Anyone else using gaming to distract from the fact that they’ve lost their jobs/experienced a cut in hours/ are on the verge of poverty due to COVID-19
Anyone else using gaming to distract from the fact that they’ve lost their jobs/experienced a cut in hours/ are on...
i haven't started on my thesis since the lockdown lol.
I'm lucky, already worked from home in an unaffected sector.
What does suck is that I hurt my back and can't go to physiotherapy to get it fixed, my painkillers fuck with my head making me unable to work, I can't exercise, and my six-month travel trip to Asia got cancelled until lockdowns are over.
So you know, give and take.
As a fellow night - before thesis writer I wish you good luck
Pretty much. Can't find a job until the HR people start going back to work because all my interviews for last month got cancelled.
I still have to work at a shitty convenience store
It's only 2 days a week but it's enough time to interact with boomers who insist on using cash
I get Welfare SSI so nothing changes. I'm getting an apartment interview soon for a reduced income apartment. If all goes well I'll get my own apartment and I'll get Trump bucks so I can build my own PC.
we're all gonna make it brahs
I've got an english rough draft due at midnight and but besides that I've stopped caring about school
lol what? i'm getting $500 a week. this pandemic is awesome
Good luck amigo :)
I work in an online shipping department and even though it was just a cozy part time job before I've been working consistent full time schedules to make up for the loss of in store sales. I just want to get laid off and collect neetbux, every day working with a skeleton crew at this warehouse makes me want to kms.
I work at an accountant's office and we're still considered "essential". Thankfully the leadership isn't retarded so I only have to be there three hours to get basic admin stuff done. But they're still paying me as though I worked my 40 hours. And, my commute has never been better.
Oh and I also can't go see my girlfriend in Thailand :(
So um.... which cigarette you recommend in your store?
Has anyone recieved their trumpbux?
None I don't want people smoking
>still have my job
>getting full pay for this month
>gov bux come in next month
I'm playing vidya to pass the time.
Same, except I hurt my right hand. My ring and pinky finger are dislocated and can't move those fingers. Who knew that holding cup are such a pain in the ass
Same with insurance. Although the nice thing is our boss lets us just work from home, so I'm effectively working less hours and making the same amount of money.
This shut down thing has actually been great. I get to cut down my backlog, watch two of my housemates lose their shit, and to top it all off I've found out I actually have a lot in common with my other housemate, so much so we've actually started dating.
I used to enjoy an empty house for the majority of the day, now my siblings are doing online school and that looks to be the case for the rest of the year
It’s nice that a positive LGBT story came out of this thread! That’s honestly kind of heartwarming :)
No because I'm from a first world country and not America so my government took measures to protect its citizens proactively instead of needing weeks of debate to issue half-hearted measures the president immediately set about using to try enrich himself further.
i got out lucky
i'm onsite IT support but since NYC got cucked i'm providing remote support
>implying I've ever had a job
It sucks to be a wagie.
You talking about Canada? A lot of people aren’t eligible for CERB, we’re not doing that well here either
I still have my job and an being paid while sitting on my ass at home.
>controller for fps on pc
jesus what a faggot
Nah, I'm still getting paid.
Dog bless government jobs.
I grew up playing Halo leave me alone
>been off work since early march
>not going back until at least may
>based Trudeau giving me $2000 a month to stay home and play video games
I'm enjoying this
Get your gay shit outta here.
Nope, Ireland. Anyone laid off is getting bonus neetbux on top of mortgage and rent suspensions plus a host of other measures.
In my case my job is getting funding so it doesn't close down and can keep paying me full rate despite business decreasing significantly.
Canada is fucked m8
I've been using video games to prevent my own suicide for the past 20 years, because I have no friends and am still a virgin at age 33. Suck it up buttercup
My cousin is a doctor in Ireland. I can't imagine how he has it right now.
>have a non-shithole job
>get to keep working and making bank
quarantine deez nuts in ur mouth
youre fucking lucky that you get to work from home. period. pandemic or not.
I work IT in a payroll company
no time off for me, but I get to work from home
last week sucked getting our app ready so companies can get what they needed to apply for Trumpbux loans, but other than that it's been a lot of dicking around
Same except I'm 31
If the way the US government handled this virus doesn't cause a mass uprising and beheading of all government officials, I really don't know what would
I was, until my ps4 fried up. I was relying on it a bit too much. All i have now is a 3ds i havent touched in years. I have fire emblem awakening and pokemon ultra moon....ugh....
>Hours effectively cut by half
>Still getting paid full 40 hours
>Never usually worked the full 40 hours anyways
Thank you hospital job and thank you Coronachan
Corona's been great for me, mass human suffering with no one I care about affected.
no. I can do that whenever I want.
get back to work normalfag.
>still a virgin at age 33
having sex isn't even brag worthy these days when every girl is a huge whore
it's not really luck, its something i chose very deliberately years ago and spent time working towards
hand seems worse than back in this regard, sorry to hear that dude
Same except I'm 29, have friends, am not a virgin, and am not suicidal
>wife is home complaining about being locked up while playing video games
>I still have to go to work as a state employee
It's the chinese flu.
I quit my job working a retail position that is considered an essential business now, so while I thought it was foolish at the time (I quit because I fucking hated working there) it was in retrospect a good decision, a billion fucking people pass through that place per day and my life would constantly be at risk.
Been playing through Half-Life 2 with MMod and Animal Crossing lately. Played Doom Eternal the weekend it came out, fucking loved it.
That should have happened with the coup attempt, not the Chinese Wu Han Clan virus
No I just live with the constant stress of unemployment.
I'm still working from home but spend most of the time gaming. Thank you based coronachan.
>lost their jobs/experienced a cut in hours/ are on the verge of poverty due to COVID-19
I've literally never worked so hard or earned so much money
>Full with joy that I've to "work" from home
>Have a fucking long backlist ready to be played
>Don't have any motivation to play them
Why did this happended bros?
I used to play hardcore shit like DF or heavy strategy but now I just want to play only an area of doom.
Recommend me something engagin and complex please.
entertainment is a distraction
Same but I'm 30.
Ironically I've been pretty motivated to do self-improvement lately and have been getting regular exercise and eating better.
Not Canadian. Though I'm curious why you and the other guy both assumed the same place.
Got an aunt that's a nurse and my heart goes out to her and anyone else working in healthcare right now. Can't imagine we're coming out of all this without the public revolting to get the unions the reforms they've been pushing for at least so I hope your cousin and everyone else like him are taken care of for the heroic shit they're putting up with.
Work from home, but I just want to play video games all day. Oh well.
Who /essential/ here?
I was able to secure a job in the medical field (biomed tech) 2 weeks before shit hit the fan, so I'm incredibly thankful. I bought ACNH, Doom Eternal and RE:3 and I can't last more than 45 minutes in any of them before I lose the will the play and go watch netflix or YT instead.
I think I'm finally free from the vidya curse.
I fucking wish, I'm "essential"
on the plus side, I'm catching up on my anime backlog with this work from home push
>work in food distribution so still working
>but management clearly wasn't prepared for anything like this
>everything they've done with their kneejerk reactions reads like a guide on how to break quarantine and spread infection
>they've jiggered around peoples schedules so bad one guy is straight up quitting because of it
>they brought in a temp to 'help' and he had a bad cough the first two days and is total shit at the job besides
>no car so riding buses/walking everywhere
>also have a sinus infection so hateful glares every time I so much as sniffle
I'm just waiting for the fever to take me. At this point it'd be a relief.
I guess I'm really lucky to not have my job be affected by all this. Hope you guys are doing ok
Sounds like you're experiencing fatigue and the lockdowns only just started.
Id get some good books to spice things up
Nah, I was already unemployed. Business as usual for me.
no you silly poorfags. if anything i want to quit my wfh job
>Not Canadian. Though I'm curious why you and the other guy both assumed the same place.
Canada's hitting the news a lot for reacting fast and hard enough that conservatives are happy with out liberal Prime minister and liberals are happy with Ontario's Trump lite premier.