What arms character do you want added in this pass?

What arms character do you want added in this pass?

Attached: this is what i want.png (1920x1080, 2.19M)

Lola pop is based. And drakengard music in smash would be pretty great

>No one remembers Zero or her game.

Fuck forgot image, pic related is my picks

Attached: Give me this.png (1920x1080, 1.97M)

Dr. Coyle
t. spiritfag

Attached: old hag.jpg (1280x720, 157.35K)

I do

i just did that for the joke. But a drakengard rep would be great whether its her or caim

Got the full AC artwork? Not seen it before.

Drakengard rep wouldn't really work
Turning the game into rhythm one would be utter cancer in multiplayer

Don’t say you didn’t ask for it

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Use yandex next time to find it yourself

Attached: EMehaYhU0AEqSqW.jpg (850x1200, 286.5K)

japanese game

Oh boy it's this retard again


Attached: this is 4chan.png (1920x1080, 1.03M)


I just got the plat for it last week

Never happening you delusional weebs

almost every character in smash in from a Japanese game with 1 or 2 exceptions
get fucked faggot

The best inclusions has been western picks
Banjo, Ridley, and Krool
Japs and weebs gave us horrible shit like Cloud, Hero, and Inkling

>Japanese =/= weebshit

Why do weebs have shit taste when it comes to rosters?

weeb/wapanese website fagboi

I hate the gacha


Japan loves weebshit you retard
see the attached image

Attached: shit troll.jpg (300x393, 85.65K)

on a website that is meant for weebs
eat dick retard

If you don't like anime go back to smashboards

Mario isn’t weebshit retard, he was literally based on Popeye the sailor man

Attached: A43D41D4-29E1-48E6-B56D-7208765B21AD.png (1020x783, 404.25K)

>on a website that is meant for weebs
Then why are anime boards and vidya boards separated? Retard

>weebshit literally just means Japanese game and characters now

all of those characters are from videogames retard, and weebs like games and discussing games with other weebs who have similar tastes which is why Yas Forums exists at all, faggot
gachafags may be the worst, but reimu should be in smash with grazing and bullet hell attacks

one of japans most beloved series is DQ, retard

Because weebs also like weeb vidya
Is this your first image board site you've ever used?

No females.

>More beloved than fucking SUPER MARIO BROTHERS
I hope you choke on a dick

Phoenix Wright
Crash Bandicoot
Fire Mario

This website is weeb clay. Keep stepping, 2016fag.

Attached: 1586297620656.jpg (456x366, 101.3K)

nice reading comprehension you got there buddy, im sure Ms. Gold will be proud of you when you get out of quarantine

She truly does have phenomenal moveset potential. Shame she'll likely not make it.

Attached: C44AEAD8-996C-457B-B7C2-498D0FA321A8.jpg (242x250, 11.33K)

Mario is loved world wide
Only Japan likes dq
Japan also likes FF, tales of, and other anime styled games. Just cause they like things besides anime doesn't mean they don't love that stylization

Based, I want Travis Touchdown

Attached: Wolf-riding Gremlin.jpg (600x450, 29.9K)

Saki amamiya. He's all I've wanted since brawl. This game would be a 10/10 for me if he got in. Hell, he couldn't even return as an assist.

>that filename

>assist trophy

im sorry but a doctor is more trustworthy than some whore

Attached: Fucking fags.jpg (600x524, 36.38K)

Everyone who came to this site from 2016 onwards should be gassed.

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And a Spirit. Won't stop me from wanting her.

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Attached: 86E4B1E6-1A13-4636-AA0D-09047132ECA6.gif (1100x450, 325.71K)

i know thats custom robo
doesnt stop my brain from immiediently going GUNDAM

Seek help.

Stay on Yas Forums underage


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replace spyro with some random arms character

Attached: wishlist.png (1920x1080, 2.2M)

not an anime site

>The best inclusions has been western picks
Banjo, Ridley, and Krool
They're also the ones that nobody plays.

Attached: 1583084693748.jpg (352x253, 29.77K)

5/6 are Waifushit

Attached: 1516855263249.png (509x368, 144.92K)

Min-Min but I don't really care too much.
I feel like they could make it work.

Attached: Wanteds.png (1485x1873, 3.82M)