5 years have passed, and Witcher 3 is STILL undisputed GOAT

5 years have passed, and Witcher 3 is STILL undisputed GOAT

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People will say it's overrated but i can't remember the last time i shut myself off in my home for months straight and all i did was play one game.
I played that shit so much i 100% platinumed it + all the expansions.
I can't think of a recent game that addicted me the same way.

Damn bro thats a bit too much even if you ask me

It will never be better than Skyrim, sorry not sorry!

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What irks me about it, and this is most open-world games, is the sense of urgency in quests. Up until you fight off the Wild Hunt in KM, you could explain it through various things.

Thing is, the urgency seriously gets increased after the battle, to the point where there's no logical explanation for letting Geralt do whatever he wants while he gets to the next part of the main story. Both DLCs suffer this too with their closing quests.

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I tried getting into this series but I couldn't get passed how boring and awful Witcher 1 is.


I can't think of a single good game that's come out since 2007

No. All the quests are the samey and the fucking game is filled with bugs. To this day I still haven’t got the FUCKING WOLF armour. I paid full price for this shit.

based retard. I wish I had your low IQ and your low standards

Top kek, didnt think the memes were real

i liked skyrim a lot more than TW3.

>the sense of urgency
I've never seen an open world get this right. I remember finding Victor Zsasz getting ready to kill somebody in Arkham City, but I didn't have freeze grenades yet, so I just had to...leave, and come back. The disconnect between gameplay and narrative is insane. Niko Belic crying about pushing one dude off a roof, after I ran over thirty hookers to get to that mission.

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please tell us your favorite games, high IQ user with high standards

some faggy anime shit

Breath of the Wild worked well enough since you had to train to fight Ganon, and Ganon was just... waiting in the meantime? I don't remember desu

It wasn't even the best game of 2015

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It's ok to have shit taste, just don't go around telling people Skyrim is anywhere near as good as TW3

Skyrim is alright for sex mods

No game has ever replicated the feeling of being in skellige for the first time

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The problem is that any "fixes" to this end up also being annoying, like when you start a mission and end up locked in it for way too long until things return to normal, which sucks if there were side missions or quests you wanted to work on but now have to put to the side for the story.

>witcher 3 thread
>botw acolytes coming in praising it
Like clockwork

The best RPG of 2016, Blood and Wine did

Just skip straight to 3.

I mean, Witcher 2 is better than Witcher 3 but okay.

>any "fixes" to this end up also being annoying
only if you write it that way, non-urgency exists in writing. there was zero urgency in meeting caius cosades

what the fuck are you talking about? I only said that it did sense of urgency well, which is an objective fact, you fucking mentally ill shithead. kill yourself

Eh it's good but just feels more like a movie to me. I prefer games with more gameplay desu

Play the 2nd one at least. You can port your save over to 3


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I have called you out, and now you screech. Bing ba bing wohoo my fellow nintendie retard.

Shit ass controls

it is the second most overrated game of all time only just being beaten out by ff7.

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>Shit ass controls

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Get gud and explore pleb

Control usurped it.

Most overrated game ever.

LITERALLY the greatest video game of all time.

Skellige was the worst location in my opinion. I had about 100hrs invested by the time I got to skellige and felt completely uncompelled to explore anything on that dump and just rushed through the late game to finish it.

still trying to pretend the witcher 3 had good gameplay huh. just pure cope from you for the past 5 years. sad really.

You literally started with the best game.

I enjoyed it. Sorry you aren't neurotypical and couldn't get it. Maybe try a Facebook game?

I prefer polished and well-made things, and only give my praise accordingly.

>I prefer polished and well-made things
Oh, is that why you keep slamming your hole with your mom's reinforced steel vibrator?

Nah it’s basically shovelware

get cancer

Awesome comeback, the Witcher still sucks my greasy balls tho

Yas Forums hates the witcher now because it's popular and because cdpr has tr*nnies in thier studio. If not for these two facts Yas Forums would love the game.

It's impossible to discuss certain games that cross a popularity threshold here, because around 80% of the site is made up of kids with no frame of reference for anything, or people who are EXTREMELY desperate to let everyone know how much smarter they are than "the masses", by disagreeing with them at every turn - you can't demonstrate your superiority without making sure everyone knows you're right about something that the rest are wrong about, after all.

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haha me neither my newfag friend! how's your first week on the site?

nope. I've been on Yas Forums since 2008 and have always hated the witcher for the shit gameplay.

>Yas Forums hates the witcher now because it's popular
True, and you can see it happen with a thousand other franchises here, it's really the goofiest thing.

Massive cope

>no reply

Kill yourself faggot

>posting tired memes

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Sorry, I didn't see your post. I primarily enjoy games that feature a white woman hooking up with a black man, sexually.

What part did you find boring?

new GOAT's arrived, tho

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You coping doesn’t make this shitty game any better

A Lone Wolf Tactician playthrough of Divinity Original Sin 2 is pretty kino.

>cat facetime
What the fuck is this shit

Morrowind does this really well. In between main quest missions you're told to go and do something else while you wait for more orders, and quests are never started one after the other, you have to specifically ask for the next quest when you want to do it. Really makes you feel like you can actually do whatever you want whenever you want without breaking immersion. Contrast this with Skyrim where you're on a race against time to prevent the end of the world, yet you can go off and pick flowers for literal in game years and when you come back everyone acts like you never left.

Is this from the official XC2 artbook or something?
Can't find this shit anywhere.

Name 1 (one) game


I like to install sex mods with Skyrim, play a little Breton girl, and suck lick every redguard anus in the province

If only actual gameplay wasn’t so bad and easy.

It was in the jap version, not the CE version, that's why i couldn't find it.
Good shit man, and i agree, not just XC2 but most Xenoblade games are awesome and will absorb people into them for hundreds of hours.

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I see someone didnt play on Death March setting and then complains the game was easy

Oh fuck, it's one of those "pro gamer" faggots that can't understand the idea of entertainment

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