Any PS5 chads going to be picking up World of Warcraft: Shadowlands™?

Any PS5 chads going to be picking up World of Warcraft: Shadowlands™?

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Will never be on console with the amount of fucking buttons in the game

They should've put WoW on consoles years ago.

No class rotation exceeds 16 buttons, not even close. That's how many you can assign using a FF14 controller layout of shoulder swapping face buttons.

>those pisstation drones will buy anything they literally have no games

Grow the fuck up

drone detected

I remember when I was a kid I thought TF2, WoW and Diablo II on PC would have been a sure-fire moneymaker.

What the fuck took so long?

It's more likely its for controller support on PC only and not WoW on Playstation

WoW is fucking dead

>mfw they've been pruning classes so they're playable on consoles

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This is what simplifying everything to 6 buttons was for

Looks like the chink bots are back at shilling for actiblizz.

FFXIV has 3x the buttons and it works great on controller


The big news is that theyre unpruning for this expansion though.

>It's more likely its for controller support on PC only
Yeah, no. PS4 Pro is a console, not a controller it uses the same as PS4. There wouldn't be a specific configuration file for it.

Are you stupid?

There wouldn't be a file for PS4 Pro if that were the case, and if it was just controller it would also absolutely have an Xbox controller by now given how integrated and native xinput is on Windows.

Did they burned everyone so bad that trying their luck on FFXIV territory is still better than nothing?

I might actually play WoW if they added cross hotbars and camera-based movement like XIV has.

Blizzard has a problem with not never caring about current players and only chasing new ones. They have basically zero benefits for existing or loyal players, while every promotion and bonus they bring ALWAYS hinges on a new player being involved, with it often ONLY benefitting new players. This leads to this revolving door problem where every new sub they add just loses an old sub they already had because whatever shit change they made to gain the new one pissed off the old one.

This will be no different, when they dumb down the game even more to accommodate consoles (most Mythic mechanics seen in the last raid tier of BfA are not happening with a controller, way too many targeted AoEs and precise movement in the late fights of the raid. God forbid how badly dumbed down healing will become when you can mouse target raid frames) they'll just lose as many subs as they gain from snoys.

>camera-based movement like XIV has
What? I've ALWAYS moved in WoW the same way FF14 does, you hold the right mouse button so your movement is always aimed by the camera. Did you fucking WASD turn or something?

>no Xbox

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>A decade of dumbing down the game now makes sense

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>Dumbing down

A heroic raid from 10 years ago would be doable on consoles controller, one from now would absolutely not. Stop talking about shit you know nothing about.


They all come looking for the sonychads

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They might have to make separate servers, add on's on PC will create a big imbalance, but i could see Activision just banning add on's to please Sony

Gonna enjoy the shitstorm

Joke's on you, retail is a one button game

It would be trickier because there's no concept of f2p or exception from online fee on Xbox like on Playstation, you'd have to pay for XBL and the mmo sub just like the FFXI days.

How would addons work then? You need like a dozen of them to make the game playable or make people take you into raids harder than LFR.

The touchpad finally has a game

Aaaah, WoW, the Simpsons of video games.

People said the same thing about civ 6

Like Diablo 3 wasnt dumbed down to be ported on onsole, right? Oh, wait...

Mind if I save your post for future posterity?

Thanks for beta testing! I can finally play WoW without looking like a dork.

>How would addons work then
They'll either get rid of them on PC, or console users will be auto-excluded from every raid guild

>separate servers

this, if WoW gets ported to PS4 it'll be separate from the PC release since it wasn't built with consoles in mind like FFXIV was.

A franchise that is still going strong and is still successful despite desperate endless obsessive whining from the oldfags? Quite accurate, actually

Well that's great, won't have to use gimmicky addons n shit to relax and do some quests

Underaged detected. Diablo 1 was on PS1.

Literally the only thing PC has is blizzshit and console ports? oh no no no a gaia online port will be the final nail in it's coffin

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Console gets there own servers and blizz builds in some basic add-ons to the console UI. Only way I can see if working for console. It's not like xiv that's built for console and add-ons are frowned upon

Whatever you say, you braindead addict lmao

Keep screeching, it'll die any day now I'm sure. Just like you said every week for the past 10 years.

this already exists, action camera
no clue what cross hotbars is?

>be blizzard
>prune classes and sell it as "content" for the expansion so it makes us look like we are doing stuff
>people complain
>start unpruning classes for the next expansion and sell it as new content, so it makes us look like we are doing stuff
Shit like this is why newer expansions suck and have little content, because they keep fucking with the balance and characters way too much because m-muh esports, and that everything needs to be competitive, instead of focusing on more important aspects


People have been playing with controllers since Legion at the VERY earliest (though it could be argued as early as Cataclysm).
To say WoW can't be played on a console is retarded.
Discredit it when it never happens.

D3 is still dumbed down comapred to D2 to be put on consoles.

in fact the only game in diablo series that was never on console (and wont be) is d2
every other game was and will be

I'm already playing BDO, Bless, FFXIV, Tera and PSO2 on console and MMO is my favorite genre, as long as you can start at level 1 and play till the end, I can see myself giving WoW another try, I haven't played since blood elfs were added i was too into FFXI at the time.

modern wow rotations are like mobo complexity with some cooldowns thrown in. FFXIV has shown you can map mmo rotations on a controller

For the horde!

I might roll Alliance/Worgen/DK

>being this delusional
what was dumbed down? not having retarded clunky belt with 30 potions that you have to drag in like a retard?
other than that garbage, d3 is more complex in terms of gameplay, as you press more buttons more often compared to d2 where majority of the time for majority of the specs you press like one or two at a time

It was always obvious the GCD change was for Consoles, i bet they will increase it to 2.5 secs like XIV

No builds
No stat asignment
Only main stat matter
Only 6 usable abilities
Retarded rune system made for casuals
The whole game is made exactly for console palyers, people were saying that a month after release while Blizzard always denied that, just to announce a PS3 version an year alter.
It's a fact, dea with it.

user, the reason they did the gcd changes was so that players couldnt macro 30 spells into 1 button and do said 30 actions in a single moment
had nothing to do with button pressing, but the result of that change is more separate button presses

literal retard doesn't understand what gameplay is
who mentioned game systems you retard?
those things are irrelevant, only console limitation is gameplay, which was unaffected

Because macro's on PC would be unfair to console users

both things can be true

How about being able to use only 6 abilities comapred to 10 or more of the whole other games in the genre on PC is not dumbing down the game to be on consoles?

great, can't wait to pvp with no only 50% of my team being bots, but now the other half being fucking console turning faggots who won't even be able to strafe jump or kite.

keep this fucking game away from console.

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But on the flip side I might actually do good in PvP for once if my opponents are all Action Camera using console fags.

>keep this fucking game away from console.
Cross paltform is the future, man, and that will be the death of most of the team based multiplayer onlin games, sadly.

They even both have Sneed

nice nitpick, very few specs used that many spells and even if they did its just some shitty buffs that you use once in a while and have to refresh
as opposed to d3's where you constantly use 6 spells all the time, especially with the cooldown reduction ring most builds go with

imagine doing mythic+ with consolebabbies

The PS4 does support keyboard and mouse, but they could also try something similar to what FFXIV does.

You clearly havent played Boomkin lately.

And this is different from how pvp is currently... how?

they won't allow crossplay user, at best it will be shared account
wow is much faster than ffix (x2 to be exact, according to average apm rotation), especially in pvp it just wouldn't work