Ask friend if he wants to play a game

>ask friend if he wants to play a game
>he says he has to go
>say ok
>check his steam profile
>his time played for his most recent game is increasing

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Based friend

Unironically me. I don't want to play CoD.

I wouldn't want to play games with a wojakposter, either.

I'd rather remain a lonely fuck than be friends with a wojack poster

>tfw zero friends

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posting an*me isnt really going to help that

>friend that always messages me everyday to play with them
>say I'm busy with something else
>start sending me messages saying to get off that game and play their game right now
>start sending me constant messages saying that I've changed and become a horrible person
>literally only friended them two days ago

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>tfw zero friends
I can see why

>dislikes anime on an heavily anime influenced website.

You need to go back.

The best advice is to not care, and if you really do care, then pretend you don’t. Don’t even bring it up, it makes you seem like a jealous girlfriend or something.
>I saw you were playing Anime Dilation Simulator after logging off last night.
>friend last online 2,437 days ago.

you don't sound cool tbqh it might be it

Odds are you're fucking annoying to play with and exhausting to talk to.

From someone who does the same thing as your friend.

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>have friend I've known for years via xbox and playstation
>haven't played with him in a few months
Our gamer schedule isn't synching up bros

Get used to getting bullied or fuck off to 2chan. 4channel isn't a weeb safespace

what op posted is not good anime it's dumpster bin cartoons for virgins

at least you started to acknowledge that this isnt an anime website

Gaming with friends is overrated as fuck, unless of course you made those friends from within the game you're playing.
If not, it's this:
>user do you play X? you should play X with us bro
>*install X*
>next day: oh bro we quit that now we play Y
>*install Y*
>next day: oh no we don't play that anymore do you have black ops fifteen?

Not the point. If you're an autistic weeb no one will be friends with you, but that's Yas Forums for you

Fucking this

>friend never talks
>instead uses ingame voice commands and vigorous knodding

I don't deserve such great friends.

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Also this. The fact that your friend does this OP tells me you're the kind of fucker who doesn't let someone go do their thing without a reason that you deem good enough.

>for some reason "friend" wants to proof he is a bigger fan of videogames
>He probably thinks I feel bad if he plays more one game than me
>he racks up 200 hours in Half Life in 2 weeks
>Did you leave your computer running for that long?
>he disconnects
>he never connects again

>weeb central is not a weeb safespace

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>studying someone's playtime closely and keeping record of how quickly their hours accumulate
I'd stop talking to you too, you lunatic.

I don't like talking to people so I always keep mine on invisible.

>add guy on steam thru /v steam friend thread
>has anime avatar
>sends long awful messages about how he's so alone and needs to have sex
>never respond to him

>people are seeing how much I play video games
>make my profile private

post screenshots

Stop making zoomer friends

Steam tells you how many hours your friends played recently on the game page

>friend buys me Monster Hunter: World
>never plays with me
>buys me Dark Souls III
>we play with another friend for around 15 hours
>never play again
>tfw no friends who want to play the random multiplayer shit I do

The only people who need to fuck off are the likes of you, retard.

>playing same game as steam friend
>invites me to play together
>reject him because I suck

I'm a millennial and so were my school friends growing up. Normies will be like this regardless of generation.

He said he had to go play something better than your shit game, he didn't lie.

sitting comfy with friends I made 12 years ago
anyone I've met since who could be potential friends is into nigger rap and has shit taste in games like LoL cancer

checks out

>force friends to play roblox with me
>they enjoy it
Thanks roblox

lying is for faggots

if i don't like you i'll ignore you
if i like you and i don't want to play then i'll just fucking say i don't feel like playing

t. has no friends anyway so what does it matter

Oh look, he posted a more serious reaction image next to his greentext. I must have really enraged the weeb

Steam shows you when someone is playing a game, after a whole week of seeing him playing the same game it made me curious.

>force friends to play game they dont like
>tell them Ill remove them if they dont play

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>no u
Average weeb banter 2bqh

How the fuck do some of you have no friends and think that's fine, that shits genuinely sad

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do you want to compare it to average wojakposter banter? lmao

No one wants to play with a wojakfaggot

You're probably so oversensitive that he cant just tell you he doesnt wanna chill right now. You know what else is evidence to support that? You made a thread on Yas Forums about it

user no that's basically rape

I didn't expect you to give up so quickly user

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The few friends I had who were into good games back in the day like MapleStory (before Nexon deleted their soul) and shit like that eventually devolved into "LoL and Destiny and Overwatch are the only good games" fags.

It is how things are meant to be

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I used to have "friends", then they decided it was a good thing to talk about politics and feminism 24/7.

a lot of people are insufferable, have dogshit taste in games

Talking to people is to big of a chore for the reward

I wish but can't, I delete all that crap, his name is Breast Master.

That'd be me. I'm sorry Stephen, but Deep Cock Gaylactic isn't very fun.


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I have no friends and I don't think its fine, but im a fucking retard with no social skills and no drive for self improvement

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>get online to play Monster Hunter
>oh shit I forgot to appear offline
>instantly get invited into a game and party chat with friend
>friend is obviously stoned out of his mind
>”hey dude what you been up to”
>have to try really hard to not say “the same exact shit I was up to the last time you asked that and the other 100 times and the next 5 times you’ll ask that”
>faints twice every hunt and just stays at camp
>talking to his wife the entire time and barely even playing the game
>can’t hunt half the shit I need because I carried him through MR and he’s only like 42
>never wants to hunt anything specific even though his gear is complete shit

Most don't make the effort to keep up with their friends.

What kind of sissies actually abide by this faggotry?

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Serves you right for being such a clingy faggot

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I’ll be your friend. I like Gabriel Dropout.

We all grew up and took different paths in life. I still keep in touch with them occasionally, but haven't played a game with em in years.


>"play this game or i'll remove you"
>remove them instead
your move.

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>be schizoid
>tfw zero friends

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Kys normalfag people are retarded cancer

>only have one friend that i even like talking to anymore
>can't play vidya together because i have a shit computer and no money to buy games
>friend still chats with me literally all day every day even when we're playing entirely different games at the same time
That's good enough for me. I love you friend. I know you browse Yas Forums sometimes.

>start begging them to add me again and use mutuals friends as a messenger

>stalking your friend
This is why hes not playing with you

Why argue when you already conceded?

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you have zero friends because youre a touhoupedo

How hard is it to be candid with someone online? Its not like they are gonna DDOS you if you say "nah i dont feel like playing that" or "i wanna play by myself sorry"

Why people are retarded and annoying to deal with

>>have to try really hard to not say “the same exact shit I was up to the last time you asked that and the other 100 times and the next 5 times you’ll ask that”
Imagine being this much of an insufferable cunt because someone greeted you.

>play game
>receive friend request
>never play with them again
That's pretty much everyone on my friends list except for a handful of people that I've cliqued with.

you can't defend a stance based on "well I don't need to argue because my oponent is a poo poo head"

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Back to your Smash containment thread

this, Ive got like 70 people on my steam friends list but I only talk to 2 of them

>>start begging them to add me again and use mutuals friends as a messenger
shit, i have met my match. I guess we'll play whatever you want then sheesh

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It’s literally the only thing he ever says to start a conversation and he will say it again 5 minutes later and say the same reply again
>what you been up to dude
>”ehhh just the same old stuff man doing schoolwork and playing X game/watching X show
>damn bro
>*insert joke about corona virus
>forced laughter

We don’t talk about literally anything of meaning

I'm guilty of the other side. I used to play Rocket League somewhat competitively and I'd add people that I synced well with, and then never play with them again, and I have no fucking idea why.

I never accept those requests. Literally got 3 people in my list.

Defend what? All you did was greentext my post with a reaction image.

>tfw too autistic and lacking in social skills to make any friends
>no one ever talks to me though I try my best to be courteous or helpful
I guess it's just meant to be...
Though if the people in this thread are for real, I can understand why some of them don't have any either

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Good on you. I've got all these language barriers to deal with and can't mass delete. That's what I get for being a softee.

>add someone on Switch
>never play with them because apparently you can’t unless you’re in a discord or have their number to text them or something

Great online service Nintendo well worth the 20 shekels

>Friend insists they enjoy playing with you
>Tell them if they don't want to play that's totally fine
>They still feel the need to lie and sneak around

Why can't people just stop bullshitting

online friends are not real friends

>made only one friend off of Yas Forums
>we become friends because I drew them a picture in exchange for a BL2 code
>we play games together a lot
>find out they are a girl
>a really hot one
>shes deployed overseas but we both admit to liking one another
>playing and talking every day
>lose connection in the transition from skype to discord as it coincided with their overseas ending and them resuming college

I'll never make as awesome of a friend on this horrible site ever again

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based schizo thinking the world revolves around you

I fucking hate it when my friends get pissed that I wont play with them. No bro, I dont want to play CoD for the 100th time in a row. Let me just play a singleplayer game for a little while. Jesus christ.

why not

How would you even begin to know how he feels?