Granblue fantasy

let's pretend ferry is balanced

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Soriz feels boring. From what I'm seeing his gameplan is to just spam the fuck out 236L and back your opponent into the corner while throwing out some 5Ms and 2Ms every now and then. Nobody bothers with his 5U or Fundoshi. Just 236L, 5M/2M, and go pressure until they fuck up and combo. I know its still early, but fuck man, he's really letting me down.

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i actually like what i've seen of his gameplan so far. force the opponent to take a lot of chip damage and fall back, and if they get hit in the corner, throw another one. i dislike him having no antiair and only 1 reversal, plus he is way too sluggish and i dislike his design. i'd play him if he had a dp or if it was a cute girl

also i hope the reason they decided to delay the balance patch is due the pc delay because i can't stand ferry's bs anymore. katalina and gran also need nerfs, at least stop them from chaining so much shit together

I'll still give him a try. Only other character outside Naru/Vas that interests me.
I feel like I'm getting slightly better in the Ferry match-up, but she's pretty insane.

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We don't have to pretend

get out

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>Just wait until April 7th for the balance patch to play ranked
>Actually wait until the 13th since you play on PC
>Its not actually the balance patch
>Just wait until late April
>Most likely will be pushed back into May

Really losing motivation to play

idk what this weird subgenre of drawing characters in poverty is for but the japanese do it a bunch and it always makes me sad

yeah, the numbers on pc dropped a lot these days, might be just because the characters were delayed but i'm starting to think people are starting to lose interest

it always gets to me too. it makes me feel terrible

He's gonna have rng, watch

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maybe he'll be a zoner? i can see him spamming projectiles

Do you prefer Granblue's direction of toning down oki and movement options compared to Guilty Gear?

i do

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>grinding Bubs for his tokens
>they're a rare fucking drop on top of everything else
Any advice for making this easier? I'd be down to play later if any of you guys can instakill his final form too.

>Nobody bothers with his 5U
What? That's a great way to keep pressure on, baiting out counter-attacks and jabs while keeping close. From what I've seen he's pretty safe, but not always plus on block.

Mimlemel fucking when?

The emphasis on neutral game and ground-based gameplay is a different flavor to Guilty Gear but I wouldn't say it's better. I like it more since I enjoy neutralgame more, and I have been traumatized by Johnny mains swerving on my ass, but I like both games a lot.

I like the grounded focus. Easier to pick up for shitters like me who haven't touched fighting games in a long time, since CVS days.

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are you using that skill that increases drop chance? you can equip it on your character and the cpu, and use it when he's about to die. if you get a partner, the two of you can use it before he's about to die

my problem is with combos. i don't have the patience to grind it for hours. tbf granblue already has some retarded stuff, i hope they tone it down, especially for characters like katalina and gran. i dislike both the wait while you're getting hit forever and losing a match after guessing wrong 3-4 times

It's a welcome change for sure. I'm not sure if I'd say I prefer it this way over more fast paced anime style games but I suppose I've been playing way more GBVS instead of UNICLR which was the game I was grinding the most before Granblue came out

No I like labbing degenerate okizeme setups, but I appreciate the change of pace GBVS has brought
More flavors to choose from is never a bad thing

I'm fine with it but i would've liked it as an anime game more i think.
Not because i want crazy oki and labbing 50 setups, i just wanted to see the characters i love do cool ass shit. Poke poke fireball is not what i expected.

i wanted to see the characters i like but instead i got stuff like soriz and ladiva

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Granblue is tame, but without losing the bullshit factor, which is great imo

things i want
- lick zeta abs
- catalina to gentle dom me
- ferry nerfs

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Anyone EU PC wants to play?

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Sturm and Drang tag team fighter for Versus

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Soriz is fun. His ability to just reset you in the corner off delayed Gustaff Buster is bullshit. Really reminds me of what Slayer and Azrael can do to you in the corner

>combo only works at a specific range, not too close, or too far
>can't even substitute it with different moves, just flat out doesn't work

Is this type of precision good or bad

Depends on the situation.
Is it a combo you use in the corner? Yes.
Is it a combo you use to reset pressure (i.e it begins with you in the corner and the enemy right on top of you?)? Then yes.
Every other situation is kind of suspect.

Welcome to Q/Balrog gameplay.

dumb rat poster. i would play you if you were on pc us east coast. think it's too late to try to get an eu lobby up

i wish they'd make the combos do at most 25% (not counting sbas) and have them be relatively simple (ppp > ex > ppp). i want more neutral, less "i practiced this combo for 30 hours". there are enough games for that bs

You can pick up every char and play it in 30 minutes at most. Literally 90% of combo theory is autocombo into special move midscreen and normal ex normal ex normal super in corner.

i agree that it's easier than in most other games but i don't think 30 mins is enough to be playing them decently. i guess it depends on how well you play, not that i'm amazing

Corner carries and corner rape combos are too insane.

I was told Charlotta is unga as fuck but turns out against most of the cast I gotta move super slow or otherwise I get bopped by superior range, was I lied to?

lancelot is the real unga, can ignore neutral and if you get caught in opponents pressure you have ur ex teleport and ur ssba to bail you out

If she gets in her range and lands a hit it can really make her do unga damage

yeah, they need to be nerfed imo. it's one of the reasons ferry is so strong, her trap allows her to sort of have a movable wall (there are other reasons obviously)

you unga when you're close to them, but everyone will try to keep you out since charlotta is the most dangerous up close (lancelot is also dangerous close but he gets in and out faster, while charlotta goes full gorilla when she's up close and her gameplan is to not give the enemy any space, so full unga)

the problem is no one uses fundoshi cause it's mad underdeveloped right now. Needs tuning to actually make it good. I would like his EX gustav buster to wall bounce though. He needs at least one of those. But I do agree he feels kinda boring right now.

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What the fuck does unga even mean anymore, wasn't it pressing buttons like a retard just like Leo did in Xrd?

you do that when you get close to them

It would be a really heavy blow to the hentai community if this game died

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So I can get hit by anything faster than 10 frames whenever i try to do either demon flip or M Lumiel sword?

Oops, wrong timestamp, was meant to be 8 minutes 38 seconds. Either way, that is the source of the meme.

If you played the mobage, you can definitely see him shoot projectiles

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lol don't kid yourself, granblue hasn't been significant since c91/c92 or so. unless the game sparks a revival, which i doubt considering the cast it got


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sounds like you want an autowin character to me. play ferry maybe? i don't know what to tell you

Let's sure hope so, user!

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>Every game is mappa punch spam
>Mappa punch pushes me too far on hit
>Shit walkspeed
>Install isn't frame one invul
>Terrible frame data despite being a brawler
>Get one cool twitter corner combo every 20 matches

When are the buffs COOOOOOOOOOOMING?

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is there a gif of soriz inhaling yet, wanna use that for funny feet memes

No I dont mind taking risks, but I wanna know what they mean whenever someone says that charlotta is unga when it's obvious that's not the case.

Who would win
>Rank 275 whale with endgame gear at full +99 in all elements, all 12 Dark Opuses at 5*, Super Skyfarer Blue Super Skyfarer Mode, all paid and grindable skins, all Primarch, Crest, Arcarum, Lucifer and Bahamut summons at ULB
>a lad with nice shoes

You mean after or before gran and all the other tops get nerfed to the ground so djeeta becomes p2w?

>Sturm and Drang tag team fighter
I honestly feel like a puppet character would be more appropriate as it would keep both on screen. But ArcSys loves their Captain Commando characters so I'm not getting my hopes up if/when these two get announced.

I love how Zooey is forced to talk fast and not in her usual slow and relaxed way. I really want it.
Did they ever give a reason why we don't get the system voices? Don't remember past arcsys games having that problem.

>Nerfing the main character to the ground
>In any game

I sure loved those nerfed to the ground versions of Narukami, Ragna and Sol

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wouldn't belial be the puppet character?

you have to pay extra for it right? how much was it? wonder if it can be hacked on the pc version, if they don't sell it in the west

i just whaled how are you still poor djeeta?

They literally said they're nerfing the top tier lol.

Balrog is dope though, he has a ton of tools. Soriz is literally one move, 3 normals and a bunch of combo filler.

I like Goobers better but I like Granblue as well.

nice thx for the wallpaper