Xenoblade 2

Left or Right?

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Pyra if I can't choose pic related

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They're one person, the point is you don't choose.

All waifus


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my niggas

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Nia = Melia > Mythra > Others


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Top right for the hips

Give me the Nia redpill.

Do welsh girls do rimjobs?

No she's a lesbian you can't do that :\

Where you found this? So far the only new meliaxnia fanart i could find is still a WIP.

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Because she'd protect me from the scary dark.

I found this on Yas Forums. Check twatter or something.

I checked twitter and so far only found this.

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>Artist makes a poll asking if melia should use the jumpsuit or lewd leotard.
>Lewd leotard wins.
>Make sketch, but decided that jumpsuit is more cute.
I don't know if the artist is planning to draw both or drop the poll winner, but if they do the latter i will be very upset. Never do a poll if you aren't going to respect the result, that is unprofessional.

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Why is Nia in that tree?

The one with a personality.

Why is a cat in a tree?

so neither?

Pyra makes the most sense from Rex's perspective.
Mythra makes the most sense from the player's perspective.



I dont normally like flatter girls, but I would destroy Morag

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Middle one, because fuck Pyra and Mythra.

Nia's bubble butt is cute.

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Pneuma doesn't have spirit in smash, she could be added to smash.

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Yeah, no.

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why is Yas Forums so divided on this game?

the population of normalfags increased.

It's essentually 90s anime. Some people find it cringy some don't.

>successful exclusive for Nintendo's new console in its launch year

Fire Emblem: 3 homos didn't get shit on as hard as Xenocringe 2 though.

Fire Emblem came out in year 2 and Pokemon was basically a lightning rod. Plus Wolfenstein was getting all the usual tourists around the same time.


Is a dyke and or dude in denial.

Pyra for that cooking bonus.

Team Mythra all the way no question

certified retard


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I want to play this game more but Idk it is kinda boring. Does it get better? I'm like 20 or 25 hours in I think

It's not, is just one (maybe two) insane shitposter.

For me, it's Newt.

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Pyra literally has everything you need in a wife

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Bullshit, Morag has her beat

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Can she cook?

Of course except for argentum monkfish

I'm just here for best girl.

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I wish New Game+ wasnt shit

Pyra activates my heart and my dick.


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I loathe anime bullshit, but I still bough the collector's edition for some reason. There were some parts that almost made me quit, but it's just such a beautiful game

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