needs to mod a supposed "perfect" game so that it can look like even a sliver of what AAA games look like today to enjoy it

the wojakposter already made that joke user

I mean in fairness thats all ready the case now

amazing boss battles
amazing cutscenes
amazing combat
amazing storyline buildup
fleshed out worldbuilding
fleshed out characters

but oh noes some time jannies and a weird vague ending that doesnt really mean what people think it means, gets all these autists panties in a bunch

i played the original in 97 when i was 14, i will be glad if this remake gains millions of new fans who would have otherwise never checked out ff7. fuck these pathetic autist boomer manchildren whipping up a fuss over autist shit. yes, my fellow kin is retarded af.

>We'll finally have grouchy old men talking about how video games were better back in their day.
we've had them for years now

Sill - Oh - Sigh - Bin

>want the same game with better visuals, the remake didn't deliver
>improve the visuals of the original game by modding
>that's somewhat contradictory with something somehow

How come you skipped the most popular one?

Probably a lot.

It still feels like I'm in my 20s. I fucked around way too much.

It's an entirely different game that turns into a sequel of the original. It's the worst way to play it for the first time, just emulate the original for now. I'm doing that right now.

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Well yeah, but I don't think most of us are actually "old" men yet. I don't even consider the guy who's about to turn 50 old. Maybe in another 10 or 20 years. I'll grant that we have plenty of 30 and 40 somethings who act like old men, going on about how video games were better back in their day I do it often enough, I should know

Thanks user

in my opinion, you're the retard


If the game was perfect already then why would you want better visuals? Just accept it, pixels and all

To get the better remake experience. That's the point.

What happened with FF7R? I haven’t been following development in the slightest, I request a tl;dr please.

Devs promised a remake. It's a sequel. Story is very different.

Don't forget removal of all atmosphere and mystique. The caged in item shop next to avalanche is completely sterilized into a generic store, for example

Upgraded graphics is not a remake, its a remaster which is what you apparently wanted but did not get and thus now you are coping, hard.

nomura made a god-tier remake and tortanic posters simply can't handle it.

The combat is what sold me on it desu. Despite all the "oh no no no" posters, I'm looking forward to it based on the demo gameplay. I don't care about time jannies, and 9/10 times whenever Yas Forums is losing their mind over something like this, it ends up being completely different in context, when you ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME

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Remake is remarkably closer to remaster than spin-off. FF7R is a spin-off.

Imagine having to live off of Nomura's semen like this motherfucker does

Sucks they fucked the story. Game itself was actually pretty enjoyable.

>All my 36 years on this earth
Night don’t you got a 401k to worry about you’re too old to be playing Final Fantasy

Nomura added ghosts and a time travelling Sephiroth and a bunch of Advent Children garbage.

It's not a remake but a sequel, the entire game is changed basically. The rest of the stuff is basically just padded filler too.

NOT worth full price.

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You are too stupid to realize the same thing will happen to you.

Sucks what they did they to my favorite game.

It could be worse though, just look at what Blizzard did to Warcraft III.


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Ah yeah that takes me back to 1997.

What storyline buildup? When jannies are fixing it

for me it was diablo 3

I know right?

This is a numale shit eater, guaranteed.

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>What is Spore
>What is No Man's Sky
>What is Aliens: Colonial Marines
>What is Duke Nukem Forever
>What is Halo 4 and 5

>37 year old whining man talking like a child while defending FF7 compilation trash


literal who trash games no one cares about

I really don't mind the guy maybe with the exception of the exaggerated bike riding it's fucking retarded don't know why Nomura always does these stupid motions.

I'm all for new characters just not fucking characters that try to change the overall story of how it was already laid out.

>amazing storyline buildup
>fleshed out worldbuilding

I'll give you the others through subjectivity but these are fucking WRONG.

not the most requested remake of all time

All of them are better than this.


I still am pissed about Wii, Dark souls 2 and especially MGSV.

Did you play it? He's pretty fucking gay.

Bunch of shit no one cares about just like FF7, right?

Lucky bastard

>a nearly 40-year-old man wrote this

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christ you're pathetic

>Hey Duuuuude

yeah, you can tell from how he's more mature than the tortanic zoomers.

>the most overrated game in the series did not get a faithful remake
No one is talking about 5 or 8

>amazing storyline buildup

You've got to be literally fucking joking. This game is fucking Kingdom Hearts with an FF7 coat of paint.

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hello nearly 40-year-old man shill
kill yourself

nigger please 7 is the most overblown, overrated and overexposed of the entire series

100 bucks says you haven't actually played it yet and just ruined the experience for yourself by reading spoilers.

The tweest isn't actually bad in context, because it's properly set up and doesn't intrude on the original story.

Most exposed yeah but FF7 is also legit good and deserves most of it's praise. 5 and 8 are both garbage games that have a super annoying and loyal fanbase that never shut the fuck up.

I doubt it but I hope its something cool. This isnt really happening and the last episode we find out its just Cloud reliving altered memories from is Lifestream Poisoning and then the game continues onward normally. Thus we are just seeing all of Clouds regret and frustration and why things play out differently and the ghost shit is just his consiousness going "this isnt real"

I can't fucking believe this guy was right.

Eight is a mastapiece!

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>didnt play it

"5 is garbage" is all i really needed to discard your first post, and again on this one. what do you not like about it user

>enjoying entertainment
If there's anyone's that's pathetic, it's you, faggot.

Nomura's been spending too much time with Yoshida.

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No you're pathetic.

>and doesn't intrude on the original story
>literally makes Sephiroth a fucking timelord and brings Zack back to life albeit in an alternate timeline

Oh yeah I didn't even notice the difference.

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9 is better.

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Fitting yourself just fine here ey, kiddo?

>been using godawful 7th heaven launcher for months
>just now find out there's a new, actually okay version
thank you for informing me user, bout to try this shit out. do i have to reinstall the game?

Story sucks and the gameplay is just serviceable. People really REALLY overhype the jobclass stuff that never sees any real use anyways because it's a piss easy game even for an FF
lol no

Shall I get this or P5 Royal Yas Forums? I'm a newcomer to both franchises and if it helps the last JRPG I played and enjoyed was Lost Odyssey

>all of the changes and the whispers' motivation are that the original game is undeniably canon and the remake is doing its own thing against canon

Seems you've never played Kingdom Hearts because to Arbiters of Fuck are right out of KH.

what went wrong?
how did we get to this point?

Attached: Cloud then vs Cloud now.png (1434x680, 635.02K)

unlike you

P5 Royal by a fucking male.

>all complete games that were not later split into episodes
>all games that started off or directly continued a video game franchise, not a massive retcon disguised as a remake of said franchise
>All games that had an at least semi functional narrative or no narrative at all, as opposed to a case study for ludonarrative dissonance in game form
>none of them RPGs
What a paramecium brained retard.
Just like Kingdom Hearts 3, right fag? I can tell that the 'new' fans who have the attention span of a gnat will be such a sustainable fanbase.

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You're full of shit.
I bet you'll eat anything up they shit out onto a plate.

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>Story sucks
4's and 6's are worse to be desu
>gameplay is just serviceable
what the hell do you even mean by that
>People really REALLY overhype the jobclass stuff that never sees any real use anyways because it's a piss easy game even for an FF
i don't think you're really playing around with the job system much to think it's useless, you can run with one job and one job only for each character and there's only a couple job combinations like all-geomancer that aren't actually viable for completing the game. of course it's piss-easy, all job system games are towards the middle-end final fantasy games in general are towards the middle-end

old things are best things

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The amount of butthurt generated by this game is unreal. I'm so glad that Nomura is dabbing on the most cancerous fanbase of all time, Get fucked Final Fagtasies.

Can't wait to play it :D

>no upper plate exploration
>convoluted KH bullshit
>Zack resurrected

and dropped

do you even know what you're complaining about if you think that's full of shit? they spell it out for you the original game is the canon one and remake splits off into its own plot almost immediately.

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>he's showing me that he's even worse than I thought
just kill yourself grandpa

>4's and 6's are worse to be desu
lol opinion discarded right the fuck here. 5cucks are truly delusional

even without the time jannies bullshit the game is still incomplete
you'll be paying 60 dollars or more for what amounts to only the first half of disc 1

If you're 36 and you didn't see the red flags, you need to start looking at things more carefully. You should've seen it coming my friend.


None of that changes the actual story of the game. People are just being retarded fucks taking scenes from a game they haven't played out of context.

Overall the changes coming from Sephiroth having some knowledge of the future will be very minor in the big picture. He's gonna have to lead the party on in the same way regardless until he gets the Black Materia.

It's a genius move by the writers to do this, because now the next episodes, while sticking closely to the original game for most part, can have some actual plot twists here and there that everyone doesn't already know about. Aerith dying(or NOT dying) is going to freak people out all over again.

you should go back

sure is a mystery why you abandoned the conversation at the exact point you'd have to explain your viewpoint..........

Definitely get P5. We'll see about FF7R once everyone outside of Australia finally gets to play it.

And that's the fucking problem.

do we need more video games specifically made for the elderly?

This is a fucking cope post.
>t-the changes will be fine haha

>None of that changes the actual story of the game

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>still believing in square enix
you are either lying or retarded

50% cope 50% shill lmao

>None of that changes the actual story of the game

Oh yeah I must've forgotten about the KH ghosts interrupting the game every hour in the original.

There's nothing remotely like the arbiters in KH. They're more like actual traditional fantasy concepts, something you'd find in a western fantasy novel. They're not out of place in Final Fantasy.

I genuinely hope Nomura's team relies on you and people like you for hate pre-orders to project his sustainable success. That way, when you move on to the next thing that you buy out of hatred and no other reason, Nomura's team can misfire just like every other dev that thinks Twitter can make a game last beyond initial release. The results will be even better than KH3.