What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

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Black people have awful hair and should cover it up.

fun fact the japanese name for that item is just towel

Can black girls be cute?

Wh*teoids like you are jealous because you start balding before 35.


What the fuck? I thought it was a dew rag because they had sweaty heads.

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shinobu's kinda cute

only on a screen

Shit I'd rather be bald than have pubes on my head my whole life.

depends, 2d or 3d?

**every type of knick knack imaginable but no furniture sets intensifies**

I have never seen a black man with hair on his head past 40.

It's neither, it's durag.

So did I, I later learned is a rag to conceal your hairdo


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im latino, try again nigger

White nissa looks hideous
Not even a race thing, her design just doesn’t work with light skin lol

Why do all (actual) girls pick those eyes?
It's seriously like 80%.


Not enjoying your rattan and cute furniture?

Every woman wants to be asian now

It took me so long to get one fucking bed aside from the DIY one it's not even funny
I still couldn't feasibly furnish any room that's not a kitchen or bathroom yet

How black is black?

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Brown skin does not equal black person

Most african men shave their heads and african women have absolute shit tier hairline, the fuck are you talking about

this is just too good to be true


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Then no

Heh, Fran's a superhero

This, enough stylization can make anything cute, but it's way harder to find attractive realistically-modeled or real life black girls who aren't mixed.

Ugly furry.

Can't take my eyes off you

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I best it's mostly Asians and whites dude replying to this questions.

>Don't know what this is.
>Google it
>First pick is a black dude using one.

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I would rather be bald than have nigger "hair" that smells and is impossible to maintain

perfect curly latino hair masterrace

If they wear a wig and use cosmetics that make them look white. Basically do as much as they can to de emphasize the ugly ugly UGLY negress.

Not black you stupid faggot, there is only one black character in that piece of shit series and it's not her.


I've seen quite a few with long ass dredds older guys who had clean looking hair. They probably don't peacock about like you'll see the younger ones do. Actually looked like grown men.

cursed image

I laughed pretty hard.
I haven't worn a do-rag in years.

I probably should though. Keep the hair moist.

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Holy shit, Knox is moving into my village
It's a fucking knight rooster or something, fucking based

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>tripfag is a shitskin with turd hair
lmao no surprise

>Clean hair
Sure thing bud

>Not knowing about the pervasive traction alopecia in the black community because of tight, high-tension hairstyles that are universal among black people, especially black women.

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Cursed and ugly.

More like wessa

Yes in 2D

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Nigga shes looking out, making sure your waves come in right. Ungrateful ass nigga

Seething baldies.

I'm just saying I've seen it.

Why does their hair look like that in the first place? Is it a genetic mutation? Can it be fixed?

>Still trying to get waves
C'mon, son.

Have you smelled it?

>wavelet detected
Why you hating? My waves coming in the tsunami that slapped on Japan a few years back.

>Noooooo bald black people don't exist! >Cornrows are good for your follicles!

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Do blacks wear bandanas to hide the dandruff/fungus buildup on their scalps?
Dreads or whatever you call those locks must make scrubbing impossible.

Kinky/nappy hair was an evolutionary adaption to warm environments. The thickness of black hair protects the scalp from sunburn.

>date a slim big tiddie black chick
>she's woke and shames me for not knowing the difference between twists and braids

pussy was cash tho

You know, that probably is how her skin actually looks, given how I don't think anime actually can have black people unless they're Ainu.

They have to be mixed.

Not in passing and I didn't ask.

>tfw wavy hair
Even this is a pain in the ass, can't imagine what's like to have that weird disgusting fur blacks have.

Then why don't people in South Asia/ India have hair like that? Why does this evolutionary trait only seem prevalent in descendants from Africa?

>unironic fucking niggers in this thread
fuck off!

Their hair looks like fucking velcro, I hate it

they can be, but most aren't because what potential is there is squandered by getting fat and being generally unpleasant

Yeah there are some legit beautiful black women out there

>dat chin

No they're not, especially during this lockdown. Barbers are all closed unless you have a personal one. Your hair is growing and all them waves are GONE.

Jealous of having steel sponge and needing to stay always shaved anyway to not look like a hobo?

We need to be more diverse so we can get grants

Anyone have a cherry blossom lantern DIY card they are willing to trade?

this is Yas Forums

Black people hair be like

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literally ALL races can be cute. people just get hooked up on the ratio.

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oh, you just made me think up a cool-ass design for a robot character

Even japs want her.

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Yes and? Also neither of those.

Black/brown girls aren't cute. Stick with white and asian girls.

>black people are no longer allowed to like things that black people like

at this rate it'll be racist for a mexican to eat a taco within the next three weeks.

To you.

>liking basketball and grape juice
Go back.

They do exist, but they need a lot of anglo features and at that point it is hard to call them black.

I find it weird how many black girls have hideously receding hairlines.
Like almost the whole front half of their head.
It really makes you understand why so many wear wigs.

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Couldn't it at least be called something more appealing like a hair wrap? Literally what the fuck is a do-rag? It just sounds ugly.

Is there a point in paying off the last loan?

From what I could tell from babysitting one, the hair itself is only slightly worse than a poodle or other kinky-haired dog. Mostly from being coarser than fur and thus needing way more oil to be manageable. It’s hard to make poofy hair reliably look good on a human though, and any length to it gets matted super easily.

>It really makes you understand why so many wear wigs.
That's why they'll never get the dick.

cringe as hell but completely expected opinion

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They did that to trigger sjw

I dated a black weeb girl with a six pack for a bit. They definitely can.

>difference between twists and braids
There's a difference?


Free customization I think

I don't style my hair like that. Stay mad faggot.

Either that or the artist reallly hates kogals.

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>game for china
Even they know black women are shit.

And black women that self-insert.