This is the most profound video game of all time. It has all traditional computer gaming elements, such as enemies, objectives, and fail states, while also being an immersive simulation of a purely speculative world. It's a true work of art that makes no compromises in playability. Decades from now, scholars will be discussing Rain World and what it has done for the medium.
This is the most profound video game of all time. It has all traditional computer gaming elements, such as enemies...
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I disagree.
No, you don't.
It’s also a programming miracle. I was playing Blasphemous and every different screen there was a load screen, taking about 2 seconds each but still. And Rain World looks great
That was a lot of words to say this game is fun
Blasphemous being trash doesn't make any properly made game a miracle. Let's not set the bar any lower than it already is
I fucked up and Moon is depressed. I was told not to go up the Leg, but I did it anyway, and it wasn't that bad. Those scissor birds are kinda creepy though. I just got to 5 Pebbles, but I'm gonna take a break.
It’s easy to fuck up on your first try meeting with Looks to the Moon. You can still technically repair that by bringing neurons to her but that’s only if you wanna do it
I hope so. It deserves some recognition because god knows it didn't get enough at the time of release.
For me, it's Kayava
Favorite area?
Least favorite area?
Favorite area is the Wall. Not many things happen but it’s my favorite because of the lore and it’s so unique in terms of environment and design. Least favorite is garbage wastes. It’s the least interesting in terms of designs, although I don’t hate it that much
Sky Islands for both
It has everything and a good spawn point to fuck around but it's also the worst when it comes to traversal, cheap deaths and getting stuck in a loop.
>that makes no compromises in playability.
Real talk, the controls are kind of janky.
Looks great, sounds great, can't survive 30 seconds
I stopped playing and lost interest because of it. But I don't hate it.
The gameplay and spiritual themes are interesting and it's definitely an unique, memorable, and sort of melancholic experience, but you fags need to stop treating this game like a sacred relic. It's annoying.
I'm trying to get all the pearls to Moon and Sky Islands makes me want to die. I have no clue how stressful Farm Arrays is gonna be but it can't be good.
>I have no clue how stressful Farm Arrays is gonna be but it can't be good.
Eh it isn't that bad once you figure out how to use the area's unique item
He'll probably stress out with a certain creature tho, they can be quite retarded.
I plan on doing that on my next playthrough, and the Citadel seems like it'd be a nightmare. I managed to get through without light well enough, but I'm not looking forward to having to explore every nook and cranny to find the pearls.
What's with Rain World cucks and treating their shit like it's the holy grail of gaming.
You faggots shit up every thread that's semi-related to platformers with how amazing Rain World is and how everything else sucks and people are stupid for liking them. What did you expect would happen?
If you don't noclip past the scav checkpoints in farm arrays you're legitimately smooth brained
redpill me on this game
You're right I should've expected your seething autism throwing a tantrum
Where does this play again
Maybe be less annoying in the future.
>no clue how stressful Farm Arrays is gonna be
That's where the red pearl is.
best game ever. The Wall is the most beautiful area in gaming, it actually makes me emotional looking out over it. The art is fantastic.
I want a wallpaper of it, maybe even a print.
It feels almost like a spiritual experience when you finally finish it, assuming you havent been spoiled. I distinctly remember being in awe of the game for like a week after I beat it. Wish I could recapture that feeling.
thanks we'd appreciate that
Tough platformer with cool scenery
any other game that gives you the same feeling as playing rain world?
or at least other games with good exploration?
wish there was a rain world book.
I dont know about same feeling but Metroid Prime is my favorite exploration game because it does such a good job at pulling me into the world
Outer Wilds is very similar. I 100% recommend it.
bros... it's so beautiful.
Not vidya, but the manga and anime Girls' Last Tour has a similar atmosphere.
Even the author likes rain world
what's the devs next projecT?
Sky Islands
Random Gods is so fucking good, holy shit.
is it that good? the art doesn't look anything special, just looks like 'space stuff'
What? Really?
Shadow of Chernobyl, Demon's and Dark Souls, and Hollow Knight for the somber, lonely atmosphere and emphasis on exploration
Pathologic 2 for the sublime suffering
i didnt like hollow knight, but i love all those other games
my mind melted when ambient music in general system bus sync with random gods
Citadel is absolutely terrifying visually but it's not too hard to explore and surprisingly not so dangerous once you get into the habit of being aggresive. Just make sure you always have something to throw.
Getting the pearl is one problem, carrying it back to Moon while also trying to navigate terrain and fight monsters when you don't have a free hand is what slowly kills you.
I know there's different routes/endings but how does an average run of this take?
bruh, your stomach
that art is by that author
we'll find out 'soon'
presumably whenever e3 stuff was going to come out
20+ hours, but in a dark souls kind of way where in that game the first run takes 80+ hours and the rest are more like 10
so the faster you get the idea, the faster it'll all go
Mine took 14+ something
Now I can clear it in a couple
blind runs could end up getting you 20 hrs if you fuck around dont pay attention to shit and a shit ton of trail error.
Shit 20 hours is way more than I thought. Gonna buy it in an hour then
it's a simulation of a solar system this time around. you control a ship with controls designed around controller layout, so you can move in all eight directions seperately.
Yes, it's brilliantly written and all bout exploration and growing via knowledge. You can beat the game in 10 minutes if you know what to do but the entire game is about solving the mystery of what's happening in your star system so you can figure out what that is.
Also, it's an Epic exclusive so Tim already paid for it for you.
It's even more magical when you discover the Buddhist worldview interwoven into rain world's foundation.
I like all those games and hollow knight is the best one
quite poor bait
Who's the author?
Good luck fellow slugcat
It's shit