What am I In for?

What am I In for?

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a shallow city building "game". just play sc4


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Don't listen to this retard. Game has far more depth and complexity than SimCity 4 ever had.

What kinda city should i start with first

holy shit thats impressive

Another launcher with the last Updates

Make it a tourism city and put the airport next to a bunch of high rises.

You build the city until you start becoming unsatisfied with the traffic situation which will stop all progress as you struggle with the idea of having to bulldoze what you started with while applying bandaids that you're not even sure are actually having an real effect.

Poor man's Sim City.

hours of modding, a desire for 32gb of ram, and autism

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or you could learn how the traffic system works and git gud. there are also mods that improve things a lot

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Being upset as you realize you can't build anything that looks as good as other peoples cities that they post, then giving up and playing another game

traffic jams because cars take 5 days to drive across the city

Garbage, you are in for a pile of garbage and boredom that rivals watching paint dry.

You will feel the ripples of your intervention as you craft your ideal city, your way. There's a lot to manage, and you will find yourself trying to balance things out as you hit new milestones. It really makes you FEEL like your city is alive, and you will notice the positive and negative consequences of your actions. I start with a good roundabout, personally. Good luck and have fun!!

the best city builder out right now.
main issues with it though is it hasnt been optimized so it'll melt your CPU and graphics card despite the graphics looking like something from 2013.
also the usual paradox DLC syndrome but like all paradox games, the DLC are literally just mods you can pirate, throw in the mod folder and they work.

>the best city builder out right now.

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Casual fun for a few playthroughs
Frustration at lack of visual variety and limited roads which leads to:
Traffic now works properly
City looks better (results may vary)
Problems arise again which leads to:
>Extremely Modded
Game feels and looks only marginally better
Diminishing returns
Increasing frustration as game’s problems increasingly become more and more difficult to iron out

More or less

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Thing that is SUPER kino is that the image looks mostly unmodded too
Get the traffic mods though unless you like smashing your testicles trying to get your retards to use the roads properly

What are some must and fun mods for this game?

check loverslab

The game is shallow af mate, even if I like it you can deny that. You're always drowning in money.

I dropped this game when I realized that traffic can never ever switch lane

The game would slow to a crawl if the AI constantly switched lanes and had to re-path, sadly. But I know what you mean.

Why does it have so much DLC, bros? I hate to buy a game without the DLC because I feel like I'm missing out, and I don't think I want to blow all the cash on a dozen DLC packs right now.

Traffic simulator

what game?

Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic

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Isn’t the path AI the majority of the game’s performance load? It’s so bad yet is such a fuckin load on the performance. It just seems like shit coding on colossal order’s part

What? Money in this is equal to SimCity 4.

Paradox are kikes

"Meteor strike is inbound, seek shelter immediately"

the game is boring
literally nothing to do except fix every single fucking lane because paradox couldn't bother with the BASICS
but here's another transportation DLC goys

Those faggots bundle 12 facilities in a $15 dlc pack, where half are just blatant rehashes, 4 are useless, and 1 or 2 features added are actually useful.

Did you see what they did to Prison Architect?

A weird difficulty curve if you don't know what you're doing, a pretty easy game if you do.
You don't know what you're doing if just starting

I feel this way as well. The fact that I'm paying a certain price for the game, and then expected to pay 10x that to actually have access to its content makes me feel like I'm getting fucking milked. By the time I've looked through all the DLCs and reviews to find out which ones I want, and which ones are pretty much necessary, and which ones have important updates for the base game nested into the DLC... I just get sick of the whole thing and go play something else. Keeps me from Cities: Skylines, EUIV, almost kept me from the Warhammer Total Wars but I eventually caved... People should just not pay money for video games.


What did they do lad?

Pretty comfy and fun but sadly it's only about traffic congestions

Is it released or some sort of early access,I forgot about this

early access

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>Utterly abandoned by old devs
>You are now forced to sign up for and use their shitty launcher if you even want to play it anymore.
>Usual Paradox Kike-ery of cutting up regular updates and selling them as DLC, none of which add much to the game
>New abusive New EULA which essentially states any mod deemed popular enough will is now the express property of Paradox and can be modified and sold as DLC without any credit given to the original author
Essentially pulling a WC3 reforged before reforged was even announced

Forgot to add: ubiquitous data collection policy

Stupid meme shit, but still no actual decent road updates. Like how fucking hard is t to add a fucking residential sized round-abouts?

Unoptimized piece of garbage. The dev bamboozling you to belief that it will run on at least minimum requirement, but the reality is it won't run on minimum requirement. Updates and patches making game more unplayable for mid-low device.
And yes, up to this day I'm still totally mad.

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>Game isn't actually hard
>It's hard to not make money
>Once you learn how cars and the like pick their lanes and can adjust places where your roads cross, for capacity to handle traffic accordingly, Traffic Congestion isn't a problem anymore.

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My only gripe is how washed out everything looks
I know it's supposed to be soviet commie blocks shit but HL episode 2 spoiled me with how pretty these old industrial areas and woodlands can look

You will need to mod the shit out of it if you want to have fun, and I don't have fun modding games.

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I will put paradox right beside EA and Ubisoft under my "Publishers you will never buy a game from"-list

I wish the game didnt look so god awful when it rained

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Whenever you go the the steam reviews graph, and see a little star indicating the Steam purged a FUCKTON of negative reviews. You know shit is fucked.

I agree you, but hey we can just MOD it right?!

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Some fucking bullshit where power lines can't go over roads like 90% of the time for no fucking reason whatsoever.
Why the fuck aren't underground powerlines a thing? They exist.

Would something like this work in real life?

And does the game actually benefit from 16+ gigs of ram?

Rofl such shit graphics.

Yeah, but the game will then eat more ram because there is more available

Does it actually use it properly or is the game just a leaky unoptimized trash?

I couldn't tell you
But I did go from 10 used with 16, to 27 being used with 32.
That is without adding additional mods or assets and not building anything on the same city I loaded.

This is the worst when certain mods have dependencies on a DLC.